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adding another zero because I think I'm gonna need it. Also, I know absolutely nothing about cheerleading and only a little about swim team, so sorry in advance those people who really know what they're talking about.


After choir class, Nora, Xander, Adam, Keitan, and a few other students broke off to head toward P.E. Unfortunately, the other alto 2 girl who'd been so condescending toward Nora already was also in the group going to her next class.

The girl kept on casting furious glances at Nora as she walked with Adam, Keitan, and Xander. Nora had enough common sense to know that she wanted in with the group of guys and thought that Nora had ruined her chance.

Nora tried her best to ignore the girl and instead focused on Xander as he talked about how he won his last swim meet. He had such a funny way of telling stories that Nora was cracking up by the time they reached the large physical education building.

"Will we be swimming today?" Nora asked as they entered the main gym.

"No because it's our first day. But tomorrow, definitely," Xander replied.

"Okay. Do I need to bring a suit from home?"

"Yeah, but it can't be skimpy," Keitan added his own part into the conversation, but added quickly after a moment, "Not that I think you would wear that stuff. You could totally, if you wanted to, but like-"

Adam cut him off, "He means just don't bring a thong or a string bikini, and no topless swimming. So bring like a one piece or a normal bikini or something."

"Okay," Nora nodded in agreement. She could do that. "And for the record," She said, "I don't own any thongs or string bikinis."

(}--|The Next Day|--{)


Nora's alarm went off at 5:30. She rolled out of bed, instantly lost her balance and fell on her face with a loud thud. Thankfully, Mouse and Harrison had already left to open up early, and Maxi was a heavy sleeper.

"Ow," Nora mumbled, clutching her head as she stumbled to her feet and then reached over and turned off her alarm.

She walked to her closet and pulled out a pair of grey shorts and a pink tank top with a llama on it. She had cheerleading tryouts at 6:30, so she needed to get ready and eat breakfast so that she could go to the school.

She put her hair in two french braids down her back once again and then did her makeup lightly. The white flower one piece that she'd only used once at the beach was stuffed into her bag to use at the pool for physical education and swim team tryouts. She also remembered to grab a towel and put that in her bag as well.

Nora grabbed a breakfast bar and filled the water bottle she'd bought at a garage sale the day earlier. It was one of the squirt ones that people used for sports, and Nora thought it would be perfect for her own school day.

Maxi stumbled out of his room right at 6, when Nora was about to walk out the door. She knew the way to the school a little better this time, and was confident that she could make the walk in 25 minutes.

"Morning," Maxi mumbled, "Have a good day at school."

"Best of luck at work!" Nora called over her shoulder as she shut the door with her hip and walked out of the lobby.


This time, the 25 minute walk to New South Wales High was actually 25 minutes. Nora walked into the main office and smiled at a young lady standing by the computers. She looked up when Nora arrived and smiled, "You must be Eleanora."

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