The Vampire's Reluctant Bride: chapter-18

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They stepped into the after party and were immediately the cynosure of all eyes. Amelia was grateful for the possessive arm that Lucius kept around her shoulders, although it felt strangely impersonal. Time and again she glanced up at him, but he had a fixed perfect smile plastered on his face as he accepted the congratulatory wishes, never looking at her.

Lucius, what’s wrong?

 She asked silently, not really expecting an answer. Not that he actually got a chance, as the band chose to start playing at that very instant and he had to lead her out to the dance floor for the first dance.

Unshed tears prickled her eyes and she lowered her head, unsure whether he would appreciate the required proximity between them for the waltz. With an audible sigh Lucius took her hand, guiding it to his shoulders as they assumed their rehearsed positions for the dance.

Smile, Cariño...

Her head shot up.

People are watching. He finished his statement.

She peered up at him. The smile remained fixed on his face, but he was studying her with an intensity that made her blush. Dressed in the crisp tuxedo, he looked every bit her dream husband...except for the unbridgeable chasm which seemed to stretch between them. It suddenly struck her how very tall he was- she had to crane her neck practically at an angle of ninety degrees to gaze at his face.

The most perfect face imaginable-the face she would now have the luxury of waking up to every morning for the rest of her life.

A real smile briefly illuminated his handsome features, and she felt her heart thud erratically.

You look beautiful too.

She turned a brighter red, biting her lip- it finally felt like the Lucius she knew was back. She wanted another dance with her new husband, but Andre appeared, ready to claim the second dance and she reluctantly released Lucius’ hand.

She lost track of the number of people she danced with after Andre, but her eyes were perpetually searching for the dark-haired vampire she called her husband- only, he was nowhere in sight. Her feet were aching and ready to fall off as she stood surrounded by a group of men- she had already forgotten their names- who introduced themselves as Lucius’ friends. She could smell the alcohol as they chatted with her, and guessing from their slightly inappropriate remarks she suspected the hour was late.

She smiled politely, praying that Lucius would turn up sooner or later to escort her away. The jokes were getting more and more ...shall we say improper, by the minute and she was starting to feel seriously uncomfortable when a deep voice called her.

She twisted around hopefully, only to be greeted by Andre. He extended his hand to help her to her feet, and realizing that Lucius wasn’t coming; she accepted. Inspite of the late hour, people were still milling around, hopefully enjoying the party a whole lot more than she was.

Every now and then, someone came to tell her something- be it how pretty she looked, or yet another anecdote about Lucius’- or at times (much to her embarrassment) her own childhood. After what seemed like the thousandth such exchange; Andre softly whispered into her ear, asking her if she would prefer to go somewhere quieter; she gratefully accepted.

With her hand on his forearm, he escorted her to a secluded balcony. Away from the guests and with the gentle breeze cooling her face, she smiled appreciatively at him. “Thank you.”

Andre shrugged, “Would you like me to get you something? I doubt you have had a morsel....”

She shook her head, “I’m fine.” She was sure to throw up if she took as much as a single bite. “Don’t let me keep you from the party.”

He shook his head, smiling, “You’re not keeping me from anything.”

She nodded. Who could have predicted that one day she would be having this conversation with Andre?

“Niña?” Andrés’ voice was barely more than a whisper.

“Yes?” She turned to face him.

“Did I tell you how very beautiful you look tonight?”

She blushed furiously, her ‘thank-you’ barely audible.

“Do you know where Lucius is?” she asked, eager to change the topic.

“I thought you would be the one to know.” He raised an eyebrow, “But tell you what, Niña...” He leaned towards her, “had I been in his shoes, no force in the world could have moved me from your side tonight.”

Amelia stared at him, shocked beyond words- Was Andre actually flirting with her???

He reached out a hand to brush her cheek and she bit her lip, wondering how to escape him without offending.

“Andre,” the deep baritone had her gasping in surprise.

Her brother-in-law appeared equally astonished as he quickly dropped his hand, staring at the shadowed corner where the voice had come from. It took a moment for her to release that Lucius stood there, hidden from view by the dark.

 He emerged slowly, and the blue-fire that raged in his eyes both mesmerized and frightened her. He came to stand next to her, his arm automatically going around her waist as he pulled her against himself.

Andre gave an awkward smile before turning away, “I guess I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone.”

 Lucius released her muttering, “Love-birds.” The sarcastic tone was not lost on her.

She stared up at him, wondering at the way he was looking at her. She wanted to bury her face against his chest, and never let go... but something in his expression warned her against it. The normal warmth, radiating from his eyes had disappeared; only to be replaced by an icy-cool which reminded her of the freezing ocean waters in the peak of winter. Something made the left corner of his lips tilt upwards into a smile which never reached his eyes...

She waited, flinching inwardly from his cruel expression.

“It would appear, Cariño; that you and Andre have managed to overcome your differences remarkably well.”



PS>- IMage on right- Lucius emerging fromthe shadows.;-)

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