☆Chapter 2: I Promise☆

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Jake, Johnnie, Sam, Corey, Devyn and I all pulled into Jake's driveway, and all got out of our cars. We all met up at Jake's front porch, as he opened the door.
"Tara?" Jake spoke into the house.
"Jake! I-" Tara started, but stopped when she saw that we were all behind Jake.
"Oh. I'm sorry... I didn't know that you had company. I'll go now." Tara sighed, and started walking by us, but waited for us to enter before she left.

"My key." I heard Jake sternly tell the short girl, holding his hand out.
"But Jake-" Tara stated, but was immediately cut off,
"No! No 'but's' give me the god damn key, Tara! We're not dating anymore. We're done. Give me my fucking key, and stop coming into my house without my fucking permission!!" He yelled at her, causing everyone else in the house to stop what they were doing, and all look at the two.
"Sorry." The girl apologized, and handed the boy 'her' keys.

Jake slammed the door behind her, and threw himself against the wall, slowly sliding down, covering his eyes with his hands.
"FUCK!" He yelled as he threw the keys across the room. Johnnie ran over to Jake, kneeled down in front of the taller boy, and grabbed his knees with his hands.
"Jake, it's okay, do you wanna go lay down for a bit?" The Boy asked. I really think they are together. Who just asks their friend if they wanna go lay down? Surely not me and Sam.
"No." Was all Jake said.

Johnnie sat beside Jake for a while, rubbing his back with his hands. Every once and a while saying, 'it's okay' and, 'I'm here'.

Jake finally got up, and wiped his bloodshot eyes, and the boys (and Devyn) looked at him from the couch, pausing the movie they were watching. I wasn't watching the movie with them, I sat a distance away, watching Jake. I wanted to make sure he was okay, sure, he had Johnnie there, but some part of me kicked in and I felt like I needed to be there to protect him if anything went wrong.

I didn't say anything, but I walked over and gave Jake a hug. It took him a second, but he hugged back.
"Get in here, Johnnie." I slightly pulled out of the hug, inviting the other boy in. I wasn't a huge fan of Johnnie yet, I'd need to warm up to him for a little longer, but I knew Jake loved him, so I wouldn't just completely cut him from this moment.
"Love you guys." Jake said in a soft and quiet tone,
"Love you too, Jake." I replied.
"Love both of you, too." Johnnie replied, which slightly caught me off guard, but I was obviously going to say it back,
"Love you Johnnie." I said, as all three of us let out a small chuckle, and pulled out of the hug.

TYSM FOR READING!! Sorry for the shorter chapter, I kinda wanted it short, just to show what happened when they got to Jake's house, the next chapters will be what happens while they're there, dw <3


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