☆Chapter 8: Of Course I Like Him!☆

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Colby's pov

I woke up with a warm body behind me. I knew it was Jake, since this was his bed and room, why would someone else be in his room sleeping on his bed? I grabbed his hands that were around my torso, and kissed them softly.

"Wake up, Jake." I said in a 'tired' tone of voice.
"I'm up baby." He said in a slightly raspy voice, since he just woke up.
"Wait, how long have you been up?" I questioned, still holding his hands.
I felt his hands grip mine,
"Long enough to know you kissed my hands before you were gonna wake me up." He chuckled.
"Oh." was all I had to say.

"Sorry?" I apologized, I didn't know if he wanted me to, but I didn't know what else to say.
"No it's okay, don't be sorry. I don't mind." I feel him kiss my shoulder blade.
"I should get up though, the photo shoot is today." He sighed, and I felt his arms try to pull away from mine.

"Can we please cuddle for five more minutes? Pleaseeee?" I begged, tugging on his arms.
He rolled his eyes and laid back down next to me. I rolled over so one of my legs was over his body, same with my arm, and I rested my head on his chest. Jakes hand played with my hair, as his other hand wrapped around my back.

"Colbs?" He asked me, and I answered with a quick
He took a breath, before speaking once more
"I know we're not a couple, but... this makes no sense. God. Would you mind if I kept treating you like this? I know you said no flirting, but it's just... I dunno. It's stupid, never mind." His hand left my head, to go to his side, which I didn't want. I grabbed his hand and placed it back on my head, and yawned,
"I don't mind." I shrugged. I know I got a little upset with him that one day, but that was because... I'm not too sure. I was just crabby I guess.

"Oh. Okay." I felt Jake's heartbeat and breathing, and it soothed me. I must've fallen asleep again, because I woke up to Jake tapping my shoulder.
"Wake up, bubbas." He suggested, as he gently tapped on my shoulder.

He somehow snuck out from under me when I was sleeping, because he was now hovering over me, completely in changed clothes.
"I'm up." I swatted at him, shooing him away from my face.
"Alright baby." He said, as he backed away. "The others are waiting for us in the living room." He said as he gestured for me to follow him, so I did. Right when I stood up out of bed he immediatly stopped me, "Maybe put some clothes on before we go out there?" I looked down confused, and realized I was only in my boxers.

"How did I- nevermind." How did I end up in only my boxers? I didn't really mind, though.
"Jake?" I stopped the boy before he left the room.
"Do you have some sweatpants I can wear? I only brought jeans and I kinda wanna wear sweatpants." I looked at the floor.
"Sure. You wanna hoodie or shirt too? Maybe I could make your outfit?" He happily suggested
"Sure." I nodded, and sat down on the bed behind me.

Jake rummaged through his clothes, pulling out a pair of baggy pants, and a cropped white muscle shirt.
"Is this okay?" He asked, setting the items on the bed. I nodded, and put the shirt on.
"Wow." He stared at me. I never wore crop tops, I'm too insecure for it, but for some reason, Jake makes me more confident.
"Wow what?" I chuckled, teasing the boy.

"Oh, nothing. Your just hot in my clothes. I bet your even hotter without any on." He smirked, and my face immediately flushed red.
"Nothing. I was just making fun of him." Jake laughs as he playfully punched Corey's shoulder.
"Well, it looks like it worked!" Corey laughed along with Jake, and I was still standing there, astonished, my face bright red.
"Holy shit Jake! Don't say shit like that!" I yelled in a joking tone.
"Why, you don't like it? I thought you would?" He pouts, and I scoff at his actions.

"I came in here to tell you that Johnnie and Scuff need ya out there, they said it's almost time to go." Corey smiled, and left the room.
"Alright." Jake smiled back. God his smile.. everything about him...
"Well, I gotta grab the outfits ima wear, you can stay here or go out there if ya want." He shrugged, as he walked over to his closet.
"I'll go out there, I kinda want it to be a surprise." I nodded, and left the room. If I'm being honest, it wasn't just because I wanted it to be a surprise, it was if I stayed with that boy for another second I'd faint! He's so hot!

The second I walked into the living room with all of the other boys and Devyn, they all said
"GUYS! SHUT UP! WE DONT LIKE EACHOTHER!" I yelled, shushing them. God! I loved them, but they were all annoying as hell sometimes!

"PFFT! Colby, I'm your best friend, I've never seen you act like this towards anyone. Anyone." Sam scoffed, and walked over to me to place a hand on my shoulder.

"Face it, Colby. You like him, and he likes you." Sam shook my shoulder.
"You like me?" I heard Jake's voice from behind me. Shit! I had accidentally let it slip that I liked him, but I don't think he noticed.
"No- the boys just think I do! I swear!" I pleaded.

"Whatever, we'll figure this out when we get home, our photo shoot is in 20 minutes, we gotta go." Jake said, leaving the house. I followed after him, and me and Sam decided to ride together. I wanted to ride with Jake, but I didn't want it to be awkward. Regardless, I haven't been spending much time with Sam this trip, so I wanted to.

Sam wanted to drive, so I let him.
"So, about the whole, 'I don't like Jake.' Are you sure? Or were you just saying that?" He asked me.
"I like him, Sam. Of course I like him! I just... I don't know how to tell him. Ya know? It's one thing to just come out, but it's a whole other thing to tell your friend you like him. I honestly doubt Jake even likes guys! Yeah, I get that he's a 'feminine' guy, but that doesn't mean that he's gay. It makes me so upset, liking him like this, just for him to tease me. He's always calling me 'baby' and kissing my cheek, and god I wish I could do it back without him yelling at me for being gay with him, because he's not gay. Jake is always pulling on my heart... it feels like I'm drowning in my emotions, I just don't know what to feel or think anymore. He cuddles me to sleep, but then yells at me when I call him 'cute.' He kisses me on the cheek, but yells at me when I try to cuddle him. What the fuck kinda sense does that make!? Now I'm just rambling.. shit. Sorry." I made myself stop; allthough I could go on for hours about the boy.
"No, it's totally okay, Colby." Sam nodded, but not taking his eyes off the road.

"Should I tell him how I feel?" I asked the boy, I don't think I was ready at the moment, but if Sam said yes, I'd probably do it in a few days.
"Hell yeah! If he hates you for it, fuck him. I understand it can be a little hard to be friends with someone that has a crush on you, but if you've been friends for as long as we have, then it shouldn't really matter, because you've been acting like this towards him for a long time now, so it wouldn't change a thing." Sam shrugged.
"Yea.. your right. I'll tell him this weekend." I nodded.

We pulled into the place Jake was having his photo shoot, and we all got out of the car. We followed Jake inside, and Johnnie and Scuff immediately went into changing rooms, but Jake didn't.
"Aren't you gonna change?" I asked the taller boy, and he nodded.
"Do you mind coming in with me? I want you to pick my clothes.." he locked eyes with me, and my face flushed bright red.

Sam must've heard Jake's suggestion, because he gently tapped me on the back, and nodded.
"Sure.." I forced out, following the boy into a small dressing room.



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