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(mouse's ribs)


Mouse leaned back in the buggy as Harries drove them up to the tower. He was trying not to reveal how much pain he was in but holy guacamoles that hurt!

Gonzo was waiting at the top of the stairs. He watched as Mouse struggled up the steps and into the tower, sitting down on the bed. His jaw was locked in pain, and there was a vacant look in his eyes, but those were the only outward signs of distress.

"KC's already called an ambo," Gonzo said as he carefully handed Mouse the oxygen mask.

Mouse only nodded, holding the mask to his face and breathing in as shallowly as possible. He prayed that the ambulance would come faster than normal.

And his prayers were answered.

There was a sound of sirens, and then only a split second later, a knock on the door. Gonzo opened it and smiled at the female and male paramedics that were standing outside.

"Hi," The girl said, "I was just around the block when I got the call. I'm Ariel, and that's Falcon over there."

Mouse offered her a weak smile as she walked up to him. "Mouse," He said as an introduction.

Ariel didn't even bat an eye at the name he'd used. "Hello there, Mouse. What seems to be the problem today?"

"I think I've broken my ribs."

Ariel and Falcon both winced. Broken ribs were certainly neither of their favorite things.

"That sounds like it hurts. Why don't we get you out of here?" Ariel smiled again and then Falcon disappeared. He reappeared only a moment later with the bed.

Ariel and Gonzo helped Mouse maneuver himself onto the mattress as best they could without moving his upper body all that much. And only a moment later, he was ready to be transported. Gonzo waved him off as Mouse was pushed out the door and into the back of an ambulance. The doors were closed, and he was on his way.


At six o'clock that evening, Nora said goodbye to Talia and hurried back to the apartment. Mouse wasn't home yet, but that was to be expected. Nora had seen him earlier on the beach with Harries, but she hadn't said hi because he was working and she didn't want to distract him. Even though she knew that he probably wouldn't mind.

Nora slid the patio door closed as best she could, and then hurried down the hall to take a quick shower before she started on dinner. She changed into a yellow tank top and jean shorts, and hung her second swim suit over the top of the shower curtain to dry. She made a mental note to ask Mouse where the laundry was to be done when he arrived home.

Padding barefoot out of the bathroom, Nora slung her dripping hair behind her back and got to work at the stove. Garlic and brown sugar pork chops was one of her best recipes. She'd spent a couple of tedious summer months perfecting it, until every family she moved in with was asking her to cook it at least once a week.

Hopefully, Mouse would like it just as much as the others did.

At seven o'clock, Nora glanced at the door. She knew Mouse would be home soon, since his shift had just ended. But what she wasn't expecting was for another guy to be opening the front door. "Come on," He said as he held it wide so Mouse could slip through.

Nora analyzed her host's face carefully and immediately realized he was hurt. She was well practiced at reading expressions, and the face of pain was nothing new to her. Foster homes could very often be quite harsh.

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