Chapter 14

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A/N: hey guys, so I'm gonna be making slight character changes as the story progresses, for this chapter the character change will be for Orion kraitos ^^^ that will be his new character, thanks and happy reading!

Hitomi alacar

"Hitomi!," Willow shouted from across the hall running towards me at full speed. It has been a year since my brother has left for eldenheim, it honestly felt like longer. Even though we were born a few years apart Matheus felt more like my twin than just my brother. Before our siblings arrived we had only each other and spent much of our time together, sleeping in the same bed, exploring the entire palace, and eating delicious sweets. Although i didn't have nearly as big of a sweet tooth as he does I enjoyed seeing him genuinely content and happy when we ate those sweets. I could tell that before he left he was changing, he didn't shy away as much from affection or spending time with his family and his temper was a lot less...violent so to say.
          I missed him so much, it was odd not having my brother near me but I believe this is all for the best and would provide him the growth and strength he need. Besides, if he found out what's been happening lately at the academy involving me, I'm not sure everyone would be alive, including me. Willow crashed into me with a tight hug giggling while jumping up and down. She let go of me and squealed before hugging me again as I stared at the empty hallway in confusion. "Willow, what could it be that has made you this excited?" I asked and she giggled again shoving what looks to be an invitation in my hand. I opened it reading the contents; it was a invitation from Reagan kraitos, first princess of the Kaos city kingdom as well as my younger sisters greatest friend. Apparently, her family was finally holding her a commemoration ball for her birthday and since she finally turned sixteen she is allowed to attend formal events making this her first ever event.
            I was excited for Willow but also confused as I don't recall the butler alerting me of an invitation from her. Perhaps it will be there when I get back to the manor but for now, I will celebrate with my friend. I squealed with her as we embraced in another hug again for the umpteenth time. "I am so excited, this is quite large for me Hitomi! I have yet to receive my own royal invitation, it is usually my parents who receives these occasionally and I would accompany them." She exclaimed happily, Willow comes from a marquess family, while they weren't the highest on the noble scale they weren't the lowest either. Outside of the three royal rankings: Emperor, king, and duke; there were five different rankings among the nobility. Viscount was at the top being the closest to royalty, count was the second highest, marquess being the third ranking, baron was the fourth, and the lowest ranking was an earl which both the baron and earl title could be bought and sustained with enough taxes as well as money.
             Unfortunately, ranks among the nobility meant everything, the higher you are the more privileged and powerful you will be or become; that's not even including the many political marriages, most nobility wanted to score a marriage within the royalty as it will boost their reputation as well as their power. I couldn't even count how many times I had been approached on the subject of marriage since my brother was no longer here to ward the hungry snake like nobles. Thankfully, I do not believe I will have to worry of such things much longer and since this was a close friend's ball I was sure my family would be in attendance as well. "Hitomi, are you listening?" I snapped out of my thoughts smiling sheepishly at my friend. "Forgive me Willow, I was quite lost in my head there, what were you saying?" She huffed pouting a bit before looping her arm with mine walking down the large hall.
          We didn't have much time before classes began and thankfully we had most of our lectures together as I didn't have many true friends in them. "I was merely suggesting that we go dress shopping after all of our classes have finished. I heard of some amazing dress boutiques on campus that I would love to give a try." I stop myself from sighing, I wasn't the biggest fan of dress shopping but for my friend I will indulge. "Alright, I don't see why not. I don't have any pressing matters after class." She squealed again happily as we approached the door to our lecture. "Excellent, since the other ladies are in one of my lectures I will inform them of our plans and make sure they come along with us!" She scrambles inside the class and I sigh heading into class behind her. Today would clearly be a long day and I was not prepared for it.
           After my second lecture I was headed towards the student council room to speak with clover. We had actually grown quite friendly with each other over the past 4 months. I had already been aware of my brother and clover's chemistry and while she did not need to know of the details, I at least wanted to ease her mind slightly regarding my brothers sudden departure so, after I informed the others I spoke with her about the situation which she thankfully understood completely. I knocked on the thick double doors hearing a small 'enter' after a few seconds. I opened the doors and was greeted by clover and Theodore. Just as my brother asked of me, I alerted everyone of his sudden departure. While I didn't share the details of where he was going or why, they didn't question me and only understood it was for a good reason. "Hitomi, what brings you by?" Theodore asks with a bright smile. Clover comes over giving me a small hug with a big smile before I could give my reason.
           "Would you mind if I borrow clover for a few minutes?" He waves us away giving the ok and we walk out of the room. "Before you speak, I would like to apologize for the other day. I hadn't had time to stop by so my apologies if it's a bit late but, because it was my gathering, I didn't know you two-" she cuts me off shaking her head quickly. She grabs my hands in hers giving me a small smile. "Nonsense princess hitomi, it's quite alright! There was no way you would have known about the tension between Kali and I. I'm sure she's already informed you of the events regarding that day?" I nodded, I wasn't aware of the awkward encounter between Matheus, Kali, and clover that occurred a year ago. Apparently, since then they have tried to keep their distance from each other but the other day I invited the both of them to the small tea gathering I was having and things got a bit heated.
             Kali still feels an apology is owed for clovers words and clover believes she does not owe her an apology and let's just say words were exchanged before I had to escort one of the ladies away until they could be civil. It was quite the fiasco but I still felt an apology was needed on both ends. I had already apologized to Kali as I see her more frequently then not but I hadn't been able to apologize to clover properly yet. "She did enlighten me on the situation, I believe that maybe if you both could come to some form of an understanding it could be put behind you. There is no reason to have animosity towards one another, it's seem it was quite the misunderstanding between you two." Clover shook her head no "apologies princess, but I cannot come to an agreement with that woman. Too many words have been spoken and I would rather we keep our distance from one another and go our separate ways."
            I exhale softly not liking the answer but it was not up to me. I understand that many people operate in different ways and it was not my duty to be the peace maker. I could only hope they will not have any more quarrels and would just steer clear of each other. "Alright, if that is what you feel is best then I have no choice but to accept." I give her a small smile and we part ways, I turn the corner to head down the hall only to bump into someone. "I am so sorry I- Hitomi?" I look up at the man who's hard chest I had bumped into and seen it was Orion. My face immediately heated at the sight of him as he smiled brightly at me, my heart skipped many beats as I returned a small one. "I-I um Hello, Orion." I stutter like an idiot, I almost run away at my lacking response. He chuckles before responding, "just a hello is all that I receive my love?" My face grew impossibly hotter as his hands snakes around my waist, he leaned down kissing my forehead softly then my nose and before he could reach my lips I covered them with my hands glaring at him, my face still red and hot.
          Orion and I had grown...close over this past year. At first he claimed he needed to follow me and guard me out of necessity as my brother was no longer here to do so; but the way he looked at me, I could tell it was more than that. We began to talk more and our talks turned into dates and now here we were. While we haven't officially gotten engaged, our families were in talks of it and Orion has asked me to be his girlfriend until he can officially propose to me. I knew my father liked him but he was purposefully difficult as he didn't want to give his daughter away no matter how close he was to Orion's father. Our relationship is technically a secret between ourselves and our close friends as we didn't want to announce anything until everything was made official. I also happened to be a realest and while I was quite sure I was in love with the tall over grown man I felt love could fade and wasn't sure if his feelings would change or if we would break up. We have been together officially for 8 months but to me I felt it was quite short while he believed it was too long.
         Orion grabs my hands, my small ones looked like the hands of a small doll compared to his huge ones. He kisses each one before I pull away blushing and he chuckles. "It isn't anything amusing about this Orion, what if someone saw you?" He begins to laugh harder and I blush at his annoying laughter. "Then they would have quite the news to share, wouldn't they? It wouldn't matter to me as we're officially engaged now so-" I gasp cutting him off "engaged? When-" he smiles big pulling out a folder with a royal seal from his bag that was lying on the ground which he probably dropped when I ran into him. I took the folder from his hands and there it was, his parents signature along with mines and a seal approving our engagement. Tears pooled in my eyes as I looked back up to him only noticing him pulling out a long case filled with many Diamond rings of all sizes, color, and shape.
"Orion, baby I-" I couldn't even finish as tears rolled down my cheeks. "Hitomi, I love you. My heart doesn't beat correctly unless I am with you; i am completely in love with you and that won't change regardless of whatever challenges we face, but if it is not with you I don't know how I will face them. I had fallen for you the day I officially met you, although we weren't able to speak to one another, your beauty captivated me in a way that no one else has. I want to spend now and forever with you, I want you to be by my side, I want you to bare my children and spend the rest of our fleeting lives together. So, my love, my heart, my soul, my reason for everything, Hitomi lily alacar will you please become my wife and the future queen of Kaos city kingdom?" He asked bending down on one knee and I covered my mouth with a sob shaking my head yes quickly. "Yes, of course I will" I say as he smiles brightly setting the rings down embracing me in a tight long hug. I pull back from the hug reaching up to kiss the man I will marry not caring who was watching. He kisses me back eagerly and we pulled away smiling brightly at each other.
"If these rings aren't to your liking we can look at other ones." I grab the case of rings and immediately spot the one I wanted. I take it out of its slot and he takes the ring and the case from me, he slips everything back into his bag and grabs my hand placing the ring on my finger.

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