Chapter 5

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                         Matheus (hades) alacar

         Once again I'm realizing how little I truly pay attention to things. It was early in the morning around 7:15am and I was currently staring at the board next to the entry to my classroom. Apparently, we're supposed to choose a club to join by the end of the day and it was unfortunately mandatory. Because I left so early yesterday I gained none of this information and now it was almost time for class and I had no idea what club I wanted to be in, hell I didn't want to join a club in the first place. I groaned internally as I struggled to stare at these papers when all I wanted to do was go back to bed, it was entirely too early to be thinking.
         Class starts in five minutes and I couldn't figure out what to do so instead I do what I do best, I let it be later on hades problem because dealing with it currently was impossible. I open the door to the classroom and almost turned back and went home at the sight; it was way too many people in this classroom and the seats were too close together. I was one of the last people entering meaning all of the good seats were taken. It took everything in me not to skip class for today as it was against the rules unless for a good reason but did I truly care about said rules? Absolutely not.
         I look around and finally find a seat in the third row right next to the wall. I hurriedly walk there and sit not wanting someone to steal the perfect spot from me. I set my bag down on the floor next to me as I look to my left and almost launch myself out the door. Just my luck, the stupid imbecile named Roman alacar was standing next to me with a knowing smile on his face. "You don't look so happy to see me cousin, it's been a while," he says in that annoying chirpy voice he has and I already annoyed with the fool that was sadly kin to me. Roman Haiti alacar; the son to duke Zion alacar also known as my dads one and only sibling, his little brother. My dad and his brother are extremely close meaning Roman, who was only a month younger than me, was always around.
        He was like another annoying sibling I didn't want, only difference is I didn't mind his company nearly as much as I did my siblings but of course I'd never tell him that. It has been a few months since I've last spoke to him as I purposely avoided him. Roman made me uncomfortable in many ways then one, he was getting too close for comfort to breaking down my walls and I wasn't having that so I avoided him like the plague I felt he was. "It hasn't been long enough clearly, what are you doing here Roman? Shouldn't you be learning how to become a Duke or something?" I asked already bored with this conversation and he chuckled taking the seat next to me that I didn't invite him to sit in setting his stuff down on the ground.
        "Well, I've been doing that since I was kid but of course you know that. My father thought it would be a good idea if we attended the academy together and gained some new experiences which is fine with me if it involves getting away from work." He stated and I nodded, taking over our parents positions was not easy. It came with a lot of work and responsibilities so this break would be nice to have. I don't think the work load would be nearly as much as what we experienced on a daily basis. Before he could say anything else a person I was also hoping to avoid walked over and I sighed placing my head in my hands in annoyance.
         "If it isn't the emperors son, my rival! You've been avoiding me but you can't hide forever alacar boy" he shouted laughing hardily. Roman sighs rubbing his temples feeling my pain as my ears ring from his loud boisterous voice. "Hercules Beaufort, what made you possibly think I was even remotely your rival?" I inquire, confused on when we even talked enough to make that an actual thing. "It didn't matter how long ago it was, you're still my rival and I will beat you hades, mark my words!" Hercules was Sheen Beaufort's son, the king of The brazen sun kingdom and also a fighting obsessed muscled headed idiot. Remember when I mentioned speaking to one of the king's son and immediately avoiding them all afterwards because of that one conversation? Well, meet the man that made me go through such measures to avoid them.
         "You are my rival, I don't have to conversate with my rival to know he's my rival smart ass now FIGHT ME!" He screams and I immediately flinch back at the amount of spit that left his disgusting mouth. "Conversate isn't even a word imbecile it's converse." Roman says his face scrunched into a look of disgust. A moment passes before he yells "I DON'T NEED YOU TO CORRECT ME IF I SAY CONVERSATE THATS WHAT IT IS, YOUR JUST A DUKES SON WHO ARE YOU TO CORRECT ME? I WILL BREAK YOU IN HALF BOY! KNOW.YOUR.PLACE." He says poking roman in the chest with his finger. The now quiet class flinched at his sudden yelling and someone let out a small squeal and I began to grow angry at his words.
           I stand up slowly approaching him, my eyes slightly glowing agitation clearly showing in my aura I step in his face. The class in now dead silent watching my every move as I approach him, My 6'4 Frame towering over his 6'0 one. No matter how big he was I was still taller but even without my height he was no threat to me, but no one would ever get away with threatening me, the future emperor. I lean down to his ear "Step in my face or touch my cousin one more time and I promise I will end your miserable existence. You aren't worth more than the shoes a commoner wears on a daily; you're scum and if you ever think you can address me so casually again I will end you and your entire bloodline, do I make myself very clear?" I state just loud enough so only he could hear me and he stares up at me not responding, his fists clenching at his side.
        He walks away but not before sending me a harsh glare and I ignore it. I sit back down in my seat and take out what I would need for the class as the professor walks in the extremely quiet class and begins his lecture. "What did you say to him?" Roman whispers quietly as to not arouse the professor. "Don't worry about it, if he tries that crap again I'll end him and that's all the matters" I state and Roman shakes his head focusing his attention back on the lesson.
           Here I was again at the same board, after two more classes I came back to stare at the board hoping something would catch my interest. I had some time to spare after I ate before I head to my next class of the day. I wish they had a club where you could just go home then I could go straight to my manor and sleep the rest of the day away. "Why don't you just join the student council? I heard they had a few positions opening and I'm signing up for one of them." Roman said walking up to me and I glanced at him before turning back to the board "what positions are available?" He pointed towards a flyer that stated the positions they were looking for:

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