Chapter 28

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Matheus Cassius alacar

     "Greetings to the-" I stop her formal greeting shaking my head. "There is no need to be formal, let's not waste any more time you are aware of what I need to hear from you; are you ready to speak?" I ask and she hesitantly nods taking in a deep breath. "Your majesty, I truly apologize for my indecent behavior a few months ago. I allowed my overwhelming thoughts and anger to consume me and I made a few rash decisions. In that process, I hurt not only myself, but you as well and I am truly sorry." Her voice wavered as she looked straight into my eyes during her apology. Most would avoid eye contact, I was truly impressed with her boldness. "I was angry when you hadn't wrote to me during the time you were dealing with many imperial issues. It felt as if we went from spending much time together and speaking frequently to all of those things disappearing quickly. When months passed I had convinced myself that you were no longer wanted to be close to me any longer, so I decided to chase after a dream I had been wanting to fulfill since I was a child; I traveled until I felt it was appropriate to return.
       I should never have left you waiting for me that day and I regret not informing you of my travels. I felt angry and neglected and I retaliated because of my own anger and all I can do now is apologize sincerely for it." I stated at her for a few seconds after she finished her explanation before responding. "Then why have you decided to come here, Kali?" Her gaze shifted from my eyes to her hands as she played with them nervously. "I-I needed to apologize and I was hope that the feelings I have for you will be reciprocated. I know it's shameless of me to hope that but not once have you left my mind since the moment I met you. I want to fight for this...for us. The time we spent together I never truly realized what I felt until you suddenly became busy. I regretted each day not being able to express how I felt and I needed to know if my feelings for you are reciprocated. I know it's extremely shameless to ask the emperor of this nation that, but this was the only way I could find an answer and hopefully..." she trailed off stopping her sentence "hopefully?" I ask and she looks up into my eyes once again, a confident and determined look graced her face. "Hopefully, If my feelings are not mutual I can do my best to make you fall in love with me the way that I have fallen for you."
      My stomach felt weird during her deceleration. I'm not one to be nervous so easily and yet her words caused me to look away to erase this odd feeling. Someone loving me? Apart of me wanted to question it as it was only natural when she decided to leave, but for some reason I believed her. "Your majesty, I know that I am asking for a lot after my conflicting actions, but during this trial I will show you my resolve and my feelings for you. I want to gain your trust back in any way that I can so I will do my best during this process. I would like your highness to truly see me. If it is alright with you, I would like to start over completely" "start over?" I question and she nods "yes, I would like a clean slate so that you are able to truly get to know me and see me during this process." I smirk folding my arms across my chest amused by her words. "You speak as if you are sure you will be in the Top 10."
       Her determined look never disappeared giving me the answer without truly speaking. I sigh closing my eyes with a soft chuckle before opening them. "Alright, you are forgiven Kali, and I will allow you a clean slate." She smiled brightly and I couldn't help but return it as I dismissed her having a knight escort her back to her room after deactivating the barrier. I leaned back in my chair deep in my never ending thoughts; she was truly something. I couldn't say that I had any expectations for how this meeting of ours would turn out, but for some reason it felt wrong to just completely remove her from the running. Although I was still put off by her actions, I will leave them in the past and allow her to show me how truly apologetic she is. I hope that she is able to catch my interest and truly impress me during this process, not that I believed she wouldn't. I continued a few mandatory paperwork sheets before turning in for the night. Today was draining to say the least, but at least I would be much more free during the two weeks used to choose the 50 empress candidates.
The next morning, I woke as usual with sylph no where to be found. Sylph leaving my side was a much more common occurrence at this point and although I always new where she would be, I didn't quite understand why she would leave and not tell me the true reason why she was going to see my sister so much. Every time I would interrogate her, she would tell me to be patient or state that she could not tell me until the time is right. I got a bit earlier today as the dinner I was supposed to have with my family a few days ago was not able to happen due to how busy I became. We rescheduled it to breakfast and I was hoping I could finally receive some answers on not only sylphs erratic and strange behavior but also my sisters as well. It felt as if they were somehow avoiding me as much as possible and it was strange as they would usually be bothering me constantly. Sevyn was currently dealing with the potential candidates and helping them get to their carriages safely. They all should be gone in a few hours and I will have space to breath before they are made to come to my palace in a few weeks.
      I dressed myself for the day and teleported to the dining hall where my family was waiting. The only ones who were not there was sylph, Hitomi, and Orion. My brother was visiting for the weekend after being in the academy for a while, he was for some reason avoiding eye contact and I took as maybe he was going through some things at the moment. I sat down in my set greeting my siblings that were present and my parents. "Good morning Matheus, it is nice that you have finally graced us with your presence after drowning yourself in work constantly. If you are going to find a empress, work will sometimes have to wait in order to make time for your woman." My father smirked looking at my mother as she blushed and I practically gagged at their disgusting affection. "I know to make time for my future wife when she arrives father, but until then I will continue to work as I have been." I answered as the servers began pouring into the room placing different forms of food on the table in front of everyone.
     After they left, we had light conversation and waited for a bit for Hitomi to hopefully arrive but to no avail. Just as I filled my plate and was getting ready to dig in the doors opened and my sister and her husband walked in with sylph trailing behind her like a fly attracted to crap. I glared at the annoying dragon as she avoided my eye contact, before she could sit next to my sister I grabbed her by her collar and sat her in the seat next to me roughly. 'You will tell me what has been going on with you once this breakfast with my family is over. You are my soul protector and mine alone and yet you dare covet another master so openly?'  I question in sylphs head as she shakes her head responding. M-master I wouldn't dare have another master over you. I know I have not been by your side as of late but I promise you, you will understand after breakfast today please just continue to be patient with me for a little- I bang my hands on the table glaring at sylph angrily as she cowers under my gaze.
     My sudden outburst gathered the attention of everyone. "Matheus? Are you alright, what has you so angry?" My mother asks, concern etched on her face and I close my eyes taking multiple deep breaths before opening them staring at my mother. "It's nothing, mother there's no need to worry I am fine." She nods hesitantly not fully convinced and my father looks around the room sighing. Most of breakfast was filled with awkward silence and tension and it was annoying me to no end. When would someone speak up, why was everyone acting as if someone had passed away? I loudly set my fork down on my plate with a clang staring up at all of my siblings who were looking at me. "I think I've had enough of the secrecy and awkward moments, if someone doesn't speak up quickly i will lose it." Silence follows are my small threat before Orion clears his throat as Hitomi looks up at him fearfully. "I um- I just needed you to know that I truly love your sister. She has caused me to change in many ways and have shown me so many emotions I didn't believe I was capable of feeling.
      There has been some news that we have recently found out...we didn't exactly know how to approach the subject and you have been quite busy as of late-" I cut his pointless rant off with words of my own. "Get to the point Orion, there is no point of beating around an already dead bush, speak now." "We are expecting, your majesty." He says and I  pause as the room grows eerily silent. "It was as if sylph could tell much sooner than we could, as you know she has been around Hitomi a lot lately, she felt protective over our young and has been watching over her when I am not able to." Everyone looked as if they had already heard the news, no shock or surprise could be seen on their faces and that angered me to no end. Why was I the only one who knew nothing of this? They claim I am busy but I would have no trouble making time for my sibling. Did they truly think so small of me that I wouldn't accept it? Of course, the thought of my sister being with child does anger me as she is my younger sister and I am extremely protective over her, but I wouldn't disapprove.
     "Does everything think so small of me that I would not be someone who knows of this?" They all began talking at once and I shook my head ignoring their words. "What else is there that I need to know?" I question looking between all of my family and my mother and father looks at me nervously before my mother began speaking. "Matheus-I no we love you very much, it was never our intention to hide anything and if it helps no one knows of our news yet." I roll my eyes at the comment; as if that would 'help me feel better' "anyone else have something to share?" After a moment of silence my mother clears her throat. "Your father and I have decided that after you find an empress, we will be retiring officially and moving away to the country side on the border of the alacar empire." I stared at my mother in shock before rubbing my hands across my face sighing. First my sister is with child and now my own parents are leaving, what is happening? "Mother! Father! You cannot, we need you! You cannot just leave us like this." halo shouted "We are not leaving, we are retiring. Your mother and I have done more than enough by taking care of this empire and raising you to the best of our abilities. You three of you are all grown up now,  the only child we have to be concerned about is Rui as he is still young." "Then what are you going to do? Take Rui to the country side with you?"
     Halo questions, her voice getting louder as Rui just sat there, his hair draping over his face. "No, Rui is in the academy. When he graduated he will be an adult and take on his duties as a duke; There is no need for him to move." My mother answers and I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled from my stomach. This breakfast was turning out to be a complete mess and all I could do was laugh. Everyone stared at me as I laughed extremely amused before my laughter finally died down and I sighed. "This is why you pushed this idea of yours on me mother? So you could leave us and go retire, your daughter is pregnant your son is in school your other son is now emperor but still relies on his father and your other daughter is...well halo is halo but I am sure she is not ok with this decision just as much as we are." "It is not up to any of you to decide what your mother and I do. I may not age like normal humans but your mother does. We are getting older Matheus and we have done our share for this empire, we are leaving everything in your hands. You all have grown up well and we are very proud of you all, I apologize but I am not sorry for this decision.
You will get married and we will retire officially and move to the countryside to spend our days enjoying one another, that is all." My father stands holding his hand out as my mom takes it and they walk out the door closing it behind them. "I think that mother and father should be allowed to retire. They have taken care of all of us and even helped save the nation from Boleros, the best we can do is allow them to retire peacefully and live happily." Hitomi's head snapped towards halo as she stood up angrily. "Have you lost your entire mind? Our parents are moving away, this is one of the most important moments of my life and they want to leave? What about me?" She questions and halo scoffs rolling her eyes. "Don't be selfish Hitomi, it isn't like you cannot visit them or write. Besides, it is your child, what difference would it make if mother and father aren't holding your hand all the time." I stood up heading to the door as my siblings continue to bicker like children'. Sylph follows after me as I make a portal to head to my office. I needed to give my brain a break from all of the information that I jut received and work is a great distraction for such things.
     It seems as if my parents have already made up their mind so it wasn't as if there was anything I could do to change their opinions and I refuse to think to intently on it. "Master, are you alright?" Sylph asked as she turned into her mini dragon form and sat on my shoulder. "Im fine sylph, I won't think to intently on it. I have too much work to do and thinking will not help change the outcome of what has already been decided. All I can do is learn what I can from my father while he is still here and do the best as I can to grown as an emperor." Sylph huffs laying on my shoulder. "What about your future empress? Does she take priority when you choose her?" I wave it off not truly concerned about that. "It's clear my parents only wanted to make sure I had someone before retiring. I don't expect love out of such a plan if it is only meant for convenience. There is no point in getting your hopes up of something that could possibly not happen and it seems even if I am not satisfied with the women of this search, I will still have to find someone either way." I began to start on the mandatory work for today getting lost in the never ending issues and work.

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