Chapter 15

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Alaric Emery


I walked down the academy hallway with my adorable little brother and his uncouth friend. We head to our class until I spotted a pretty princess that I just had to speak to. I part from the bunch and approach her small form, she had grown quite a bit since the last time I had seen her. "Halo right?" I drawl out the last word trapping her between my arms, I give her a cat like smile before twirling her long black hair around my finger. She was becoming quite the beauty, I'd love to have her as a concubine, oh! Or maybe even a pet, Oh the many possibilities, my pants tightened slightly around my groin area at the exhilarating thought. Her playful face became serious as she smacked my hand away angrily. "Oi, do not think you can touch or speak to me so freely, Don't let your challenge get to that empty pile of flesh you call a head, your name or status holds no weight and if I'm perfectly honest-"
She steps closer to me reaching my ear "There isn't a soul out there that would support you, even if you did somehow manage to beat my brother; which I highly doubt will occur, what makes you think the people will accept someone they know nothing of?" She pulls away and I snort before bursting out into laughter leaning back. I hold my tight stomach extremely amused at the hardly grown female. "Who are you halo alacar?" I asked amused by her cunning behavior. She smiles innocently backing away from me. "Someone you shouldn't take so lightly, if you believe you could somehow manage to intimidate me your sadly mistaken. I need no protection from the likes of you, and frankly, if my brother wasn't as powerful as he is now I'd most likely be heir and with good reason." Her eyes glow for a split second as a burst of air shoots past my ear cutting it. She giggles still smiling before turning to walk away.
I wipe the blood from my ear licking it slowly before looking at the retreating princess "You may think you need no protection little princess, but I promise your days at the academy will be quite interesting if I am around. Your family may be safe for now, but when I win." She turns around as my face contorts into a sadistic smirk sticking my tongue out. "I'll take you as my personal pet and slave, your so pretty, I can just imagine all the things I could-" oops, I lost it for a second, I fix my face smiling again at the pretty princess. "Apologies, I hope you enjoy your time at the academy halo... goodbye, for now." I bow at the stunned little flower before turning and walking away chuckling in amusement. It would have been more effective if she had of shown me even an ounce of fear but alas, she showed me quite the intriguing side of her. Halo, my little flower, your just to fascinating to let go of, I cannot wait to have you! Now I'll really have to kill her entire family, I wouldn't want her attention to be on anyone but myself. I walk inside the class and sit next to my brother and the other heirs.
"Where did you run off to Alaric?" I flash Titus a small smile "I just spotted a pretty flower and I wanted to inspect its petals, it was a lot prettier and interesting up close." Titus stares at me in confusion before turning towards the front as the instructor entered and began his lesson. After all of my classes were over I get into a shuttle to head to my fathers palace. I had been summoned by my father and If he was requesting my presence on such late notice I was sure it had to be something important. Once we arrived, I head straight for my fathers office and was let in immediately. "You incompetent worthless pig, I ordered you to get rid of the evidence that ties my name to any of this and somehow Cassius has found that information, there is no reasoning or explanation you can give to justify your actions!" The shadow knight stared at my father silently before moving as he launched a glass at him.
            "Call for an immediate meeting with Lincoln alacar as soon as you return, now, leave my sight at once you incompetent fool." The shadow knight disappears and I clap at the astonishing trick, I wonder if I could ever learn their secret arts when I become the emperor. I approach my fathers desk as he sighs rubbing his temples before looking up at me in annoyance leaning back in his seat. "Cassius is becoming too conscious for my liking, somehow he has found evidence that should have been taken care of a long time ago. He has also caught wind of the spies I planted in his palace, thankfully I was able to have them retreat before the fools could get captured and open their filthy mouths. I don't understand how he could have possibly found all of this information. Somehow he's also figured out that I have knowledge about those shadow knights as well, either I have quite the traitor in our mix or someone is on his side, someone too observant and thorough for my liking."
            He stands up mid speech pacing around the room while collecting his thoughts. I sit on the corner of his desk allowing him to formulate his thoughts and emotions waiting for him to get to the reasoning of why he has summoned me. "Matheus disappearing for this long is also quite the concern, I have reason to believe he is not in the palace but where could he possibly be? And why now all times did he decide to withdraw from the academy? it's been a full year since then and still no word or sight of him. There are too many obscure factors, I need more information. If Cassius finds the evidence about Matheus kidnapping and my involvement this will all be for naught, he could use that and make your claim to the throne void."
             My father pulls at his hair pacing at a faster rate as he starts to speak incoherently before pausing his erratic steps. "What am I saying? We made sure to tie up any loose ends I was very thorough when it came to making sure i was connected in no way to his kidnapping and experiments. There's not a chance he could hope to find a minuscule of evidence regarding the experiments and when we tested his blood on you, we were in another continent entirely, it's not plausible." He goes back to his chair and sits down sighing loudly before looking at me. Truthfully, I had no hatred or anger towards Matheus, it was his blood and power that made me who I am today, how could I not feel some form of gratitude? But feeling that makes me want to crush him even more. I love powerful people just as much as I love crushing them even more.
          I want to see his face when I kill his family and take the little princess for myself, will he cry? Scream? Beg? There were so many reactions he could have that would amuse me and I was elated to see what it would be. I am aware that my father wants him dead, but I couldn't help but want to keep him alive to torture him. I could empty my hot load into his awaiting sister as he watched from a cell bloodied and bruised. I'll make her cum while her brother is on the verge of death, I couldn't wait to see the looks on their faces. My legs clenched as I panted slightly at the arousing thought, there were so many things I wanted to test and I could not wait to be emperor. "Alaric, I would appreciate it greatly if you didn't get so aroused while sitting on my desk, save your twisted fantasies for later." I smile at my father and hop off his desk. "You will win against Matheus Alaric, no matter the cost.
          We have come to far to fail, there is no room for failure as it will mean our death. Win Alaric, no matter the cost." I chuckle wrapping my arms around myself sighing. "Of course father, your wish is my command." Matheus defeat was vastly approaching, a year had already passed, soon i will get to finally see the look of despair on his face. "It's time to take action against Cassius and his son, I won't allow him to continue digging without consequence and Matheus disappearance is unnerving to say the least, I have to make a move. Call the butler in immediately, it's time we search for the missing heir."

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