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(will make sense in a moment) also there's a big time skip in the middle so just a warning


Mouse rubbed Nora's back as she cried. He wished that he could be the one holding her, but because of his ribs, Jesse and Matt wouldn't let him.

His heart was aching in pain for the girl in front of him. She'd already wrapped him around her little finger without realizing it, and her broken, desperate sobs were pulling Mouse to pieces. It had only been five days, but Mouse had already been thinking about adopting Nora.

Matt Dee shot Mouse a look as he tightened his grip on Nora. Mouse knew what he was trying to tell him. Nora clearly hadn't cried herself out for a long time.

Jesse was sitting down on the bed, but he abruptly got up. "I'll be right back," He said, standing from his position and sliding his phone into the back pocket of his shorts.

Mouse and Matt both watched as Jesse strode out of the room. A moment later, they heard the front door slam shut.


It was about an hour before Jesse returned to the room, a strangely shaped plastic bag in hand and a large grin on his face.

"Here, Nora," Jesse said, pulling out what looked to Mouse like a cream colored blob.

Nora lifted her head from Matt's soaked shoulder and looked at him, her eyes swimming with tears. "Sorry," She gasped, reaching up to wipe her eyes.

"If you apologize one more time for showing normal, human emotions, I will not be happy with you," Matt Dee warned her.

Nora looked both sheepish and relieved at the same time.

Jesse held out the cream colored blob to Nora, which Mouse now noticed that it also had some blue and purple on it. And...ears?

Nora took the item from Jesse and blushed, "Thank you," She told him, pulling it to her chest and hugging it. That was when Mouse finally realized it was a stuffed animal. And, by the look on Matt Dee's face, he'd only come to the same conclusion a moment earlier.

"Nora," Mouse said softly, "It's okay for you to show emotions. It's okay for you to act like a teenage girl. I want you to feel safe here, alright?"

Nora turned to look at Mouse and responded almost instantly, "I do feel safe here."


I know this is a super short chapter. Sorry! I'll have a much larger chapter next update, promise!

Anyway, thanks so much to everyone for reading!

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