The Vampire's Reluctant Bride: chapter-2

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Amelia looked out of the Alfa Romeo’s window in awe. The car had entered through the gates and seemingly into a different world altogether- far removed from the daily bustle she was used to seeing, within the gates a semi-metropolitan seemed to thrive. Only difference was, it was all so peaceful. There was no chatter, no vendors hawking their goods...nothing. The majestic black car glided silently through the streets like a predator-on-the-hunt.

Looking around at the immaculately dressed men and women, Amelia groaned inwardly at her jeans and shirt combo. Well, serves me right for not listening to Mom. Lillian had repeatedly asked her to wear one of her nicer outfits, but Mia had been adamant that she dress in what she was comfortable in- ‘I want them to know the real me, Mom! ’ She had announced.

However, at the moment she was besieged by doubts- fairly certain that ‘they’ would not approve of the ‘real’ her. She waited a moment for his voice to re-assure her, but the silence in her head was deafening.

Great, even he had abandoned her now!

I am right here, cariño...what’s wrong?

They will hate me. Mia thought miserably.

The sudden, unexpected feeling of mild amusement had her face clouding in confusion before she heard his voice: And what has made you draw that conclusion?

Look at this place! I don’t belong here.

She waited for a minute as a bizarre wave of sorrow overwhelmed her; but no one contradicted her. So she was right, she concluded sadly- she was a misfit, even her friend could not deny that. The car came to a halt before an imposing stairway and she sighed.

Be brave, cariño...

She smiled as his words echoed her own thoughts and did his bidding, inhaling deeply to brace herself for what was to come. And then she stepped out.

She climbed up the marble steps following the guard’s instructions and paused at the entry of an immense hall. It reminded her of the royal courts she had read about in history. On either side were high, arched windows which bathed the room in muted light. The thick gold-tinted carpet stretched right up to the far side of the room where a dais rose-overlooking the entire hall. The room was sparsely furnished, considering its size.

“Ah! Amelia, mi hijo! Why do you stand there, come inside?”

She jumped, having failed to notice the two figures on the far side of the hall. Hesitantly she approached them. One seemed older than the other, but she could not place a finger on his age- he seemed to be in his mid-forties, but his wizened eyes told an altogether different story. Tall, with dark hair and iridescent eyes, he bestowed a welcoming smile on her.

The younger man, who appeared to be closer to her own age, was looking at her with mild disdain. She flinched at his disapproving stare. As tall as the other, he had the same dark hair, but his eyes were a shade of blue she had never seen- they reminded her of icy winters and were busy inspecting her with as much warmth. His thin lips stretched even thinner as he gave her a curt nod,” Amelia.”

To her relief, the older man was unaffected by the younger’s lack of enthusiasm, “Te lucir bella! (You look beautiful) I am so happy to see you here again.”

Again? Amelia reeled in surprise- What did he mean ‘again’?

 You do not remember?

She had a sudden vision of herself as a six-year old, playing with a stranger in this very hall.

Neither of the two men before her was the handsome ‘stranger’ from her vision. Who was that he?

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