Chapter 7

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Rose alacar

A/N: I was listening to this song while writing this chapter so feel free to listen while reading It really sets the mood.

I have seen many moods, many emotions, many reactions from my son but this current emotion was not something I was prepared for. My son, my baby, was crying his heart out holding on to me as if I would disappear if he loosened his hold. I stroked his hair occasionally brushing his tears away, his head lying in my lap. In many ways I believe that Matheus needed to cry the way he was now; he needed to release those pent up emotions that he kept buried deep inside that beautiful heart of his. My son is strong I know that but sometimes I wish that he knew he didn't have to be. I was sad that it took his position being threatened for him to break down the way he was, but that wasn't the only thing that made him break.
It was as if everything that had ever happened, every emotion he felt that was pint up inside was flooding out of him at once; this event was his breaking point. I was informed that cassius left to release his anger and I understood why; he felt powerless, a feeling I knew all too well. My child has been through so much and it's as if the world is piling more and more onto his shoulders and he is collapsing form the weight of those expectations and pressure. I wish that I could release that burden even if by a little so if sitting here holding him while he cries will help it's exactly what I will do.
This was a vulnerable moment for him and I wanted nothing more for him to realize it's okay to be this vulnerable with me, that I wouldn't hurt him. Sylph sat in the corner looking at her dress silently. I knew that she could feel all of his pain and my heart broke for her. "M-mom," he stuttered out in between sobs and a tear fell down my cheek. I have yet to hear him call me that since he was six; even as he got older he preferred mother over mom. "I'm here baby, I'll always be here just let it out, it's okay," I cooed as he broke even more pulling his face closer to my stomach. I continued to stroke his hair as I begin softly singing a song I used to sing to him as a child. He always asked me to sing this song to help him fall asleep so I was hoping it would soothe his aching heart.

When we rust with water
It's raining all day long
And I don't know how we
Fall into these holes
When the cold is over
Pull me out the ground
And I don't know how we
Fall into these holes

I sung this song and hummed until his sobs turned into light sniffles, soft snores following behind them. I leaned back on the bed and cradles him into me drifting off into a deep sleep alongside my hurting son.
I woke up to the sound of rustling I look over and see Matheus getting up about to leave. "Matheus," I call out to him as he pauses without looking back. "Please come here, I know you probably don't want to talk but thats okay, I just need you to listen." I sit up and pat the spot next to me and he turns around taking a seat on the bed. "Matheus, for the first time in years you allowed yourself to feel something and because of that I cannot allow you to close yourself off again. I love you son, more than anything in this world and I need you to know that I will never hurt nor judge you. You have been through so many things as a child and if I could take all your pain away I would but I can't. Your pain, your fear, your hurt, it shouldn't stop you from being who you truly are. It shouldn't stop you from making friends or allowing people in your life. If you will allow me I will already be here to listen; I will be here for you in any way you need me to be.
     The whole world may be against you or not believe in you but I will." I turn his face looking into his pain filled eyes "I will always believe in you Matheus, do not close yourself off to your family and your people. Now more than ever you need to grow, use this pain and hurt to grow into the man I know you can be. You have three years to show this empire that you deserve to be the emperor that I know you are. You are Matheus Cassius alacar not hades. You were born to lead your people so take the reigns on your life, go out there and work for it! Show them who the true Matheus alacar is. You are destined for greatness my son and a alacar never fails" I state and he smiles at me determination etched on his face.
     "You're right mom, I will fight I was made for this throne I won't let him take it from me." He says and I smile at him kissing him on the cheek. "Good, now get back to school and remember what I said. I love you Matheus!" I say as he began creating a portal he turns back, "I love you too mom." He leaves before I could respond and I smile brightly; he said he loves me and that's confirmation enough. Old Matheus was back.

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