The Vampire's Reluctant Bride: chapter-15

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Amelia sank into the soft couch, waiting for his return.

He had rescued her from that prison cell and carried her back to his cottage, leaving her with a few attendants to wash and dress her. She closed her eyes, going over the enigma that was Lucius. He had, been gentle with her. But what he had not done was utter a single word.

She jerked at the sound of the door opening. Lucius.

He paused for a moment, staring at her intently.

 She rose to her feet, uncertainly. She had asked him to leave her alone till she was ready to return on her own...but when she had been dragged back against her will; he had swallowed his pride to ask for her release. What could she say to the man who had stood by her inspite of all her rejections?

 Her sore muscles protested, unable to support her weight and she reached out to grab the armrest, only, she found herself holding onto his forearms instead; as she was cradled against him once again. She blushed, realizing that the delicate material of her dress offered little protection against his probing eyes.

A gentle laugh rumbled in his chest, “Feeling shy?”

She lowered her head, unwilling to answer. Lucius smiled at her reaction, carrying her to the bed and tucking her under the blanket. She murmured a thank you.

He perched on the edge of the bed beside her, “Don’t thank me yet, Cariño...not before you know what I have done.”

His ominous words had her eyes widening with distress. What did he mean?

He placed firm hands at her shoulder, urging her to lay back, “Rest, Mia... You need to rest. We’ll...uh, we’ll talk later.”

She covered his hands with her own, staring at him. He winced as her action brought the ugly yellowish bruises to his gaze. Releasing her shoulders, he traced their outline, frowning at himself.

He was responsible for these injuries.


He looked up, the silent question obvious in his gaze.

“These,” She stretched her hands, exhibiting the myriad patches all over them that the clamps had left. “These are not your fault.”

He shook his head, refraining from comment as he ruffled her head absently, “Get some sleep. We’ll talk once you’re awake.”

Amelia grabbed his hand when he made to move away, “Where are you going?”

“Nowhere.” He shrugged.

“Stay?” Her lips quivered as she made the request. Somehow, a part of her was terrified of being dragged back into the hell-hole he had saved her from.

He hesitated.

“Please?” she repeated.

At last he nodded, climbing on the bed to stretch out beside her, albeit over the covers. Finally feeling safe with his arm draped over her, Amelia drifted to sleep.

Amelia woke with her fingers laced through Lucius’ jacket. She sat up bolt-upright, mortified of the way she had unwittingly snuggled close to him in her sleep. Lucius – who still had his eyes closed, gave a rumbling laugh before opening those sapphire orbs lowly. A smile still lingered on his lips as he reached out to pull her back.

“How do you feel?” he questioned.

“Good, “She answered briefly. “You had said we would talk after I slept?”

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