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After her swim tryouts, Nora went to the main office because she had forgotten to check if she'd made the cheer team earlier in the day. Adam chose to accompany her, since he was going in the same direction, while Xander and Keitan needed to head straight to the beach.

"He likes you, you know," Adam said casually as Nora adjusted her bag on her shoulders.

"Who likes me?"


Nora giggled at the mere thought of her hanging out with Xander as more than friends. He was a nice guy, sure, but she'd only known him for a day.

"I haven't known him for more than a day," Nora pointed out, "And he hasn't exactly known me any longer."

"I know, mate," Adam replied, "And I don't think he's realized it, yet, either. Give it some time, and mark my words he'll ask you out."

"I thought Xander didn't date," Nora remembered the conversations about girlfriends from lunch the day before.

"Yeah, well, he's had some bad experiences. I'll bet you a surfing trip to Tamarama with Keitan and Xander."

"Deal. If he asks me out, I'll go," Nora shook Adam's hand with a firm grip and a lopsided grin.

"Gosh, Tiny! You sure have a strong grip," Adam gasped.

"Since when do you call me Tiny?"

"Since now. Come on, I want to see if you made the cheer team, need a boost to see the bulletin board?"

Nora shoved Adam half-heartedly and said, "Shut up, tall boy."

Adam laughed and let her lead the way to the front bulletin board. Names were typed on a white sheet with the title CHEER TEAM in bold.

The names went down the list according to position.

Temporary Team Captain: Piper Matthews

Team Captain[suspended for one month]: Olivia Bell

Main Cheerleaders:

Clarabella Jackson

Mary Long

Killian Russo

Benjamin Jinks

Liliana Stuart

Gabriella Raymond

Eleanora Kane

Julie Hart

Backup Cheerleaders:

Gavin Hansen

Kyler Hansen

Rhodendra Hutz

Emma Grebasche

Nora read through the list once, and then read through it a second time. There she was, right in the main cheerleader list. Her real name, Eleanora Kane.

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