Chapter 044

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Nora raised a single eyebrow at Adam, waiting for him to continue.

"Olivia and Xander had a huge fight, and Adam had to break them up," Keitan told Nora before Adam can, earning himself a glare from yours truly.

"Because Olivia's a-"

"Language," Adam interrupted before Xander could finish his sentence.

"A jerk," Xander finished, giving him a sharp look, "What did you think I was going to say?"

"Not that," Adam told him.

Xander rolled his eyes, "You think so little of me. Anyway, Nora, about the fight. It wasn't a big deal, Adam's exaggerating. I overheard Olivia talking badly about you and I lost my cool. It was worth it, but probably not handled right. And that's that."

Nora stepped forward, turning her head slightly up to look at Xander's face. He had a bruise next to his eye and a split lip. She gave him a questioning look and then waited for him to elaborate further, since Olivia would never have been able to deal that much damage to him.

"Maybe we should explain a little bit more," Keitan said, "Xander didn't exactly fight Olivia. He fought Nick, who's Olivia's boyfriend."

Nora gave him a look like you couldn't have told me that earlier?

"Sometimes it's hard to remember they're not the same person, for the amount of time during the day that they spend glued to each other," Keitan shrugged.

Nora gagged, miming throwing up, and then shot Xander a scolding look. He read her mind.

"What? She was insulting you and I wanted to pick a fight with someone anyway," Xander protested.

Nora rolled her eyes and then turned, jerking her head at the guys to follow her up to the school. She wasn't sure what else to say, since the details would probably become clearer throughout the day, and she couldn't exactly speak her questions out loud. Her whiteboard was in her backpack, as well, so she couldn't write them down.

"Anyway, Xander and Nick both just got back from their suspensions today. The principle was going to keep them out for another week, but he knew that you were coming back today, so he decided to let them come back, since Xander wanted to be there," Keitan added as he trotted up to keep pace with Nora.

Nora's eyes widened. Xander had been suspended?! Honestly, it didn't totally surprise her, because of the no-violence policy that most schools had in place, but for two weeks? When had this fight been and why was Xander only just getting back? She would have assumed that he would be out of school for only a few days, not a few weeks.

"Come on, guys, we can talk more about this later. Class is about to start," Xander strode past the others and led the way up to the school, expecting Adam, Keitan, and Nora to follow after him. They did.

The bell to go inside rang right as Nora stepped foot in the main hallway. She glanced at the corkboard to the left outside of the office doors naturally, even though she wouldn't be doing cheer team and swim team for a long time.

Xander touched her back with his hand, guiding her down the hall as students began to flood the hall. Nora didn't like the amount of people that were surrounding her. How many students were there? She hadn't noticed the sheer amount of people before.

"Come on," With Xander on one side of her, Keitan on the other, and Adam in front, the group plowed their way through the crowd to their lockers.

They turned the corner in the hall and reached the other side, where the lockers began to line the way. Adam was the first to break off, his tall head easy to see above everyone else. Nora watched him for a moment, and then continued on.

Keitan was next, falling behind her and turning to the left. His locker was down the hall on the other side, with some of the other guys. Xander and Nora's lockers, were, luckily, right next to each other's. The two made their way through the slightly thinning crowd and then hurried to the side where they needed to put their stuff.

Nora entered her code into the front door and then opened it, sliding her bag off of her shoulders and then stuffing it inside her locker. She unzipped it and pulled out her whiteboard and class supplies for math.

Nora turned to Xander, who was just finishing grabbing his things. She closed her locker door at the same time he closed his, and then he said, "Well, I don't have maths class with you, sorry, but I'll walk you to it?"

Nora nodded, smiling at him in a way of thanks. She couldn't speak it out loud, which bothered her immensely, though.

Of the things from her surgery that Nora missed most, it was using manners. She felt so rude whenever she smiled at someone and sort of ducked her head as a way to say thanks. She also felt rude when she couldn't say please, too. Thankfully, though, people at least seemed to understand. Of course, the bandages around her neck were definitely a big giveaway.

Xander led her through the crowd towards Adam, who waved at the two and then made his way through the students over to them. "I forgot to ask you, Nora, are you coming to see the swim competition today, Nora? We're starting the elimination rounds," He said.

Nora shrugged, not knowing how to respond. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and tapped it like she was texting.

Xander was the one who got the memo first, "Oh, you'll ask?"

Nora nodded frantically, grinning at him and giving him the thumbs up. She was so tired of not being able to talk that it was immensely relieving someone finally understood her hand gestures.

"Hey, guys!" Keitan appeared in front of them, causing Nora to jump backwards into Xander in surprise, "Oh, sorry, Nora, didn't mean to startle you."

She shrugged again and offered him a meek smile.

"Come on, guys, we've got to head to class," Adam turned and began to push his way through the crowd.

Nora stayed behind him, trying not to get bumped into by people, because depending on what they hit, it caused varying levels of pain in her throat.

Xander and Adam dropped Nora and Keitan off at the door of maths class. Nora's eyes lingered on Xander's for half a second and she blushed, before looking down and turning her eyes toward the door that Keitan was holding for her. Already she could see the teacher standing at the front of the class, smiling as he waited for her entry.

She took a deep breath, and walked inside.

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