☆Chapter 12: You Okay?☆

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The whole chapter will involve smut here and there, but this chapter basically just contains a party, nothing much you will be missing, if you feel uncomfortable with smut, please just skip this chapter completely <3 thank you loves!

Colby's pov

God, I hate Jake sometimes, but how I love him.. the way his skin feels on mine, the way his eyes look at me, with such love in them, the way his hand fits perfectly in mine, the way his smile makes me smile, the way his laugh is contagious, Jake Webber, I loved him so.

This was one of the VERY FEW moments I hated the beautiful black haired boy. I left the bedroom, following after him, just to be lost in a crowd. They really invited this many people over in the hour or so him and Jake fucked?! Wow.

"Colby!" I looked over to see JC. Him and Jake were still close, even after he left the traphouse.
"Hey JC!" I chuckled.
I had to be careful with my choice of words, because the only people who knew me and Jake were dating were our roomates.
"Have you seen Jake anywhere? I-" I hitched my breath and readjusted, the butt plug was getting more uncomfortable with each minute.
"You okay?" JC asked concerned and confused, as he put his hand on my shoulder.
"Y-yeah... I'm fine.. ha-have you seen Jake anywhere?" I asked once more.
"Yeah.. he's over by Johnnie. You positive your okay tho, bro?" He asked, lifting his hand off my shoulder.
"Mhm." Was all I Said before leaving him to go yell at Jake.

I spotted Jake, and huffed.
"Jake, do you mind if we talk for a second." I wasn't really asking, I was basically telling him.
"Sure." He laughed, and playfully punched Johnnie's shoulder.

"Jake, can I please take it out?" I begged once we were in the hallway alone.
"No." Was all he said, and tried walking away.

I was not taking 'no' for an answer.

I shoved him up against the wall, pinning him there.
"Jake. Please? I.. I'll.." I wasn't gonna say it. There is no way I was gonna say it.
"Your so cute when your mad." Jake said as he kissed my forehead and let me hold him against the wall. I pushed my head on his chest and sighed.
"Awh don't cry, bubbas.. I'm sorry.." Jake apologized as he pulled me into a hug. I chuckled a little.
"Baby, I'm not crying." I looked up at him and smiled.

"Oh. Get off then!" He joked.
"But seriously.. please?" I tilted my head.
"Nope." He shook his head and crossed his arms.
"Pleaseeeee." I begged, just to be told 'no' once more.
"I'll take it out before we go to sleep. Just be a good boy and I won't turn it on, if your a bad boy, I'll turn it on vibrate. Okay?" Jake asked, and I just nodded.

"Love you, bubs." He kissed my forehead before walking away.
"Love you too.." I said under my breath. I wasn't lying, I truly did love him.

"What was that all about?" Sam asked, coming up from behind me.
"Oh- nothing." I jumped slightly.
"Sorry I scared you." He laughed.
"Its alright." I shrugged.

"What was that about, though? You looked kinda upset?" He asked me.
"Well..." I started, I was gonna tell him, since he was my best friend, but then I felt the plug start to vibrate.
"F-fuck.." I moaned out quietly.
"Uhh.. are you okay?" Sam tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows.

I nodded, and pushed out a breathy, "yep."
"Are you sure? You don't look to okay.. let's go to the bathroom, I'll check your temperature." He grabbed my hand not giving me much of a choice, pulling me into the bathroom.

He pulled a thermometer out of the cabinet.
"Open your mouth." Sam suggested, and I did.
"Sam I-" I let out a little moan. "Sam I swear I-I'm fine.." I groaned, but he ignored me, and shoved the thermometer under my tongue.

"Holy shit, Colby! Your burning up. I'll go get Jake, cmon." Sam said, once more grabbing my hand and pulling me with him.

"Jake! He's burning up. I think he's sick." Sam said, still holding my hand, bringing us both to Jake.
"Awwh.. is my baby sick?" Jake fake put a fake concerned expression, and put his hand in his pocket. Not again..

I felt the plug vibrate even more, meaning he turned it up.
I moaned out, loud enough for a lot of people to hear, but they just glanced at me and turned away.
"He is sick, isn't he?" Jake pulled me into a hug, my boner rubbing below his dick. If I'm being honest I was too distracted to even notice I had a boner.

"F-fuck..." I hurried my head in Jake's neck and moaned out. I gripped onto his sides under his shirt, as I felt my orgasam coming closer, my nails breaking skin, but he showed no reaction.
"I hate you.." I sigh as I release into my boxers.

"I love you too.." he whispered into my ear and lifted me up, bridal style.
"I'm gonna go lay down with him for a while, hopefully he feels better soon. We'll be out in a bit. Thanks, Sam."  Jake nodded before he headed to his room with me in his arms.

He set me on the bed and got up to go close and lock the door. He came back and got on his knees in front of where I was laying on the bed. He slipped my pants off and palmed me through my soaked boxers.
"Holy shit.. you came a lot." He chuckled.
"It's still on!" I moaned.
"Yea, I know baby." He shrugged as he pulled my boxers down. "My poor baby." He sighed.

He licked the remaining cum from around my dick, and then slowly pulled the butt plug out, making me whine.

He got me one of his pairs of boxers, which was slightly too loose for me, but it was fine, and he laid next to me.
"Nap?" He asked, and I nodded.
He held his hands out for me to cuddle with him. It felt so weird to be able to cuddle him without him yelling at me, I loved it though.

"I love you, baby." He moved the hair out of my face and kissed my forehead.
"I love you too." I whispered into his chest, and I drifted off to sleep.



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