The Vampire's Reluctant Bride: chapter-33

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A/n- Hey guys...

Terribly sorry about the late update, but it's going to be like this for a li'l while....Anyway, heres the promised new chapter.

Let me hear your views, okay???

-Anticipating your votes and comments,

Merry Christmas;




Amelia made a show of pirouetting slowly to allow Lucius to get a good look at her outfit, “What do you think?”

His eyes grazed over the muted, but exquisitely cut dress; seriously considering her appearance. Mia didn’t know whether to be grateful that Lucius was not one of those husbands who blindly complimented their wives or be terrified that he would genuinely find something to critique.

Finally his eyes met hers. “You look beautiful.”

She almost sagged in relief, and yet she could not rid herself of that niggling feeling; “Do I sense a ‘but’ in there somewhere...?”

He gave a half-smile – half grimace as he carded a hand through his hair, “It’s just... Aren’t you a bit too young to be wearing such – uh- shall we say-mature (?) colours?”

She looked down her dress, “It’s too dull?”

“No...No... Just, I was hoping...umm...I- uh, I like seeing you in happier colours, you know?”

“Fluorescent greens and yellows are not really my thing.” She hedged.

“Yeah, I can see that.” He agreed, before changing the topic abruptly, “You can drive?”

She thought of her many adventures in her family’s blue Volkswagen beetle and nodded, “Sure.”

He nodded, “Good, let’s go then.”

Amelia could feel her heart hammering as they came to a stop before the black Alfa Romeo that had first brought her here. It took another second for her to realize why her subconscious had been so wound up as she turned to find Lucius holding out the key to her.


“You said you could drive.” he offered in explanation.

“I can... but I suppose I left out the part that so far, I’ve only driven my dad’s car.”

He was nodding before she even finished her statement, “The Blue beetle, I know.”

She raised a questioning eyebrow, but he merely shrugged; his right hand still holding out the key.

“Lucius, I really don’t think I can handle this car.” She looked at him apprehensively.

He grinned, “Fine, we’ll let you get the hang of this car later; alright?”

She nodded as he swiftly opened a door and motioned for her to get in.

“Lucius, you don’t have to-“

“Who are you and what have you done with my brother?”

Both Lucius and Amelia whirled around at Andre’s voice, a grin brightening Lucius’ face even as Mia unconsciously moved closer to his side. “Hey, Li’l brother...Mia’s attending an event in town and I have some business there anyway, so I figured I might as well deal with it today.”

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