Chapter 18

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1 year later....
(It has now been 2 years since Matheus has entered eldenheim)

Halo alacar

       Things have changed immensely in the last year. 2 years ago when Alaric and his father, Nolan, decided to challenge Matheus and stake a claim to the throne it caused quite the uproar in the empire. The news spread rapidly and the empire became unstable, many of the citizens had questions, concerns, or were confused and understandably so. The most my father could do was confirm the truth of this unfortunate event and explain the law to the citizens as well as his position. My father was clearly opposed and blindsided to the entire plan and that day he declared that id Matheus wins he will not stand still and let things pass as there will be many important decisions that need to be made. Alaric and Nolan continued to dish out false information, trying to win the support of the people by doing favorable acts but it will not be enough to get them on their side.
They have went against their own emperor, who could want someone who will betray their leader as an emperor? And his unknown son as a candidate? While they were trying to deceive and manipulate, father has been working hard with the heir To shadow Erebus as well as Malay, the captain of the shadow investigation knights to dig up any evidence regarding Nolan's betrayal. They have come up with quite the amount of information and were still working tirelessly to locate everything they will need to take down Nolan. Fathers plan was to null the entire claim but it was getting increasingly difficult to find the exact evidence he would need to nullify his claim. If father could not find said evidence in time, Matheus will be our only hope as he will have to defeat Alaric and take our empire back on his own.
I have also been attending the academy for quite some time now. I was able to be admitted early with many recommendations from top scholars as well as a test that I had to pass in order to secure my place. Even though it wasn't exactly rare to have someone attend the academy before 16, it wasn't very common and it made me the topic of discussion at the beginning of the year. Unfortunately, I had an exchange with Alaric at being able to successfully avoid him the first few months, during that exchange, every cell in my body was alert when dealing with that disgusting snake of a person. There is something off about him and being around him makes me feel physically unwell. I was quite sure he had a hand in my attempted kidnapping that took place at the academy. Thankfully, I was able to fight the assailants off and because of the knights who always were watching me it has not happened again.
Now, I was enjoying my days at the academy, summer break has finally wrapped up and now I am at the start of my second year of school! Presently, I was headed to my sister suite to wake her up for our first day. My childhood friend Reagan and I spent the entire summer together at one of her family's summer vacation homes so I wasn't able to be with my big sister that entire time. I approached her suite door and turned the knob noticing it was unlocked, I opened the door and immediately wish I would have knocked instead of entering. My supposedly innocent sister was straddling her fiancé thankfully fully clothed, their mouths on each others in a heated moment. I silently gag at the sight and close the door walking back to my own suite. Does one not wait till marriage to do such acts?
               I was no fool to those....things I had many etiquette classes as well as informative male and female sexual...chemistry classes so I knew what ultimately occurred between a man and woman but I have no desire to do so. I wasn't even sure how someone could feel that way towards another. Of course I loved my siblings and my parents but loving another person in that type of way was just impossible for me to fathom. I shake my head trying to rid my brain of the pointless thoughts and continue to get ready for the day. After my maids finished dressing me and fixing my hair I hurriedly rushed to the shuttle as to avoid my elder sister as it took me to the academy.
Once I arrived, I met up with Reagan and Sora, a new friend I made during my first year attending the academy. "Honestly, you have no sense of humor Reagan I was just kidding around I promise I didn't mean it." Raegan rolls her eyes. Sora must have been teasing Reagan again, their bickering and teasing was a common occurrence between the two. A bright smile broke out on Reagans face as she spotted me, she approaches me taking my hands into hers bouncing up and down slightly. "Halo! It's great to see you again, I've missed you." She winks and I playfully roll my eyes smirking at her. "You've seen me the entire summer, we've only spent a few days apart there is no way you are missing me that quickly." Sora gasps in playful shock glaring at the both of us. "Pardon me? You both spent the entire summer together without me?" She looks away huffing and I giggle at her terrible acting. "Please, don't pretend as if we did not invite you but someone decided she wanted to spend time with her betrothed which I am greatly jealous of might I add!" Sora places her hands on her hips lifting her nose up in a playful pompous manner.
               "You know very well that I do not get to see him as often because he's graduated the academy, I'm sure you will find someone quickly your so beautiful there is truly no need to be jealous" "What is there to be jealous of? I don't see what's so great about being with someone especially if it is strictly political." They both stare at me in confusion as I turn walking towards our class they follow behind quickly. "Halo? How is it possible that you do not want to fall in love? What if you were to accidentally bump into him and he helps you with your things and when you look in his eyes you-" I fake gag cutting her off as she glared at me. "That isn't very princess like my lady," Reagan says and we all look at each other before giggling. It was moments like these that I enjoyed being with my friends. It helped me to forget the tumultuous mess my life currently was. I just want this last year to pass by as quickly as possible so we can sort out this distasteful events that are taking place.
                As we entered the class and took our seats I turned towards my friends. "It's not that I'm...opposed to the idea of finding someone but it is extremely hard for me to imagine myself with someone else in a lovey manner. I mean me? Constantly thinking of someone or k-kissing them?" I practically gag at the last word and they chuckle "Well, when that person arrives you'll look back on this very moment and think 'how could I not have known I would feel this way for someone' and we will be there to tell you we told you so." Reagan says and Sora nods agreeing with her statement. I sigh and remove my things from my bag as the professor comes into the class and begins her lesson.
               After our class, we were headed to our next lecture hoping to get there early to sit in our favorite spot, but of course, luck was not on our side as the woman who dared to bother my sister during the banquet a few years ago; who's name I unfortunately learned to be grace which is quite ironic considering she lacks the very thing her name is. She was currently sitting in our original seats with her sister who I was told by my sister caused quite the fuss during their entrance ceremony. They both weee pesky rodents who continued to bother me, but has yet to do enough to where I could have them both charged and arrested. Even though I am a princess and could have them charged with a flick of my finger, these women have been constantly spreading misinformation about me, if I were to act recklessly it would only prove this heathens words were right and I was not someone who could easily be fooled.
Unfortunately, while I am more calculated and observant with my approach, Reagan is a take action sort of person. She doesn't allow disrespect which is another reason why she is marching over to where they are sitting, anger extremely present on her face as sora runs after her trying to cease her advances. I sigh in annoyance, I did not have the energy or patience to deal with grace and her sister, but it looks as if I will have no choice. I make my way towards them all. "Do you ever listen to yourself when you speak Reagan? You accuse us of taking your seats when there are no names on said seats, they do not belong to you and I will sit where I very well please." Grace state's dismissively turning back around in her seat as Reagan grits her teeth about to speak again before I grab her arm.
I shake my head no taking her arm to lead her to another seat before the bi- I mean female spoke up. "Oh, if it isn't our empires 2nd princess. It's lovely to see you again I see we now have this class together, apologies if I have taken your seats It's my first day in this class so I was not informed." I almost roll my eyes at the false statement, there were multiple women around her that has taken the first class with us and knew we sat here daily, they must have informed her of where we sat. I force a fake smile on my face and nod at the waste of space. "It's quite alright, it is nice to see you as well. I shall be taking my leave now, apologies for the brief interruption." I lead us to a empty space away from the brainless woman and we take our seats quickly.
"Why did you apologize to that woman? She doesn't deserve even a word from you! She is a traitor to our nation and doesn't deserve to live, you should just take them out." I sigh and offer a small smile to her "what good would me getting angry and lashing out at her do? Do you think that is not what she wants from me? A reaction? I will not spare her even a ounce of energy or emotion as she will only use it against me. She has been trying to constantly lower my and my sisters reputation, they are all working hard to get people on their sides, to not see them as the traitors they are but it will not work. You have to know when to attack and when to retreat but one day, I will make her pay for her misdeeds."
My hand clenches angrily as I think of the many times she has tried to sully my name throughout the years, I wouldn't let her get away with this behavior, I'll make her pay. "So for now, I will let her go and enjoy her last bit of freedom." Reagan and sora stare at me before smiling "alright, I see your plan now. If that's what you want then we will follow your lead." I smirk liking that they picked up on my plans so easily. I'll get rid of her and her entire family no matter the cost; they deserve to suffer for their transgressions.

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