☆Chapter 15- Best Buds☆

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Colby's pov

"Hi baby!" I squealed, and jumped over Jake on the bed.
"I missed you, babes!" He smiled and cupped my cheeks and pulled me into a kiss.
"I love you, so so much." He smiled as he pulled away from the kiss.
"I love you too, baby." I slowly lowered myself onto him, and he wrapped his hands around my lower back, slowly slipping his hands to my ass.

"Jake, not now." I grumble into his neck. He chuckled, and moved his hands back up to my lower back.
"Guess what." I smirked, and lifted my head off his neck.
"Hm?" He bummed, and looked me in the eyes.

"Johnnie and Sam might get together." His jaw dropped.
"Really?!" He smiled, his eyes widening.
"Yep!" I smiled and pecked his lips.
He grabbed ahold of me, and stood up. "Since when have you been able to lift me up so easily?!" I giggled, and he rushed out to the couch.
"Since forever!" He laughed and threw me on the couch next to Johnnie, and he sat next to me.
"Sooooo, ya got anything ya want to tell us?" Jake joked.
"No...?" Johnnie looked at a blushing Sam. Sam smiled and nodded at Johnnie.
"Yeah... actually.. me and Sam... we're together." Johnnie smiled shyly.
"Congrats, brother!" Jake threw himself over me and onto Johnnie, giving him a giant hug.
"Yea, yea.." Johnnie chuckled. "Don't get too exited, now." Johnnie teased.

Being completely honest, I don't think I've ever seen Johnnie happy, nonetheless this happy. I giggled, and pulled Sam into a tight hug.
"I knew you could do it, Sam." He chuckled and squeezed back. "This better not mean I'm loosing you, though. I love you sam." I joked.
"Loose me? Colby, we're literally married." Sam joked back, and our boyfriends glared at us.
"Basically... we share the same bank accounts, live together, have known eachother for years, see eachother almost every day..?" Sam started, but then stopped.
"I do not approve of this marriage." Jake said in an English accent, as he stood up tall, placing his hands in his lap.
"I object!" Johnnie chimed in. "My boyfriend shall'nt be married to another man. I demand of it!" Johnnie scolded, and took the same pose as Jake.

"We're so sorry.. please forgive us!! Don't hang us! We shall divorce first thing in the morning!" I giggled mirrored the pose.
"Please forgive us, boyfriends!" Sam chuckled, and we all ended up realizing how stupid we looked. We all burst out into laughter.
"Movie?" Jake questioned as the laughter died down.
"Yeah, why not?" Johnnie shrugged.

We got into our spots on the couch, and Jake stood up to turn off the lights and make the popcorn.
He sat back down, and played 'The Shining'.
"Ewww Jake, you know this movie creeps me out!" I jokingly shoved his shoulder.
"Awh shut up! You'll be fine." He kissed my cheek, and Johnnie and Sam both let out a big 'Aweee'. I rolled my eyes, but Jake being Jake, decided to egg them on. He pressed his lips against mine, shoving his tongue into my mouth. He pulled away after letting his tongue roam my mouth. I was gasping for air, since it was so unexpected.
"Wha-? What was that for!" I looked at him disgustingly and wiped my mouth with my sleeve. Sam and Johnnie both let out a loud 'Ew!' Just as Jake had expected.
"Hey! Don't wipe my kisses away or I'll make sure they stay there." He growled in my ear, in a raspy voice, gently putting his hand on my throat.
"O- oh.. okay.. sorry.." I apologized, shocked at what had just happened. Why did Jake get so dominant all the sudden!?
"Good boy." He smirked at me. SMIRKED. Not smiled, smirked. I almost lost my shit.

"Yeah! I agree!" Johnnie nodded.
Jake pulled me closer and wrapped his arm around me, and kissed my forehead. "I love youuuu." Jake flashed me a bright smile. What the fuck is going on with him?? His mood just changed in like 3 seconds!?
"I know, baby. I love you too." I looked up and pressed a gentle and sweet kiss upon my boys lips, and rested my head on his shoulder.
"So.. who do you think the top is in that relationship?" Jake whispered.
I giggled at his remark.
"I dunno.. they both seem to be bottoms if I'm being honest.. but to be fair, we're both tops. Maybe they will just switch like us?" I shrugged.
"Aye, aye, aye. Who said we're switching!" Jake whispered back and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Me." I growled at him, and I saw his face flush red from the illumination from the tv.
"See. You like that, don't you?" I growled once more, but got ignored by the male. "Dont fucking ignore me, Jake." I grabbed his jaw, and made his eyes meet mine.
"Mhm.." he nodded.
"That's what I thought." I let go of his jaw, and then rested my head back on his shoulder.

His arm was slowly moving up and down mine, giving me a sense of comfort. I heard a bit of shuffling, but didn't bother to look, I was far too comfortable,
"Bb, look." Jake gently shook me. I peered over, and saw Sam sitting on Johnnie's lap, watching the movie, and Johnnie had a confused look plastered on his face. He looked so confused! I tried my best not to laugh.

We had calmed down and continued watching the movie.
"I think we're gonna go to sleep." Johnnie smiled, and stood up, carying Sam.
"I won't! I won't!" Johnnie chuckled.
Johnnie proceeded to carry Sam to his own room, and they closed the door behind them.
"Well then!" Jake laughed. "I know what there gonna do! Ya wanna go lay down?" he asked me, and I nodded.
He picked me up the same way Johnnie had picked Sam up. I know I was supposed to be the dominant one tonight, but if I'm being honest, I was hella lazy and didn't wanna walk.

He put me on the bed once we got to the room. I slipped off my pants, socks, and shirt without even getting off the bed. Jake changed, and came over to me.
"You are NOT sleeping in those boxers. You've been wearing them all day." Jake looked at me disgusted.
"Jakeeeee I'm tired!" I groaned.
"May I?" He asked, as I felt his thumbs slip under the waistband of my boxers.
"Mhhhhm!" I nodded. He chuckled and slipped my boxers off, and put a new pair on, and kissed my stomach gently (nothing sexual. Just a sweet kiss.) before laying next to me.

"Good night baby, I love you." He pushed his body against mine.
"I love you too." I pushed out before I fell into a deep sleep.


•words: 1886•

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