Chapter 20

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                                   Alaric Emery

         "Damn it, that bastard! He's an incompetent fool I should have never trusted him and his lackeys to clean this up!" My father shouts launching things across his study room. I hum to myself sitting on the window seal out of the line of fire as he curses throwing things around. "Father, you must calm down the doctor has stated that you can't continue to raise your blood pressure in this way!" Titus calls out to our father trying to take the items out of his hands before he could throw them. My father shoves him out of the way before setting the items back down on his desk. He sighs rubbing his temples before pausing, he grabs something again launching it at the wall and I cover my mouth to stifle a laugh.
Unfortunately, I didn't do well of hiding my amusement and my father and brother turned to stare at me, annoyed with my reaction. "Is this entertaining for you Alaric? Do you like the idea of that man still being in power, finding out all the evidence that leads back to me? Is this amusing." He asks walking up to me and I nod "but father, isn't that what makes this fun? You are working so hard to hide your transgressions but it's all back firing. It's like gambling, just as you are taking your chance on me he's taking a chance on his son and finding evidence of your traitorous acts, both trying to fight for a common goal. Your betting your lives on the very thing you both want..isn't it fun?!" I squeeze my thighs getting riled up at the thought, Cassius was getting closer to the truth which only excited me more than ever.
Titus stared at me in disgust moving away from me as my father closed his eyes pinching the bridge of his nose, he took one last look at me before going back to his desk to sit in his seat. "Your clearly more of a gambler than you think, father. You wanted power, and power without risk is no fun right? You love the idea of possibly getting caught you can't deny it." I practically moan running my tongue across my lips, my face etched in ecstasy. We could lose everything and yet it only made me want to fight even harder. Even if they found evidence I would not let any of this go easily, not when I have found someone that can satisfy this hunger i feel inside me. In any case, I always have a plan, In no way did I believe Matheus could beat me I am the one who was chosen!
"You are a fool if you believe I did this for some sick pleasure, not everyone is as demented as you, Alaric. I did this for our family; for the future! I will no longer be in his shadow anymore, I deserve- I mean we deserve to be the leaders of this empire." Titus shakes his head agreeing with our father, I practically rolled my eyes at his nonsensical response. He was so painfully obvious with his intentions it wasn't even remotely amusing to me. I knew very well that my father was using me to become the emperor and find some way to get rid of me when he achieves his goal. I was just his excuse to use to challenge Cassius for the throne; who else experiments on their own child and kidnaps another just to make them more powerful? My father was no saint or even a true father for that matter, but I could care less about his pointless agenda. I had goals of my own to achieve and I also needed him for them, so for now he is useful to me but as soon as I achieve my goals I'd kill each and every last one of them.
Even his precious little Titus, the son he has brainwashed since he was born, a complete puppet and slave to his father. He wanted nothing more then to satisfy dear old father and make him proud, even if that means making me crown prince instead of him. Somehow he convinced the poor child possibly promising to get rid of me and make him emperor in my stead, too bad for him. I'm sure he planned on getting rid of Titus too. "What is your plan father?" I ask curiously, it wouldn't be long before Cassius found the evidence he was searching for it seems, we needed a plan. "The evidence Cassius is looking for will not be found, he may have dug up some things that could be questionable on my part, but it won't be conclusive enough. I already have a countermeasure if he tries to come out with that information." "What makes you so sure that he will not find 'that' evidence?" I ask and he smirks propping his feet up on his desk clasping his hands together on his chest. "Trust me, he will not find it. It's something I have taken care of myself after all, he would have to go through hell and back to find it."
He starts laughing manically, while I was confused I wouldn't ask anything further. Clearly he had a plan and as I stated before, I love a good gamble. Let's see if he was right and would make it to the final day without Cassius finding what he needs, I would hate to use 'it' so early on, but I'd do anything to reach my goal, I'll destroy this entire empire if I have to. I chuckle at my thoughts, the day of reckoning is coming I wonder what will happen. "Father, is there anything that I could do to help solve this problem?" He looks up at him before waving him off dismissively. "What could you possibly do for me Titus? Do you have an ability that could erase memories? Or maybe you have a tracking ability that could find that imbecile Matheus? If not then gather your things and get the hell out of my office, both of you." He turned his chair around grunting and I smirk making my way out of his office. Clearly he was disturbed and I did not want to worsen my dear fathers mood....kidding, I could care less about his tantrum. I just couldn't wait to see what would happen, will Cassius find evidence first or will the day of our fight arrive before then? I shiver at the thought, I'm so excited I'm getting chills all over my body.
"Alaric," Titus calls out from behind me and I turn around giving him my fleeting attention. He walks up to me, determination and animosity etched on his face as he spoke. "Father may have chosen you for now, but he is only using you, a mere pawn in his scheme. After you become crown prince I will take your spot from you, you are not deserving of such a title and I despise your repulsive perverted behavior, you make me sick and I will personally kill you when this is all over." I couldn't help the smile that graced my face, I tried covering it up with my hands but failed. "Oh dear, someone isn't very found of their big brother..what to do what to do? Hm, I know! Why don't we play a little game?" I chuckle lightly, clearly the little puppet was not very bright as he has just confirmed my suspicions. I walked around him playing with his short hair as he knocked my hands off of him. I smirked stepping in front of him, I had a proposal that I knew he wouldn't refuse.
"If I win against Matheus and come out with all my limbs attached and minor bruises I win, and you will not be able to challenge me for the throne, but If I come out battered or missing limbs then I will allow you to officially challenge me for the throne, deal?" I hold out my hand to him and he takes it immediately glaring at me. "Deal, you better not get hurt purposely or break your promise." I chuckle taking my hand away turning back around. "Oh I won't, I despise pain and getting hurt so I'd rather not injure myself." I wave and walk away from my adorable puppet brother. I would never allow him to win and I knew very well that he could never beat me on his best day, but who knows; maybe he will surprise me somehow and of course, I couldn't help but want to play with my brother a bit.
Once I was out of his sight and inside of my soundproof room I called for my right hand man. My father wasn't the only one who was investigating, I wanted to find Matheus before he did. Just as his disappearance was unnerving my father, I wouldn't say I was comfortable with it either but I believe I have an idea of where he may be. "Kone," he appears from the shadow taking a knee bowing. Kone was a former shadow knight, while he provided me an extensive amount information on the knights, his position was not high enough to provide me detrimental information, he also wasn't apart of the shadow guards anymore as he was cast out. Normally, he would be of no use but his skill set was quite useful and he provided me with the knowledge I needed. "Did you find any information on Matheus whereabouts? Or at least spoke to Merlin and gathered some intel?" My father had requested Merlin's help some time ago, but Merlin was not only tricky to find, but hard to please. He only came or took a job when it benefits him and thankfully, I was able to promise something only I would be able to give him.
"Apologies, my lord, but Merlin has not provided any updates on his search. He has only stated that he will be in contact when he has found the information you seek." I sigh laying back on the bed, while he was thorough it has been 4 months since I have started working with Merlin and time was running out quickly. I have less than 8 months to find Matheus and prepare for whatever he is planning. I had no doubt he was somewhere, but what was so important that he leaves the academy. He came off as so confident about his power but as soon as things start to get interesting he disappears? But why? Was he- no, maybe he's training? Even though I did not know him personally I wasn't sure he was one to over exert himself but it would make sense if someone decides to come for your position.
I smirk, amused by theory as I sat up. "Find Merlin and tell him that I need to have news in less than two months or our deal is off." He nods and disappears as I lay back onto my bed. It seems I may have come up with quite the interesting idea, if Matheus was indeed training then I would need to focus my thoughts on where I believe he would train without interruption. Seeing as though there hasn't been any word on any sightings of him, I was sure he was somewhere he could not be found easily which is obvious as we have yet to find out where he was. Well, I wouldn't worry myself on where he is at this moment, soon I would find him and when I do I will not allow him to hide any longer. I will find you Matheus alacar, I just can't wait to destroy you.

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