The Vampire's Reluctant Bride: chapter-26

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Amelia smiled, her eyes still closed- leaning into the fingers stroking the top of her head; knowing and revelling in their familiar touch. It had been a fortnight since their ‘honeymoon’ and while they had grown more accustomed to each other; they were still little more than friends.

Life with Lucius, she had discovered; was surprisingly easy. Perhaps it was as effect of having him as her ‘secret’ best-friend for most of her life; but it felt more like sharing quarters with a friend rather than settling into conjugal life with her new husband.

She had begun to understand him, and if she was being honest to herself; she knew that she would have to admit to a growing dependency. For instance, at the numerous social-events they had had to attend since their return; Lucius had maintained a possessive hold over her- something she was profoundly grateful about. Even when not physically around, she had felt him in her mind- listening to her thoughts, occasionally sending a helpful tip her way to ease her conversations.

While she had been delighted that there was no repeat of their wedding-fiasco; she wondered if it was as forgotten as it seemed. Almost by an unspoken agreement they had not mentioned the events of that night again, although deep in their hearts, each was aware that it was something that they would have to discuss eventually...that is, ‘If’ they wanted to scale the invisible wall that separated them inspite of their superficial ‘intimacy’. They had chosen to let bygones be bygones ...but deep inside, the very thought that it might someday fester into something far worse troubled her.

So far however, there were no signs of her nightmares materializing...and she fell back to treating him like her ‘best-friend’- only, she now knew what he looked like.

In the two weeks that they had been together, a routine had developed - going to the palace for breakfast before Lucius headed to work while Amelia either went back to the cottage or to the library in search of a book.

Curious that even a vampire had a ‘job’; she had initially accompanied Lucius...watching as he meted out judgements on the various issues put before him. It appeared that though the hacienda (estate) was under the normal judiciary; the Romanowsky’s worked at making it self-contained.

 Disputes of all natures were brought before Lucius, who acted as a ‘judge’ of sorts- mediating quarrels and settling arguments. At first, she was fascinated by her husband’s astute judgement but by the end of the second day; she was bored.

Having refused Lucius’ offer of a job- insisting that she quite enjoyed the free time; Amelia now found herself with abundant time on her hands. Rather than be disheartened though, she adored the luxury to do as she pleased all day long.

Most days found her at the library, pouring over one book after another. Occasionally, when Lucius had a few minutes of free time on his schedule; he would join her. An avid reader himself, he generally managed to hold his own in discussing whatever book she was reading at the time.

And while she would never admit it to anyone, the hours she spent debating her books with Lucius was the second best part of the day for her.

The best part, of course; came each morning when she awoke in his arms.

Lucius, a lighter sleeper than her; usually woke first. At first, he had offered to make tea for her, but by the fifth morning, she had convinced him that she was not a great fan of the aromatic drink.

So now, he simply sat by her- stroking her head while catching up on his reading; till she deigned to wake up.

She invariably stirred when he left the bed to fetch his book; eyes closed, she would grumble at the vacant space next to her... stretching like a cat when she felt him return to her side, only to curl up against him again. The first day she did that, he had laughed; mumbling “Come here, mi pequeño gatito”(my little kitten) as he gathered her to himself.

Mia smiled again, twisting her head to allow Lucius’ fingers easier access into her ruffled brown curls. He smiled briefly as he acquiesced to her unspoken desire, burrowing his slender fingers into her hair as he continued his caresses.

The sudden ringing of a phone jarred the morning quiet.

 Amelia buried her head under the pillow, trying to block the incessant rings. She heard Lucius’ laugh next to her as he finally went to fetch the accursed mobile.

“Answer it!” she grumbled, refusing to open her tightly shut eyes.

“I can’t... it’s your phone.”

He tugged the pillow away, making her groan. Reluctantly she opened her eyes.

“Who is it?” she asked, suppressing a yawn.

“Unknown number.” He pressed the phone into her hand.

Still peevish, she finally pressed the ‘answer’ button; grabbing Lucius to rest her head against his arm as she did. He rolled his eyes, leaning against the headboard as he adjusted her against his side.

Stroking invisible patterns on her splayed left-hand; he watched her, unashamedly listening in.


A delicious shiver ran through her as she extended her hands further, encouraging him to continue his invisible ‘artwork’. He smiled indulgently as he added yet another whorl of something to the unseen pattern he was tracing on her forearm.

The unexpected voice from the other end had her sitting up straight- jerking her arm away from where it lay curled in Lucius’ hand.

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