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Just a warning guys, I've had a horrible headache all day and this chapter is not my best by faaaaaaaaaaar.


"Are you afraid of doctors, Nora?" Mouse asked as they drove. He was still looking at her in the rearview mirror.

" not really. But I'm not a particular fan of needles," Nora responded.

Mouse looked relieved. He turned a corner, pulling into a white brick building with painted blue lettering that said Sydney Pediatrics.

"You're taking me to the doctor's?" Nora asked in confusion. That hadn't been in the manual for the foreign exchange host to do. But then again, Mouse had already proved over and over that he was willing to go above and beyond for her.

"Yes. I sent an email to your orphanage, and I thought you were long overdue for a check-up. Your appointment is for 9, so we kind of have to hurry," Mouse stepped out of the car and Nora unbuckled her seatbelt, following suit quickly.

As they walked across the lot, Nora watched several different kids walk in and out of the building. Some of them looked healthy, like her, and were probably just going for physicals, but others were definitely sick.

The sliding glass doors opened as Mouse and Nora stepped on the pressure plates. They walked through both sets and Nora was instantly looking around. She marvelled at the amazing design of the lobby.

Two walls were painted bright pink and the other two were a dark blue. There was a long row of cushioned chairs to wait on as well. A small children's table with red chairs sat in the corner, piled high with coloring books and crayons. Several young kids occupied it already. There was also a fish tank, and Nora spotted a remora, as well as several lionfish and other stuff.

Mouse led Nora to the front of the room and stepped up to the check-in desk. "Hi," He said, "I'm Michael Jenkinson, here for Nora Kane."

The lady began to click some stuff on her computer, and then she glanced at Nora and smiled, "Alright then. Doctor Garrison will be out shortly."

"Sounds good," Mouse led Nora to the chairs and plopped down in one, Nora taking a seat beside him.

"Are you nervous?" Mouse asked Nora in a low whisper.

"Less than you are," She retorted. Sure, her nerves were tingling, but Mouse looked like he was about to puke.

"Sorry," Mouse leaned back in his chair and pulled out his phone, Nora copying him. She really needed a new phone.

Her knee began to bounce harshly as she sat in the chair waiting, even though her toes were just barely touching the ground when she reached as far as she could.

Mouse was quick to put a hand over her knee and stop its shaking.

"Nora Kane?" A female nurse called out Nora's name and she stood from her spot next to Mouse.

Mouse and her walked up to the nurse, who smiled at them, "I'm Anna," She said, "How are you all doing today?"

"We're doing well, thank you," Nora answered for Mouse because she could see that he was struggling to rein himself in. As Anna turned and led them to the back, Nora hit Mouse's leg with her hip sharply and gave him a look that clearly said, pull yourself together.

Mouse heeded her advice and squared his shoulders, taking a deep breath and letting his body relax. Calm, cool, and collected.

She and Mouse made their way into an examination room. Anna closed the door behind them, set the chart down, and smiled. "Okay, Nora," She said, "I just need to take your blood pressure and your height and weight, alright?"

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