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"Reidy, that's rude!" Nora laughed, punching the lifeguard lightly in the shoulder as he chuckled.

"No it isn't!" He argued.

"Pushing someone into the water to 'test the temperature'? Seriously?" Nora went after him again, water dripping off of her now soaked body.

Behind them, Mouse and Jesse both joined in on Reidy's laughter. Nora was fighting hard to keep a straight face herself.

It had been five months since her surgery, and Noar enjoyed the ability to talk every single day. School was over, FINALLY, and classes for the next year were yet to come out.

It was still weird that Aaron was back in Nora's life. They talked once a week on the phone, but they were still in that awkward stage where both of them were supposed to know each other but they didn't. That was okay.

He'd offered to adopt her, instead of Mouse, but Nora had turned him down almost instantly. He was a relative, sure, but blood of the covenant was thicker than water of the womb.

And, she was happy in Bondi.

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