The Vampire's Reluctant Bride: chapter-9

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 Amelia studied Lucius’ expression, trying to decipher what it meant. For his part, Lucius stood still as if he were made of stone. His features were just as unreadable.

She touched the spot where his ‘fangs’ had pierced her flesh, “Is it going to leave a mark?”

A brief smile touched his lips, softening the granite planes of his face infinitesimally, “I would not dream of turning you into a notice board.”

 Amelia blushed, remembering her old argument. Abruptly, he turned on his heel and left the room; only to return a second later with a tall tumbler filled to the brim with a reddish-brown liquid.

“Drink this.” He ordered, pressing it into her hand.

She scrunched up her nose, “What is it?”

“Mixed fruit juice.”

Amelia sniffed the tumbler, before hesitantly putting it to her lips. Then she lifted it higher, draining it completely within seconds.

“Want more?”

“No, thanks... it was delicious.”

Lucius looked like he was about to say something, but when Amelia waited for a second; he closed his mouth, staying silent.

She perched on the soft bed, smoothing her pleated, knee-length, grey skirt as she did; waiting for Lucius who went to keep the pitcher on the table.

“Do you really find me so repulsive as to attempt suicide, Mia?” He asked softly, still facing away from her.

She gasped, “Was it that difficult for you?”

He strode angrily to her, “Cariño, please...not now. I am not in the mood for jokes.”

She studied his face and cringed at the restrained fury she saw there. “Whatever gave you that impression?”

“You said so yourself!”

She had said that aloud? How was that even possible?

She was usually so good at all her silent communication with him, why did she have to slip now? Gazing into his eyes, she noted that they had darkened into a deeper hue- they were almost midnight blue now. Cursing herself for igniting a vampire’s ire; she backed away from him until she could feel the headboard behind her.

Noticing her fear, he went completely immobile. He held still, watching her through hooded eyes.

 You have nothing to fear from me, Mia...

Amelia started at his voice. What did he mean?

 Lucius slowly raised his hands, palm outward, trying to reassure her.

Trust me, Cariño...please. I am not going to hurt you.

She stared at Lucius-his lips hadn’t moved; but his face had the same pleading expression that his voice held.

It couldn’t be...could it?

“Mia?” He called softly.

She blinked, feeling her eyelashes clump from the unshed tears she hadn’t noticed. The proof seemed irrefutable, but she still found it hard to believe.

 “You are the voice in my head?”

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