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(pic at top is summer outfit)


Nora looked around at the street she was on. Mouse lived in the three story apartment complex ahead of her, she'd already figured that one out. She wondered if the beach was right on the other side, or if it was a ways away. She had yet to see it.

"Are you tired?" Mouse asked as he stretched his arms above his head.

Nora shook her head, "Not really. I slept on the plane."

"Okay, that's good."

Mouse pulled his keys out and unlocked the front door, before heading down the hall to the right. Nora stumbled after him, her legs asleep from riding in a plane and then a car for nearly 24 hours. Deano took up the rear.

Mouse entered an apartment on the left side, the side that wasn't facing the street.

Nora's eyes widened as she stepped inside the doorway. Floor to ceiling windows and a sliding patio door led straight outside to a HUGE beach. The water looked endless, as if it went on forever and ever and ever. Nora hadn't seen the ocean outside of the plane because she'd been asleep when they crossed over it.

"Wow," She breathed, mesmerized at the view.

Mouse and Deano both laughed.

"Get used to it, you'll see it everyday," Mouse told Nora with a smile, "Now come on, let me show you your room!"

"Okay!" Nora slipped her worn out converse off and set them on the mat by the door before sock sliding after Mouse.

He led her down a hallway, to the last door on the right.

"Be my guest," He teased as he stopped and indicated for Nora to open the door.

Nora reached over and closed her hand over the cool brass knob, and then pushed it open. Her eyes widened in amazement and she gasped. "Wow, this is amazing!" She exclaimed.

"I know, right?" Mouse seemed so proud of himself that Nora couldn't help but laugh.

She walked into the room and looked around, amazed by the beautiful designs that Mouse had clearly done himself.

She walked into the room and looked around, amazed by the beautiful designs that Mouse had clearly done himself

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There were several pillows on the bed, and fairy lights hung around the top. A wardrobe and a painting of a lifeguard running out to sea, holding a blue rescue board were both in the corner. Another picture, this one of a cornfield, sat on another wall. Nora couldn't help but laugh a little at it.

Mouse grinned at her and ran a hand through his crazy black hair, "Do you like it?" He asked.

"No...," Nora trailed off, watching as the man's expression fell, before she said, "I love it!"

Mouse and Deano both laughed again. "You really made me nervous for a moment," Mouse breathed, putting a hand on his chest.

Nora just smiled.

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