Chapter 17

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                                      Rui alacar

It's been a year and a half since my brother has left for eldenheim, meaning it's growing closer to the time my big brother will come back. My birthday was also tomorrow and I could not wait to celebrate with all of my friends! After a year had passed, my father decided to put me into an academy instead of staying at the palace alone to be tutored; since my older siblings were also attending an academy. At first, I wasn't happy about it as I didn't know anyone and didn't want to make any friends; but my father said riot will be there as he's been attending since last year. So, I started attending Rosemary middle school which was named after my mother! Since I was told i am advanced I was able to skip a grade and now I'm a first year at the academy. This will be my second month here and I was excited for tomorrow. Since it's Friday, we will have a class party to celebrate my birthday.
             "Prince Rui, you must get some rest! I understand your excitement, but the day will not come faster if you do not sleep." My nanny scolds while tucking me into bed. At this academy, we weren't allowed to have dorms since we weren't high schoolers yet and I was okay with that. I would miss my parents if I had to stay in the dorm all the time so I liked taking a shuttle everyday since it also wasn't very far. "Ok nanny, I promise I'll get some rest now." I turned over and closed my eyes as my nanny took her leave. It was really hard to get some rest when I was so excited, but somehow I was lulled to sleep and next thing I knew I was being woken up by my nanny. "Happy birthday little prince! You must wake up or you'll be late." She says pinching my cheek and I sit up rubbing my eyes tiredly.
               I went to the bathroom to my do my duties and take a bath then I came out and was sat in front of the vanity so I could get my hair fixed. The maids were frantically setting out my clothes and running around the room while the others cleaned and moisturized my face and my nanny took care of my hair. It felt more chaotic than usual today but I was sure it was because of my birthday today. All of my maids kept constantly saying happy birthday while coming in and out of the room and I felt extremely happy because it. After everyone was done I slipped on my uniform and everyone gushed complimenting me saying how cute I was. "His highness is so cute in his outfit today!" A maid said while another agreed with her and I blushed thanking them shyly.

(School uniform)

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(School uniform)

            Nanny takes my hand and led me to the front of the palace where my father and mother were waiting. My father picked me up as they both hugged me tightly peppering me with lots of kisses. "Oh my sweet boy, happy birthday! you have to stay this tiny forever or I don't know what I'll do." My mother exclaimed wiping the tears from her eyes as my father chuckled pulling her close. "Your 10 years old now Rui, your growing so fast" my father smiled sadly and I kissed his cheek "don't worry father, I'll always still be your little boy." I cheesed, my father kissed me on the forehead before setting me down patting my head. "You're right, you will always be my little boy and don't you forget it." I wave goodbye to my parents and get inside the shuttle to head to the academy.
              Once we arrive, I wave goodbye and head inside the academy to my class. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUI!" Riot yells tackling me in a hug from behind. I laugh as he wrap his arm around my shoulder taking his seat next to me. "Thanks riot, are you gonna come to my party Sunday?" I ask and he nods with a goofy grin on his face. "Yep, I'm coming! I forgot your present at home so I will bring it your party on Sunday, I can't wait!" More students start flooding inside of the room stopping at my desk to wish me happy birthday. Finally our other three friends arrive coming up to riot and my desk. "Happy birthday Rui!" Shou shouts grabbing my hand in his, his eyes sparkling brightly as amir approached from behind him moving him away. He walks up and sets a small present In front of me looking away bashfully.
     "Y-you don't have to open it now but...happy birthday Rui." He says quickly making shou give riot a knowing look as they burst into laughter. I tilt my head confused by the joke I wasn't involved in, but before I could ask, Kota pushed them all out the way setting a huge box in-front of me, he puts his hands on his hips laughing proudly as they stare at him. "Have no fear! For I the amazing Kota, your greatest friend in the world is here! I brought the best present for Rui so I beat you all." Kota and Amir begin bickering loudly about who has the best present as shou laughs at them rolling around on the floor dramatically. "Guys!" I yell getting everyone in the classes attention. I clear my throat standing up, I make my way to the front of the class and stand on the teachers desk.
              "I, prince Rui of the alacar kingdom would like to invite all of you to my birthday celebration this Sunday! If you don't show i will blow your homes up." I laugh evilly creating sparks from my hands as they all grumble in mock fear. "While I enjoyed that show prince Rui, I would appreciate if you would act as your status suggests and remove yourself from my desk immediately." I blush jumping down from the desk as everyone laughs, we all takes our seats quickly as my teacher walks in taking the presents from my desk and setting them behind hers. "Before we begin, I would everyone to wish prince Rui a happy birthday on the count of 3 please...1...2...3!" Everyone shouts happy birthday and a big smile forms on my face as I thank everyone. My teacher then starts her long lesson.
                  When lunch time rolled around, most of the students were out of the class. Riot and Amir stood by the door waiting for me to put my things away as I overheard a conversation I didn't like. "I mean seriously, he's a prince but his behavior suggest otherwise, he speaks improperly, and the way he dared to stand on the teachers's profound how indecent the royal family is turning out to be." I turn and look towards who was speaking recklessly of my family only to see the boy I hated and I wasn't one to hate someone. He was Conner Yeager, heir to the Yeager duchy under the brazen sun kingdom, a traitor to our country. I had opted to ignore him once I first started attending the academy because I knew eventually my big brother will deal with them.
              "I agree, that deranged man hurt my elder sister! I can't wait till Alaric defeats that tyrant." The people around them hummed their agreement voicing in their baseless opinions, I scoffed standing up but stopped in my tracks hoping I heard incorrectly. "There's no need to worry," Conner said smirking proudly "Alaric will definitely defeat Matheus, I also heard that he ran away in fear that's why the royal family hasn't announced any conclusive reasonings on his academy withdrawal. I don't think they know where he is because he's afraid of Alaric." They begin laughing and I clench my first to my sides, my face turning dark with anger. Riot must have noticed my change in mood as he grabbed my shoulder shaking his head. "I know your upset Rui, but let's just ignore them and go to lunch."
Amir voiced his agreement and my head snaps towards them as they take a step back, fear present in their eyes. "They speak wrongfully of my brother and I am to ignore them?" I ask but receive no answer, I walk towards where they sat as the ground begins shaking. "Rui please, calm yourself you mustn't do this!" Riot yells out but his pleas fall on deaf ears, I'll show them who I can become, Once you mess with my family there is no turning back. "Did someone dare to speak so casually of my brother." I question as Conner smirks standing up. I didn't care about him being taller, I could crush him easily. "Your angry with me? It's not my fault your family will fall into ruin. Blame it on that incompetent arrogant demented brother of yours, your whole family will rot in he-" before he could finish his sentence I wrap my hand around his neck throwing him into the ground.
He tries to use aura to force me off of him but I use my curse power enhancement to get on top of him and punch him in the face. I repeatedly hit him all over his body smiling in a crazed manner. "Should I break every bone in your body? Or will you apologize for disrespecting my family?" I ask as he spits out blood in my face. "I will never apologize to your disgrace of a-" "PRINCE RUI, YOU MUST LET GO OF HIM THIS INSTANT!" my teacher yelled as I get up picking him up again I throw him into some desk harshly. "Mention my family's name again and next time, I won't let you off as easily." I turn towards the younger sister of the woman my brother choked at the banquet. "Your sister deserved her punishment but don't worry, enjoy your freedom now as you all will be doomed when my brother returns." I glare at the girl again before leaving out of the classroom slamming the door on my way out.

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