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Matheus hades alacar
Age: 14
A/N: This is NOT an official chapter, this is a flashback!!

Warning⚠️: This chapter will be extremely long, it is not mandatory to read but it will give you more insight on the war Matheus participated in as well as his personality pre war. This chapter includes:
Kidnapping, murder, suggestions of rape, suggestions of sexual activity, and death read at your own risk!

This flashback will be unedited! Grammar mistakes and all I wanted everyone to get the full feel of things and I believe forcing it and changing things will hinder my vision so i hope it isn't too bad but please bare with it.

        "Slyph fly faster," I instructed to my dragon soul protector. We were currently headed to the continent known as Corobasta to get away from everything. I know that I should have a permit but it felt suffocating being with my parents I just need a break from everything. Ever since I was kidnapped my mother has been smothering me, I'm not allowed to do anything anymore not even go outside; I always have to sneak and do it or have multiple knights with me. Apparently, they had found out about my nightly rendezvous so that put a end to my freedom rather quickly. I had heard of the peace treaty between our nations going through so I don't think it's a big deal coming here. Besides, I'm an emperors son, they wouldn't dare attempt to hurt me.
Sylph and I pass the borders and I take in the beautiful scenery around us. To say this place was beautiful was an understatement, I don't know where we're currently at but wherever it is, it's beautiful. We found a clearing near a lake and landed as I stripped and jumped in splashing sylph. I laughed as she snorted at me with an unamused look on her face. "Oh come on you big dragon, have some fun," I smiled and she growled lowly turning around curling up in her dragon form. We had been flying for a few hours so I guess I can give her the benefit of the doubt.
I swam around in the lake some more enjoying the cool feeling that rushed over my body before coming out of the water. I reached for my bag tied to sylphs saddle and pulled out a towel to dry off. Once I was done I put my clothes on and sat down leaning against sylph I looked up at the beautiful sky. It was a nice day today, the sun was shining brightly and the temperature was not too hot making it perfect. I decided to rest a bit before heading back to the palace before my parents could pop a blood vessel stressing over my whereabouts.
I was woken up by sylph moving as she stood up growling at whatever she was currently shielding me from. "A dragon? What the hell is a dragon doing here?" What is summed to be a man shouted in his native language. Good thing my tutors taught me the other continents language or I may have been in a dire dilemma. I came from behind sylph with my hands up and was shocked to see at least 30 guards of some sort with their weapons drawn. "Please wait, my name is Matheus alacar from the alacar empire. I am the son of Cassius and rose alacar our continents are currently signing a treaty-" before I could finish talking a arrow was shot so close to my face I paled. Well it looks like talking may be out of the picture, they look as if they want to kill you master.
Sylph said in my head and I stifle the need to roll my eyes. You think? A arrow almost took me out I would think that means they don't give a crap what I'm saying right now. I keep my hands up where they can see them as they step a bit closer. "Do you have a permit to be here Matheus from alacar kingdom?" The man sitting on a horse who I believe to be their leader stated. "It's actually empire not-" another arrow flys at my head and I dodge this time as I knew if I didn't that could have definitely hit me. "Does it look like I care? Kingdom empire it does not matter you are trespassing on our land, clearly a foreigner and supposedly a emperors son and yet you dare joke with no permit"
I decided to stay silent as he was technically right, I didn't have a permit and I was trying to correct him when I could possibly die for just being here. Told you we should have got a permit before coming here or just not have come at all sylph practically growled in my head and I scoff slightly but I know she's right. This was a stupid idea and I hope I didn't have to pay with my life because of it; if push comes to shove we will have to make a run for it. Sylph if things get dicey- she cut me off mid sentence I know, master I will let no harm come to you. I nod "I apologize for my rudeness, I do not have a permit but I am the son of the emperor so If you could just speak to him or I can speak with your ruler-" I got cut off again by the boisterous laughter of the men.
"Do you truly think just because you are the son of an emperor in your continent that it permits you audience with our king? Your arrogance truly knows no bounds boy! You are in Corobasta! We do not operate by your rules you are trespassing and for that you must pay the price. You either die here alone or you come with us, make your choice" I looked up at sylph and sighed "I'll take option two please, if you will." I wasn't truly going to let them capture me. I'd let them think they did and make a run for it when I get the chance. The leader motions towards us and a few men comes towards me with ropes; before I could make a run for it a needle was stuck in my leg as the contents was forced. Inside me "shit," I said and the next thing I saw was a blurry image of sylph attacking the men before passing out.

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