The Vampire's Reluctant Bride: chapter-3

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Amelia tried to focus on what was being said but her mind was still pre-occupied by the vision of her six-year-old self playing with the striking stranger. Realizing that for the moment, she was not directly part of the on-going conversation, she allowed her mind to drift back to her ‘vision’.

She had never had a vision before, so what had changed?

Of one thing she was sure- that ‘vision’ was not a part of her memory. She had clearly seen herself, while the stranger was a mere...presence. Why was that? She wondered again.

She tried to drag up her own memory of the event and was rewarded with a hazy recollection of visiting this...palace, for her engagement. Since she had been just a child, the normal festivities associated with such occasions had been waved in favour of a small ceremony wherein she was marked.

Now, the mark was something she recalled perfectly; after all it had been the bane of her existence for quite a while now. Resembling a tattoo, the mark was in the shape of an anklet made of Celtic knots on her right leg. While most initially assumed it to be a fashion statement, it was a sign- binding her to her betrothed.

She tried to remember what had happened after the ‘marking’ but her mind remained obstinately blank. Obviously, she had played with that nameless stranger... but then, where was her fiancé at the time? Why was he not a part of the memory? And why couldn’t she recollect his face?

Her musings were interrupted by the arrival of a couple. As they approached, she noticed that while the man bore a marked resemblance to the other two, his eyes were a deeper blue-the colour of brilliant sapphires. He approached with his hand entwined with the woman’s.

Amelia knew that if asked later, she would be able to say naught about the woman or her dress. The only thing she was aware of was the woman smiling up at her partner. She bent her head, not wanting them to see the jealousy burning in her eyes. Even eyes lowered she could see the way the man’s hand curled at his partner’s waist.

And for some reason it bothered her. A deep sense of regret- of having lost something precious...filled her.

She looked at them again and realized why.

The man was the nameless stranger from her vision.

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