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"Hi, Mouse, how's the doctor appointment going?"

Mouse grinned when Jules' voice reached his ears. "I need your help," He said, "I got called into  work and I need to go. Nora's having a biopsy. Would you be here for her when she wakes, please?"

"I'll head over now. I was just working my way through Sydney, anyway. Best of luck at work, Mouse!" Jules replied.

Mouse deflated with relief. Jules would be the perfect person to stay with Nora, and he knew he could count on her. He wouldn't have to worry while he was at work.


Jules watched Nora waking up. The younger girl's movements were slow and lethargic, but that was normal. It was her first time going under for an operation, even a small one like a biopsy, and she was probably going to be pretty loopy for a while.

That's why Jules had called backup. Quinno, a long time friend of hers who doubled as a paramedic, was on his way over to help Jules get Nora home.

After hearing about Nora having had seizures in the past, the doctors wanted to keep her overnight for observation, but Mouse insisted that she would be fine with the lifeguards. Nora would be freaked out by staying the night in a hospital, anyway, so none of them wanted to deal with the later repurcussions.

"Jules!" A voice sounded from the door, jerking Jules from her thoughts.

"Quinn!" Jules stood up and gave her friend a side hug.

"What's the scoop?" He asked, looking down at Nora, who was still in the process of waking herself up.

"They did a biopsy and they think that it's benign," Jules told him, "But they want to remove it soon, because it's still growing."

"Okay," Quinn nodded, "How long has she been waking up?"

"About five minutes."

"Jules?" The soft, raspy sound of Nora's slightly slurred voice broke both of the lifeguards out of their thoughts.

Jules turned toward Nora as she struggled to sit up, "Welcome back to the land of the living, Nora," She teased with a warm smile, "Are you ready to go home?"

"Yethhh," She responded, struggling to pronounce the word.

Quinn and Jules both chuckled, and Jules went to sign the discharge papers. She'd already had a nurse get them for her, and so all she had to do was sign them and hand them back.

"You're good to go," The nurse told her, taking the papers with a smile.

Jules returned the smile and then headed back to the room. She had already grabbed Nora her clothes, so all Nora needed to do was change into them and then the group would be able to go home.


It took a surprisingly little amount of time to get Nora into her clothes and get her out of the hospital, for as badly balanced and loopy as she was. Quinn had his hands on Nora's arms, practically holding her upright and keeping her moving forward so that she wasn't stumbling around like a drunk person.

Jules opened the back door of her van and Quinn guided Nora inside gently. He put her seatbelt on and closed the door for her, and then hopped into the passenger seat, chuckling to himself. "She's more out of it than I've seen most people," He told Jules as she pulled into traffic.

Jules glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and nodded, "Well, she's a lot smaller and this is her first mini surgery, so at least it makes sense. You should have seen me when I had my wisdom teeth removed."

"I did see you. That was last year, Jules."

"Oh, right."

She turned a corner toward Sydneyland Suburbia and began to drive down the winding streets of houses. Mouse lived right on the beach, so his place was still a little bit of a drive away. Jules thought she could make it in about fifteen minutes.

She and Quinn sat in silence, occasionally glancing in the rearview mirror to check on their passenger. Nora was half asleep, her head leaning against the window as she peacefully stared outside. It was rather cute.

"We're here," Jules pulled up to Mouse's apartment building and put the car in park. She took off her seatbelt and glanced back at Nora again as she struggled to find the belt unclicker for her own seatbelt.

Quinno got out and helped her unbuckle.

"I feel drunk," Nora mumbled, her eyes going everywhere for a moment as she spun in a full circle and then landed on her bum in the grass.

Jules and Quinno both burst out laughing.


Wow, guys, thanks so much for 2.5k reads! I never thought it would get this far! Thank you for the votes and the comments as well, since they are always enjoyable and exciting for me to see! Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I got back into pitching softball for the first time in four years and I pitched for 2 1/2 hours, which was not good for my shoulder but oh well.

Anyway, have a great day/night!


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