Final Notes

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So, I have to admit, I thought that this book was going to be a heck of a lot longer than it panned out to be. However, I felt like I needed to end it and move on with other projects.

First of all, thank you to everyone for the 5,000 reads, which I never expected but I really appreciate!

Special thanks to:




You guys were my first voters and commenters, and I really super appreciate that. Thanks for being supportive all the way through this book, even though it had a rather abrupt ending.

And, finally, I really appreciate you all and I'm really grateful for a chance to write this book. I'm not sure how I got hooked into Bondi Rescue, but it has resulted in both an uplifting fandom, and a new job that I'm really going to enjoy.

And yes, if you're wondering, I finished the online course for lifeguarding and PASSED earlier today. As of yesterday, I was officially fifteen, and now I'm getting my full certification and I'll be able to be a lifeguard!

Thanks one last time y'all!

That_Fanfic_Kid :)

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