Author's Note

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Hey guys, author here!

First of all, fear not, because I'll start updating this story again tomorrow. I just wanted to tell you a little bit about what's going on in my life right now because I'm not neglecting this story for no reason.

I struggle a lot with my mental health. I am getting better every day, but sometimes I still hear those voices(ANXIETY NOT SCIZOPHRENIA) in my head that tell me I'm worthless, that I'm nothing. When I get frustrated with myself, but most of all when others get frustrated with me.

I am also working toward getting my first job right now, and I feel pretty scared, since lifeguarding is a tedious and important job. I'm absolutely terrified that I will miss someone in the water, or not do the right thing on land because I panicked.

So anyway, I'm just struggling really hard right now and I would appreciate some support. Sorry for making you guys wait so long, I feel terrible!

That_Fanfic_Kid :]

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