Chapter 045

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Mr. Hayler was staring right at Nora as she stepped into the room beside Keitan. Unlike the first day, however, when they were both late, he didn't look even half as condescending.

Instead, he started clapping. The whole class did, actually. Nora looked around in amazement as she watched the classmates she had only just barely felt like she was getting to know as they applauded her. She blushed and smiled, wishing she could say thank you out loud.

"We're glad to have you back, Nora," Mr. Hayler told her. His smile was well and truly genuine. "But you're late to class, so please take a seat."

"Sure, Mr. Hayler. Sorry we're late," Keitan apologized for both of them, leading Nora over to the two seats they'd sat in since the start of school. Every other seat around those two were full, but not the two themselves. Nora had to suppress a laugh. Since when was she so popular?

She decided to write that on her whiteboard to show to Keitan as a question, since it was genuinely shocking her that everyone in that room was so warm and kind.

Keitan leaned over her shoulder to read the note. "It's because everyone here likes the way you act and treat others, no matter who they are. That's part of the reason that they all ganged up against Olivia. I forgot to tell you that she was still suspended.

Nora smiled at him, grateful for his support. She wished she could speak out loud to say thank you to him in that moment, but he seemed to understand the meaning of her facial expression.

"Come on, we should pay attention now," Keitan turned his head back to look at the whiteboard.

Nora wondered how she'd ever gotten such good friends.

-- --

Halfway through the day, an announcement came over the loudspeakers that Nora needed to go to the front office. She furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion and exchanged a look with the others, but dumped her tray and headed to the front of the school all the same.

Through the window of the front office, Nora spotted a man who looked like he was waiting for someone. He was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, with a jacket over the top and a backwards ballcap placed atop his head. He looked...nervous.

Nora pushed open the door to the office and spotted Mouse sitting in the corner of the office, leaning back in a chair with his legs crossed over themselves. He nodded at Nora, and then jerked his head at the nervous guy.

Nora gave him a questioning look, and then turned her attention to the man at the same time he looked at her. It took them roughly around the same time to realize who the other was.

"Eleanora," Aaron breathed, his eyes-the same, brilliant blue ones that Nora remembered-were watering.

Nora just nodded at him, hating again how she couldn't speak.

Still, Aaron seemed to understand, "It's been a long time, Eleanora," He said. "Your guardian, Mouse, he was the one who found me. He got into contact with me and asked me to come see you, said we both needed closure. Said you were blaming yourself for the death of-of everyone else?"

Nora nodded again, her own eyes beginning to water with tears as she thought back to that fateful night.

"Oh, Eleanora," Aaron whispered, his voice breaking, "No one ever told you, did they? That's my fault, I guess. The rest of them were dead on impact. I was holding on to your carseat and you were inside it, which was the only reason that we both survived. I guess I was told that, and the EMT's thought that you were too young to understand. I'm so sorry."

Nora's breath caught in her throat. Her knees buckled from underneath her and she stared at the ground, not knowing what to think or even say, if she could speak. Her older brother, the one who'd blamed her for her parent's death and disappeared, had suddenly appeared out of the blue and told her that nothing was her fault?

Nora gave Aaron a questioning look, and he sighed again, reading her as if he had spent more than just five short years by her side. Like he'd known her for a lifetime. Nora guessed he had. It was just a different sort of lifetime.

"You're wondering why I'm here," He stated. It wasn't a question. "It's because we needed to see each other. And because Mouse...Mouse wants to give you a new family. A different one, here in Australia. Where there's no more group homes and foster care. Where everything stays the same, each and every week, and there's no fear of being kicked out or moving at any time. He was supposed to tell you that, not me, but I couldn't resist."

"There are papers here for you to sign, but you don't have to if you don't want to. There's no pressure, and I won't be mad if you don't sign," Mouse piped up from the corner, "But please, Nora, at least consider it. Consider living with me, permanently."

Nora looked up at him, a few tears dripping down her face. And then she nodded.

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