Chapter 23

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Matheus Cassius alacar

(A/N: Feel free to listen to this while you are reading, it sets the mood perfectly)

All I could do was stand there as the dragon named boleros loudly proclaimed himself. His presence was so massive and intimidating, it felt as if I could be crushed at any moment. Fear coursed rapidly through my body as I looked up to the sky and seen what looked to be hundreds of small dots in the sky heading towards us. "Oh no...are those...more dragons?" my father said lowly as boleros stares up in the sky before looking back over at us. "I see you have noticed my companions, I wanted to give this empire a flashy and befitting end. If all of your measly lives shall end, then they shall end by my companions and I hands." He opened his mouth as a light blue light shined from his mouth, I snapped out of my fearful trance creating a double forcefield around my family duplicating them as quickly as possible to protect the lives of the thousands of citizens in the arena that hasn't made it out yet as well as the ones outside of it. My nose began to bleed as I continuously tried to multiply the forcefields as he released the beam from his mouth blowing away almost all things in sight.
The amount of destruction that occurred just from that one blast was astronomical. Not only did he manage to level the arena, but he even destroyed most of the civilization behind us. It was as if time was coming to a halt and everything was in slow motion, my father grabbed the necklace on my neck pouring aura into it, noticing the many dragons boleros had called on beginning to destroy the cites further away. "Matheus, Matheus you have to snap out of it! The empire needs us and we cannot fight alone!" My father said grabbing my face but it was like his voice was a distant sound. I couldn't snap out of the trance I was in and my father knew he would not be able to coddle me at the moment. Once his aura successfully paired with the jewel necklace; Leona, Zander, and coralline appeared in-front
of us as my force field somehow released without my command.
"Your majesty, we have already seen what has occurred. Give us your orders so that we may protect this kingdom from harm." Coralline stated bowing along with Zander and Leona. "Gather as many shadow knights as you can and protect the people of this empire. Roman and Leona you both will head to the left of here saving as many as you can while escorting them as far away as possible. Make sure to guide them to the disaster underground shelter if things began to get worse and you cannot safely escort them out. Orion and Kaiser I need you both to gather all of the knights and fight against these dragons with everything that you have, leave no dragons alive. Do everything you can to protect this place, failure is not an option." He instructs and they nod and bow leaving quickly to do their respective duties. "Are you finished with your meaningless plan, it will not work and your human army will not defeat my dragons so easily," he stated in a bored manner, barely sparing a glance to my father and I.
"It does not matter what you deem meaningless or unnecessary; I will not allow you to destroy my empire! I-no we will defeat you and the dragons you dare to bring here." Boleros laughs loudly amused by my father's declaration as sylph finally returns. She lands next to my father and I as she glares at the dragon in front of us. "Oh my, so you are the little dragon I could not reach. You are a lot smaller than I thought you would be; and it seems you are connected to that filthy alacar, a soul protector perhaps?" She growls at him, crouching into a defensive position but he brushes it off laughing again. "You're quite amusing little dragon, not only did you have the power to block my attempts to connect but you even dare oppose me, the king of all dragons. Quite amusing indeed, but you shall pay with your life for siding with humans and ignoring me." He snarls at her and she returns it.
"You did not create me! I was created by my master and I am only to serve him. You are no king to me and I shall make you pay with your life for attacking this empire!" Sylph says surprising both me and my father. It was well known that soul protectors cannot speak to other people or soul protectors, but when has sylph ever been a normal soul protector. She was the first ever dragon soul protector, not to mention her being able to effectively communicate with the other soul protectors. My dragon was strong, but I wasn't sure we were strong enough to go against this dragon. Boleros makes a sound with his mouth that attracts two dragons almost as massive as Boleros and slightly larger than sylph. "My companions, kill that foolish traitorous dragon for me. Rip her apart! do not leave even a single bone as you devour her whole."
Drool pours out of their mouth as they stalk towards sylph, I was about to step in front of her but she shook her head nudging me with her body. "It is alright master, believe in me just as I believe in you. I will not allow those weaklings to get the best of me, I will return to shortly." She takes off into the sky as the two dragons follow behind, chasing after her. "Can we ask you why have you come to this empire? Why do you seek our destruction?" My father asks as the dragon chuckles once again before cutting his laughter short glaring at my father with hatred and anger in his eyes.
       "I was once known as the strongest and greatest dragon of all, this was during a time that the dragons were known but scarce as we rarely made contact with the humans. Somehow, a tiny human by the name of Constance alacar found me and although he was merely an annoyance to me he would visit me everyday telling me stories about his family and his nation. He claimed that his empire loved dragons because they worshiped the dragon god Abeloth and how the god had blessed his insignificant kingdom. Over time I watched the young boy grow into a mighty, kind and respectable man, but the nobles and royal council was taking their toll on his mental health because of the deceit and constant pressure and demands from the nobles. One day those same royals who were against Constance found that he had befriended me, a dragon and wanted him to get rid of me claiming I could harm or attack their empire at any time.
        Constance tried to fight against them, to explain to them that I wouldn't do such a thing; but they continued to burden him. I had no way of knowing the betrayal I was about to face from the man, the little human that I watched grow up who I considered a day some knights decided they would attack me unprovoked, I being a dragon would not allow them to live if they continued their attack so I defended myself and the royal council used that as leverage to command my immediate extermination. They lied to Constance and told him that I attacked unprovoked and because of that Constance could no longer ignore the council; he and his knights attacked me without warning." Boleros sat on the ground shifting his wings as my father and I continued to listen to the story. "The battle went on for many days as I ceased to allow such an insignificant life form to kill me.
         When they knew they could not defeat me they made the decision to seal me instead to keep me from 'harming their empire.' During the final stage of our battle Constance said something to causing me to lower my guard and allowing him to deal an almost fatal blow to me. 'I knew, I knew all along that you did not attack my men unprovoked. I'm sorry boleros, I'm sorry that I am so weak that I cannot protect you' he said to me." Boleros growled lowly, an enraged look replacing the slight pained and nostalgic look he previously had gracing his dragon features as his claws extended. "He knew that I never harmed those men unprovoked and yet still was too weak to make his own choice in the end. He claimed that he is an emperor; No, he was a foolish coward, one that I failed to kill with my own hands. Since he is maggot food now I will destroy this empire he wanted to protect and I will make you all pay for the suffering and betray I have endured, being sealed for over 500 years because of a coward, I will not stand for it. You humans are a disgrace and you shall all pay with your lives!"
        He stood up opening his mouth again to release another powerful attack as a deadly sinister feeling overtook my senses. The beam released blowing up more houses as the screams of citizens rang out. I Immediately began attacking boleros, I grabbed my blade as he transformed from his large dragon form back into his shadow human form, I raised my blade swinging it down as he caught it with his hands, the ground began cracking underneath us creating an explosion of dust and rubble. When the dust cleared my eyes widen seeing him hold my blade, he laughed loudly tossing me and my blade to the side as if weighed nothing. I got up quickly, but I wasn't fast enough as he appeared in front of me landing a blow that broke several of my ribs knocking the wind out of me as I flew across the arena landing on a pile of rubble. "MATHEUS!" My father screamed, but he had no time to get to me as he and boleros began fighting. Boleros laughed joyfully, his talons clashing against my fathers sword, toying with him as if he was weak.
        "You humans will need to do more than this if you want to defeat me. I've only been using my physical strength, I haven't even used my powers yet." He smirked stepping back as I healed myself. I joined my father wiping blood from my mouth after I was healed. Boleros looked up as all of his dragon companions flew over us, making it to where we are. He laughed loudly holding his hands up in the air. "Go my dragon children! Kill these insignificant humans and destroy everything that gets in your way; Leave no one alive" he yelled as they started the attack raining fire down on everything, I noticed the knights arriving and attacking the knights but all I could see was the destruction around us. The arena was no longer an arena, it was a pile of rubble and dust, houses were crushed and destroyed, fires were burning and raging everywhere as citizens tried to run from the attacks holding and running with their loved ones. I seen many bodies lying around. Discourage and sadness deeper into my heart as I took in the devastation and chaos that surrounded me.
          If I am to be emperor, how I am supposed to face such massive power? There had to be hundred of dragons and I could barely handle this one. If I didn't have my healing powers I would— wait, my healing powers! "Father, I need you to distract him while I cast my high healing curse. I need to do what I can to make sure these citizens stay alive. I know there will be casualties but if I can save-" he held his hand up stopping my rant as he nodded. "Go, do what you can for our people I will handle this, you just make sure you get back in once piece." I nodded as rumen, my fathers soul protector appeared from the shadows wrapping himself around him fusing himself with my father. Smoky armor began to surround my father as a long black sword appeared from the shadows. I had only seen this form a handful of times, but I knew If here using this form that he was going all out and so should I.

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