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(}--|Next Thursday|--{)


Nora's first swimming meet was in one day, and she was a bundle of nerves. It had been several weeks since she had started school in Australia, and the first meet was bound to happen, but she couldn't wait for it to be over.

She was thinking about all of this as she sat at Mouse's counter, peeling the skin off of an apple with a knife and reconsidering her life choices. She still had yet to do the poem for Mrs. Sketcher, too, and she knew that her english teacher would run out of patience soon. Besides, it was best to get it out of the way, wasn't it?

She'd already been told by her english teacher that she had until Friday. There was no other option than to work on it.

Nora grabbed her notebook and walked outside to the patio, sitting down in one of the chairs and watching as the sun sank lower into the sky. Already, the days were much shorter than they used to be.

She leaned back in the chair and stared at the sun as it set into the ocean. A perfect blend of oranges and pinks that she delighted in.




Nora bent down and began to scribble on her paper.

I'm supposed to be perfect,

But I'm only human,

And I have plenty,

Of my own demons.

And sometimes I'm scared,

And sometimes I'm mad,

And sometimes I really can't help,

But just let myself be sad.

And those emotions aren't perfect,

Are they?

Or do they make us human?

Who would I be,

Without my suffering?

I think I might be lost,

Maybe even all alone,

But in the end,

When it begins again,

Aren't we all alone?

Save me.

Nora stared at the sentences on her paper. They weren't the best she'd written, sure, but they would have to do, because she didn't want to spend any more time thinking about her own mental battles than she had to. And she'd already had a hard enough day.

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