Chapter 16

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Matheus Cassius alacar


            2 weeks have gone by since the start of my core aura training and sylphs concentration and meditation. It took a week for us to both master our individual trainings, I was able to fill the circle completely and gain better control of my aura during that time. Throughout the next week, my aura became more refined and it felt as if I could easily move it around my body and sword and once Zander felt I had a grasp on my aura, he concluded that we will start my aura flow training the next day and released us early from our training. So, sylph and I decided to go into the village to try the sweets she has been begging me for. After changing out of our training clothes, I went down the stairs to the front door to ask Zander if he wanted anything while we're in the village. I reached for the door knob and stopped mid grab when I picked up my name being mentioned.
            The conversation ceased and I hid my presence so they would not suspect that I was listening. After a few seconds the conversation continued and I listened in. "What do you mean they couldn't find the perpetrators? I can understand the search for Matheus but what would be the reason for going after halo?" My heart dropped at the mention of my little sister. Going after her? What do they mean, did someone attack her? I take a deep breath trying to control my rage, I needed to focus, I wouldn't be able to gain more information if I acted rashly. "We're not sure, I've sent Malay to gather more information and find any evidence that could lead us back to the perpetrators, you cannot allow Matheus to find out about this, his father is already on his way here to speak with him. Thankfully, halo wasn't hurt she did well to fend them off. Orion was also already at the manor with Hitomi so he was able to capture one of them but they committed suicide before the royal knights could arrive to question him." I had many questions that I wanted answers to, none of this was making sense and it was getting increasingly harder to control my rage that threatened to pour out every minute I stood there.
           "While I am glad that she was not hurt, was Hitomi having some form of gathering? She's an unmarried woman, having a man in the manor without reasoning is a bit.." he trailed off and she sighed before lowering her voice even more. "It seems that they have gotten engaged, it was all over the tabloids-" my aura raged out as my concealment broke. I ripped the door open using telekinesis and launched the door across the village. "Matheus I-" I grabbed her shirt yanking her towards me and Zander's aura raged grabbing my shoulder. "Let her go now alacar boy, I will-" I launched him far away using my telekinesis before turning back to Leona. "Where is halo? Who attacked my sister? And what do you mean Hitomi is engaged?" She put her hand up hoping to quell my questioning but I had many questions and no answers. I let go of her as Zander approached, I began opening a portal but Zander Leona grabbed me as she spoke in a different language, shadow knights appeared seconds later pulling my arms back to stop me.
           Sylph, sensing my distress, flew out the broken window from the attic immediately turning into her normal dragon form and size. She roared angrily approaching us as I was breaking free from their hold. "Matheus please, I understand your anger but your father is on his way. I promise when he arrives he will explain everything but please, do not leave from here." Leona pleaded pulling me back but my mind could only think of my siblings. Sylph began using her dragon breath snarling in anger as more knights appeared trying to push back sylph which only fueled my fury. I yelled along with her breaking free from the hold. My eyes began to glow as the wind picked up around me, I turned hearing a familiar voice call out to me. "MATHEUS!" I looked up and seen my father rushing towards me, he grabs me pushing me back.
           "Matheus, calm yourself! let me explain the situation and if you still feel the need to see your sister, I will not stand in your way." I pull away from him trying to side step him but he steps in front of me again. "Five minutes, just allow me five minutes to enlighten you of what has transpired." I pause and taking multiple deep breaths to calm myself before nodding. I call sylph off and the knights move away from her as she huffs angrily before turning into her mini form sitting on my shoulder. We step inside the doorless house that the knights began working on immediately as my father and I take a seat on the couch while Zander and Leona head to the kitchen. My father sighs rubbing his face before looking up at me. "Your sisters are fine, she is currently being protected by high ranking knights as well as Orion and sevyn. At the moment, we do not know who orchestrated the attack nor do we have any witnesses, or at least ones that are alive. We're currently working on finding out who attempted to kidnap her and the reasoning behind it."
          "Is there someone after me or looking for me?" He nods hesitantly and I lean back on the couch. "Why?" "Matheus you've been gone for over a year, you haven't been seen at any events you withdrew from school and we have not made any official statements on your whereabouts, only that you are fine and just needed a break. As much as I want to claim it was Nolan, it could very well be the other two kings making their moves. They all have decided to go against our family and I wouldn't put it behind them if they were worried with your whereabouts being unknown and were trying to get some form of a lead on where you may be." Leona enters the room with Zander trailing behind her; hot tea in both of their hands. Leona hands a cup to my father and he accepts it graciously; thanking her, he takes a sip.
            Zander glares at my father but we both ignore his stares returning to our previous conversation. "What are your plans moving forward father? Your going to remove them both from the academy right? And what is this that I hear about Hitomi getting engaged? Is this some form of political tactic? You made it clear that you would allow us to marry the person of our choosing, why would you allow this sort of thing? Especially after I leave-" he holds his hand up ceasing my constant questions. He takes another sip of his tea before setting the down the cup looking up at me. "I had plans on taking them out of the academy but they both insisted on staying-" I tried to interrupt but he shook his head stopping me.
          "I know, that's not what you want and it is not what I want either, someone is after our family and I would sleep better at night knowing my children is safe under my protection; but Hitomi is a grown woman now, an engaged one at that. She makes her own decisions regardless of what I feel and I cannot dictate what she chooses to do. As far as Hitomi, she is also of age now. I wanted to take her from the academy immediately but they all convinced me not to, instead I compromised by having the knights along with Orion, sevyn, and Roman on constant watch of them. They will also be changing their schedules to accommodate this change. They will be protected I can promise you that, but do not forget, your siblings are strong as well have faith in their ability to protect themselves." I exhaled running my fingers through my hair. There was nothing amusing about this situation, I badly wanted to drag my siblings back to the palace and protect them with my life. "Orion and Hitomi have decided of their own volition to get engaged, this was not political in any sense, your sister is happy and you should-"
           I cut him off standing up angrily. "If you tell me to accept it I will go break every bone in that man's body, he dared to make a move on my sibling when I am gone? He pledged his loyalty to me! That isn't loyalty, he has betrayed me!" I yell and my father stands up quickly. "He has not betrayed you, this is not about you Matheus! Not every decision someone makes revolves around you or your feelings. Do you not trust my judgment son? You believe I will permit just anyone to wed my child? She is happy and he is a fine man so I allowed it." I glare at him for a few seconds before sitting back down slowly. Marriage? My sister? With a man? No, I'll kill him when I get back. The veins in my jaw and head began bulging as I think of the ways I was going to rid the life from his body.
             "Matheus, I know what your thinking. You will not touch that man, he is your friend you cannot kill him." Zander bursts into laughter holding his stomach. Leona joins in a few seconds later giggling loudly. I glare at all of them annoyed with the laughter, none of this was humorous in the slightest, I was going to kill Orion and that was all. After the laughter died down my father picked up his cup again and drunk the rest of his tea setting it down. "Will you be staying here or going to alacar Matheus?" He asked and I shrugged. "I will stay but I need to know that they will be protected, I also want to know immediately if this happens again" he nods "I can promise you that you will be alerted if this happens again." He stands up and I follow suit, he walks towards me pulling at my growing hair with a disgusting smile.
"Your hair has grown quite a bit son, and it looks like you have gained some muscle and height as well." I smack his hand away rolling my eyes and he laughs at me heading towards the door. "I have to take my leave now but write to us soon, son." I nod and Leona follows after my father, they both take their leave and I sigh sitting back down on the
Couch. Today was filled with many too many things and I honestly still had questions but I knew there is nothing I can do for the moment. I will get stronger and protect my siblings properly, this nonsense involving all of the kings has gone too far. I was going to get rid of every last one of them if it were the last thing I'd do, to them I was unhinged and unfit to be emperor. Well, I'll show them exactly how much of a tyrant I really could be. May the dragon god Abeloth have mercy on their souls because I would have none to offer them.

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