☆Chapter 11: Hush☆

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(I'll put a '' when the smut starts!)


Colby's pov

If I'm being honest, I'm so glad Jake stood up for us in the mall, because I know I wouldn't have. I wiped my tears before getting out of the car, Jake grabbing all of the bags except my Spencer's bag.
"Ya want me to carry that for ya, babes?" He asked me, with a sincere smile on his face.
"I got it, your carrying all of my other bags already." I chuckled, and got out of the car. Jake's little comment before hand made me a lot happier, but I was still slightly upset about the situation.

We entered the house, and everyone else was sitting on the couch, talking.
"Colby.. Jake?" Sam called out to us.
"Mhm?" We both nodded, giving the group our full attention, after we slipped our shoes off and placed them by the door.
"Sit?" Johnnie patted the couch next to him.

Me and Jake looked at each other and shrugged. We both sat next to each other, and looked at Johnnie and Sam.
"What's goin on? Ya gonna tell us your dating or something?" Jake joked, earning small laughs from the group.

"Well... no, but we all decided, as a group, we wanna move in together. Like... merge the Ghost House and the Trap House? We could always make content together, and we have really bonded over these few days." Sam blurted out, and I looked at Jake surprised.
"I'd love to!" I said in an excited tone.
"Yeah! Me too." Jake agreed, and we all let out small laughs.

We all made small talk within the group, before Sam pulled me aside.
"So, how'd the date go?" He asked politely.
"No need to tell me if you don't feel comfortable enough to!" He shook his head, and I laughed.
"I love you, Sam. Your my best friend, of course I would be fine telling you anything." I hugged him.


"Well, Jake did sugar daddy me, and we got dinner and stuff.. but then when we got to Spencer's, we got split up. I bought some stuff, and when I left, I saw this girl talking with Jake. I didn't really hear the conversation, I didn't wanna get involved with Jake's personal things. Jake started looking uncomfortable, and walked over to me, and the girl called us.. fags. It's okay though, since Jake told her off, but then she came onto him, and he hit her." I shrugged, brushing it off, I didn't wanna make it seem like a big deal, it was in the past anyways.
"Colbs... I'm sorry your first date went to shit like that, and no, it's not okay, that bitch deserved to be hit, I'm glad Jake did." He sighed, and I hugged him once more.


"So... what did you get from Spencer's? You made it seem like you got separated from him in there for a reason." Sam tilted his head.
"Ya know how I said you can ask me anything? Yeah.. that was a lie. I just bought.. stuff." I chuckled awkwardly.
"Oh. OH." It took Sam a minute, but the second he got it, his eyes immediately widened. "Oh god! Why did I picture that?! I'm gonna go talk to Johnnie now... bye!" Sam said as he zipped away, and I chuckled.

I turned around, and Jake's lips landed on mine, not by accident this time. It was a rough, passionate kiss.
"Jake.. can we go to your room?" I asked. My heart throbbed for the boy.. I needed him.
"Anything for you.." he gasped for air. I'm so glad everyone else was making small talk, and we were in a corner. I don't think anyone noticed us.

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