Chapter 27

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Clover sativa

What an outrageous turn out this candidate search was turning out to be. I had no doubts that I would be chosen as a pre-candidate, but to think I'd still have to go through another series of tests was annoying. I didn't expect my connection with Matheus to get me in but I didn't think I would have to go through so much trouble to get what I wanted. Even though I was doing quite well after joining the academy, my mind still somehow couldn't give up the thought of leaving Matheus alone. He had grown so much since the last time I had spoken to him, he was much more approachable and calm headed and seeing such growth only makes me more attracted to him. I know I haven't spent nearly enough time alone with him to sever his connection with Kali, but after I show him all of me and win his heart during this search, it wouldn't take much.
   There is no way he'd choose that woman over me, he was interested in me first and I wouldn't let that go. During these two years after graduation I had been working hard toward earning my keep and creating a name for myself. I now work as the secretary for viscount law, a prosperous viscount family that manages over a rather large territory of blacksmiths. The land wasn't as clean and pristine as the capital where the emperor resides. The capital is the main city, it is governed by the emperor himself and is the most safe and prosperous area. It has the best shops, food, bars among other things. The most famous spots in the capital was not only the extremely large garden that was right next to the palace, but also the casino halls. Casinos became a large hit in the alacar empire. Many nobles can gain large profits from casinos that centered around gaining and losing money. Most use it in the common areas to target commoners and gain profit from their losses.
"My word, what is that woman wearing? Does she have no decency or shame? To wear such lax and suggestive clothing on a day such as this is..." the woman trailed off as we were all following after the guards who were taking us to our first test. I walked faster moving next to the woman to see who they could they were speaking about, my face immediately soured. What in the hell was Kali whatever her last name is doing here? I'm guessing the women must have noticed my sudden presence and the look on my face as their attention turned to me. "Do you know that women?" She asked and I hesitated but nodded. "Unfortunately I do, that woman is a disgusting person. She was nothing but rude and despicable during our time at the Alacar regional academy. There are many things I could say about that woman but id rather not get you all involved." I trailed off and they gasped clutching their chest." "Oh my, to think she was someone like that.
       No wonder she would dare to wear something like that in the presence of royalty." A blonde haired woman voiced as she stared at Kali with disgust. "To think they would allow someone of her nature to be apart of this process. My, clearly they weren't very through in their search" a black haired woman standing next to me joined in as we all hummed. "It's a shame, she's quite beautiful." We turned to look at the one that spoke up behind us, she had red hair and purple eyes, she was quite the beauty. She quickly looked away in a flustered manner at our stares. We turned back around as the main woman with long blonde hair and red eyes spoke. Even roses can become trash if allowed to fester." She was extremely stunning, it was a shame her personality was lacking and atrocious. It was clear as day that she was a bully, but I needed to use that fact to my advantage. If I allowed Kali to get too close to Matheus I wasn't sure what would happen. I needed to do everything that I could to block that possibility even if I had to use someone to get my way.
      I had many ideas on how to get Kali out of the running, these ladies are sure to come in handy and help me with my little scheme. "You should stick with us from now on, I wouldn't want you to get caught up in such filth. My name is  Annabelle Roland from the viscounty of Roland." She curtsied and I followed as the other did the same introducing themselves. "My name is Leana Marlo from the count house of Marlo, it's a please to meet you." "And I am Apple Arden from the barony of Arden, I know it's quite the odd name but my mother said I was as red as an apple when I was born so that's what she named me." The other women looked at one another before laughing and I couldn't help but join in. It was quite an odd name, i never heard of someone making their child after an apple of all fruits. It definitely fit seeing as how her face became noticeably red due to our laughter regarding her name.
     Our constant laughter was drawing attention so we tried to quiet our laughs as much as possible. "A-apologies apple I promise I wasn't trying to laugh at you. The way you said it just made it slightly amusing is all, your name is beautiful." Annabelle forced out as she tried to stifle her laughter. She wiped the tears that was forming from her eyes as we continued to walk to our destination, apple looked down at her feet in shame and sadness. I felt bad now for laughing at the poor girl, but her name was something....different.  "I-it's alright, I'm sure you didn't mean it lady Annabelle. I will admit my name is amusing to me too." She forced a fake smile as we approached a large door with guards in front of them. The line stopped as they opened the doors allowing all of the women to flow into the rooms. There were tables with three chairs to them all around the room. I found the nearest desk and sat at is as Annabelle and apple sat on the opposite seats next to me. "Apple, since I was wrong I will allow you to sit with me for the day. Take that as my second apology and accept it ok?" She questions  and apple hesitantly shook her head nodding at the conditions. As soon as everyone was seated, the secretary of the emperor
       Waking inside of the rooms and stood in the middle, she cleared her throat before speaking. "Once again, welcome ladies to the pre-empress candidate search. I will be you full time instructor and host throughout your time here. The empress will make her occasional appearance but do not expect any of the other royal families to make appearance it is strictly up to them, they are very busy people. Now, at the end of the table should be three folders and pens, please grab the folders and pens, pass it down so you each have a folder sitting in front of you." Annabelle was on the right next to the folders and apple was on my left so Annabelle passed down the folders so we were all able to put our folders in front of us. "Please do not open the folders or take the papers out until I say so. You all will tasked with filling out and complete the contents of what it is in the folder. If you do not finish you will immediately be disqualified so please keep that in mind. You have an hour to finish, you may now begin the test." She finishes as the knights bring her a desk and chair to sit on as she observes us.
     We took out the packet that was in the folder and begin to fill out the form as fast as we could. I noticed the packet was basic questions that mostly asked either about ourselves or what we thought of certain things or situation. While one question would ask something along the lines of 'what are your values in life?' Or 'what do you like to do to entertain yourself throughout the day?' There were unrelated questions like 'how should you position your hand when drinking tea?' 'How should you approach the emperor if you are of noble but not royal birth?' It made me think that maybe the test itself wasn't important, but how others react to it or take it. I looked around and noticed others either looking at each other pages, having small low conversations with one another, or helping each other with the test. Then I noticed something, Duchess sevyn was watching all of their actions but wasn't reprimanding them or kicking them out even though their cheating and conversations were blatant and obvious. Maybe the point isn't to get every answer correct, but to see how others take advantage of a situation with no obvious rules.
       I sighed as I continued the rather long test, I wouldn't risk failing this test just for a theory, those girls probably wouldn't last seeing as they didn't have enough common sense to not act like such fools in the duchess presence. I continued the write and finished just in time as a loud timer rung loudly through the quite hall. The duchess stood as she turned the time off clapping her hands twice. Knights entered the room as the collected the papers, pens, and folders from all of us before leaving the room swiftly. A few knights stayed behind and I could already guess why, my theory was right. "The test is now over, thankfully all of you somehow managed to finish the test on time. However, what was written on the test was not what was truly important. If I call your name please make your way to the middle of the room as quickly as possible." She called out 20 different women and they moved to the middle of the room excited as if they were getting some sort of prize. I noticed they were the ones who were cheating, having conversations, or not paying attention.
      Their manners were lacking and I knew they were being sent home for their behavior. "During this test I observed all of your behaviors, I didn't state any rules so I wanted to see how you all would respond, what would you do. This nation needs a strong woman that not only connects with its people but is willing to Pay attention, put their best foot forward always. You all were the worst of the worst, please allow your temp maids to escort your to your rooms to pack your things and leave the palace immediately. Thank you for you time here and I wish you well on your future endeavors." She nodded as the knights escorted them out of the room, they protested loudly as soft murmurs sounded throughout the room, the duchess clapped her hands twice again quieting everyone's chatter. "Now that I have your attention, the first test is now concluded. We will now begin our next and final test. Please follow me to the designated area and do not wander or 'get lost' anywhere or you will be immediately disqualified am I clear?"
     She questioned as we all responded respectfully. She was escorted out as well followed behind her in a line. Clearly, this test had many meanings, it wasn't just a straightforward and simple test, I had to be much more careful if I wanted to stay in the running. There was no one hear to warn or save me, I needed to be apart about any decision I made as the duchess would not let me off if I was to be caught up especially with the plans I had. No one was going to take this opportunity from me and I would make sure of it.

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