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"And she just attacked you?" Keitan asked in surprise.

It was lunch on Monday, the day after Nora's little 'fight' with Olivia Bell, and word had gotten around the school. She was in the middle of telling her friends about the excursion.

"Yeah, well I did call her a tryhard," Nora pointed out.

Xander snorted, "Well she is," He retorted, "And for the record, we don't pity you. We actually, genuinely enjoy your company. Otherwise I don't think we would have passed Mouse's test."

"Fair enough," Nora agreed.

"So what happened next?" Adam asked, drawing their attention back to the matter at hand.

"Harries came out of absolutely nowhere and said that he saw the whole fight, and Olivia ran off," Nora said, shrugging.

"Interesting," Adam observed.

"Yeah, I know right?"

"Did Harries go after Olivia?" Xander asked.

"He was about to, but I stopped him. I didn't want to cause extra problems, and I figured that Harrison would be wondering where I was. But I didn't get my poem done and Mrs. Sketcher gave a me a lecture in front of the whole class because of it."

"Whoops," Keitan said, sounding unconcerned.

"It was a pretty violent lecture," Xander agreed. He was the only other one in her literature class.

"It'll probably be fine if you get it done tonight," Adam reassured her, "And you always have that backup one about Mouse's socks."

"That's true," Nora said.

Keitan opened his mouth to say something more, but the bell rang right then and all three of them jumped from their seats. Choir practice had been going better and better as the first performance was nearing. Nora wasn't used to starting school in January, so she still found it odd that no one else was panicking yet about the upcoming concert. Her old school would have their own performance in a week's time.

"What are you going to do after school, Nora?" Xander asked.

"I'm going to go and see Rosie, since I haven't done that yet this week," She replied.

"You two must be close."


Nora's phone buzzed and she glanced down at it. Talia was texting her. She and Talia hadn't hung out in several weeks, since the start of school, because both of them were extremely busy.

"Who's that?"


"Wait, Talia Klein?"

Nora looked up when Keitan said Talia's name. "Yeah," She replied, "Talia Klein."

"Really?" Xander responded. He, Keitan, and Adam had stopped and were staring at Nora incredulously.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because she's the other friend in our group!"

"You have another friend in your group?"

"Yeah but since she's homeschooled now, we hardly ever hang out," Keitan explained.

Nora laughed, "Why did I not suspect that?" She asked, "You guys know everybody."

"We're just that awesome."


After her swim practice, Nora stopped by the apartment for a change of clothes and shoes, and then walked over a block to Rosie's house.

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