☆Chapter 17- Date☆

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Jake's pov

Jake had been wanting to take Colby out on a date for a while now, he just didn't know where. While they were spending the rest of the day at Six Flags, Jake got the best idea. He knew Colby loved abandoned places, so why not take him to an abandoned bridge and stargaze? What could go wrong?

It was about eight p.m., and the boys (and Dev) decided to call it a day. They all hopped back in their cars, and they all rode with who they rode with on the way there.

"Hey Jake?" Johnnie asked from the passenger seat.
"What, my passenger princess?" Jake joked, and let out a small laugh, along with Johnnie.
"How should I tell the house that me and Sam are together?" He asked. He didn't look at me, he stayed looking out the window.
"Whatever way makes you more comfortable. If you want to sit everyone down and tell them, you do that, if you want Sam to tell them, I'm sure he would, just ask him. No matter what, me and Colby will be here for you, always." I placed my hand on his shoulder, and he looked at me and smiled.
"Thank you." Was all he said, and I nodded.

We pulled over at a gas station, becuase i told Johnnie I needed to go to the bathroom. I didn't, but I wanted to get Colby some things for tonight. I walked through the isles, and bought some drinks, candy, and flowers. I left the gas station, and Johnnie looked at the bag that I placed in my lap when I got in the car.
"Please tell me those aren't those pills that make you horny.." Johnnie looked at me.
"Ew! Of course it's not, Johnnie! I bought him flowers, candy like chocolates and gummy bears, and some drinks! Your so gross!" I looked at him disgusted.
"Yeah.. okay." Johnnie said in a sarcastic voice.
"I'm not lying! Look!" I handed him the bag, but he declined.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

I put my hand next to me, and continued the long drive home. I pulled into my driveway, and got out of the car. I walked over to Colby's door, and opened it for him.
"Thank you?" He looked at me confused. He stood up out of the car, and I carried him bridal style into the house.
"What's going on?" Colby laughed, and kissed my cheek.
"I need to make it up to you, so we're going somewhere." I placed him gently down on my bed. "Wait, actually can you go out there on the couch? I don't want you to see what im packing." I asked, and he laughed and and made his way out of the door.

I grabbed two hoodies, and two pairs of sweatpants. I put it all in a bag, but I didn't really need anything else, besides a blanket or two, since the other things were already in the car. Wait, I need a candle too. I threw two blankets in the bag, and a candle and lighter too.

I walked out into the living room, and grabbed Colby by the wrist.
"We'll be back soon!" I called out behind me as we both walked out the door. Colby got into the passenger seat of my car, and looked at me confused.
"Where are you taking me to? Are you kidnapping me, Jake Webber?" He asked me, smiling.
"Of course not! Why would I need to kidnap you? I already have you wrapped around my finger." I joked as I started the car and pulled out of the driveway.
I handed him a blindfold, and told him to cover his eyes. It was already dark out, so they could definitely stargaze.
"This is some kinky shit." He laughed and put the blindfold on.
"Oh, shut up!" I laughed back.

The drive was only about 10 minutes long, so we were there pretty soon. The bridge was pretty stable, but blocked off because it was only made by wood and didn't have enough stability to hold a car. I grabbed the bags from the car, and opened Colby's door.
"Hand?" I offered my hand to him.
"Well, I can't really see, so yeah. I'm gonna need your hand." He said in a sassy tone.

I grabbed his hand, and interlocked our fingers. I walked around with him. I pulled him to the middle of the bridge, and set the things down. I placed one blanket so we could lay on it, I lit the candle, and I placed everything else out too, but I kept the chocolates and flowers in my hand.
"Okay, you can take it off." I told him.
He took the blindfold off, and looked around him.
"This place is beautiful." He smiled at me, and I pulled the flowers and chocolates out from behind my back. "Awwwh, Jake!" He grabbed them, "I love it! I love you." He smiled and kissed me and pulled me into a hug.
"I love you too."

I think I'm going to end this story, but I will post a new one soon :3 I hope you loved this story as much as I did! I love you all <3

Words: 881

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