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(}--|Two Weeks Later|--{)


Nora leaned back in her chair, watching as Mr. Guntley wrote something on the board. He turned around to the class after only a few moments and announced, "We've been talking about doing a solo for the Hanging Tree, and I would like to do tryouts for that today. Anyone willing to try out, please come to the singing box and line up outside. I'll call you in when I'm ready."

Mr. Guntley turned and walked out of the room, the door swinging shut behind him with a silencing thud. Immediately, a few of the girls in the soprano section burst out of their chairs and followed after him. It didn't take Olivia Bell more than a second to leave Nora's side and head to the door, either.

Nora glanced to the side of her, where Keitan and Adam were standing in the tenor section, already looking at her. Keitan gave her a questioning look, and Adam stuck his tongue out in a teasing manner when she made eye contact.

But before Nora could go over and ask them if they were going to try out, a hand grabbed her upper arm and dragged her out of her seat.

"A-hey!" Nora protested as the person tugged her toward the door.

"Come on, we're all trying out," Xander's voice sounded beside her.

"Oh, okay," Nora relaxed and let Xander pull her out of the room to the line up at the box.

Keitan and Adam's voices sounded behind her and Nora realized that they must have decided the same thing as Xander.

Xander put Nora behind him in the lineup, which she was grateful for, since she'd never tried out and she certainly didn't want to be the first in their friend group. Not to forget, she couldn't even imagine the embarrassment of messing up in front of Xander.

Mr. Guntley sent the first girl out of the box looking a little upset. She hadn't been in there for nearly as long as Nora thought she would be. Nora gulped. This tryout was coming closer than Nora liked to admit.


Student after student left the box. Some looked proud, and others did not. After a quick explanation from Xander, Nora understood that no one would know who got the solo until after Mr. Guntley finished with listening to everyone's voices.

All too soon, it was Nora's turn to sing. She stepped into the box slowly, feeling as if she were facing her doom, and stared at the daunting face of Mr. Guntley. It didn't help that Olivia had come past Nora after finishing her own audition and whispered in her ear, "You'll never beat me."

"Alright, Nora. Why don't you sing this passage right here. Go ahead when you're ready."

Mr. Guntley sat back and watched Nora looked carefully at the music even though she didn't have to. She knew the words by heart.

"Are you, are-"

"Nora," Mr. Guntley interrupted her, his voice gentle, "You don't ever have to pretend to be a super pretty singer. You don't ever have to pretend to sing more ladylike. I want you to sing naturally. Try again."

Nora stared at Mr. Guntley. She'd never sung naturally in choir, all of the teachers got mad at her when she did. But she decided to try.

"Are you, are you, coming to the tree? They strung up a man, they say who murdered three. Strange things have happened here no stranger than you see if you come at midnight to the hanging tree," Nora sang and oh man that felt good.

Mr. Guntley surprised her when he started clapping. "Good job, sweetheart," He said, "You can go back to the room and wait with your section until I come in. Then I'll announce who got the solo."

Nora thanked him and walked back out of the box, Xander catching the door before it could swing shut behind her. He winked at Nora and then ducked inside.

"How'd you do?" Adam asked as Nora walked past him and Keitan.

"Uh, good...I think," Nora responded. In her books, she had done great, but that would be arrogant to say, "I'm going to head back."


Adam and Keitan watched as Nora walked into the choir room again. She went back to her section, where Olivia was nowhere to be seen at first. Nora eventually spotted her flirting with one of the basses that sat next to Xander. Trent was his name.

It didn't take long for the last few people to finally filter in through the door, and soon enough, Mr. Guntley barreled back inside with his signature grin and twinkling blue eyes.

"Alright, class!" Mr. Guntley called, and everybody was immediately paying attention, "Thank you to everybody who tried out, and I'm so glad you're interested in singing. There was a clear winner today, not because the people who tried out were bad singers, but because the winner was insanely good. El-Nora, sorry. Nora Kane, congratulations."

Nora blushed as most of the room applauded. Well, all of the room, except for one. Olivia Bell looked angrier than ever as she stared at Nora. But what was scarier? The moment their eyes met, Olivia began to smile and clap with everyone else. Nora could see a twinkle of danger in the other girl's eyes, and she felt a shiver run down her spine. This was gonna be trouble.

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