The Vampire's Reluctant Bride: chapter-34

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A/n- Hey guys!!!

*waves shyly*

A huge shout-out to all of you for hanging around so patiently as I sorted my real-life... I'm hoping to be able to update more regularly now.

And yes- I have a new chapter right here, although I'm not particularly pleased with it myself. Please be honest if it feels too disjointed? And I'd love to hear your opinion on how to take it from here- I have some ideas of my own, but I'd like to incorporate your contributions too.

So, comments?

Take care,



"Woo!" Javier's voice broke through their conversation, "whose car is that?"

The ruckus that followed the comment had even the girls turning towards the drive to watch as a sleek luxury car smoothly made its way towards the assembled group.

"Who cares about the damn car, get a load of its driver!"

Amelia rolled her eyes at the loud squeals that agreed with the comment as she stepped off the shaded portico to see just who had everyone in such a tizzy. And immediately wished she had not looked.

"Ladies." The polite, but curt greeting in that whiskey rough voice had her narrowing her eyes even as warm hands encircled her waist.


"Amelia! How on earth do you know -" The obviously jealous tirade spluttered to an uncomfortable halt as wide green eyes moved from Lucius to her.

"Introduce me?" The soft question brought her out of the daze she seemed to have slipped into.

Yeah, sorry. She thought as she hurried to make amends.

"Girls, This is Lucius Romanowsky; Lucius- my friends."

Don't apologize.

"Lucius Romanowsky? Of my God, we read about you in class..."Judy gushed, "that epic case...Arnold vs.-"

Amelia was a little surprised that Judy had actually read about her husband in class, but she supposed she shouldn't be. Lucius, for his part seemed to be taking things in stride. He turned to her former classmate with the consummate grace of one who has had more than enough experience of dealing with situations like this."So, you are studying Law?"

"Yes... Would you be terribly offended if I asked you a few questions, I mean-"

Amelia tuned out the conversation as Judy prattled on, to talk to her newly aquired gaggle of admirers- it seemed as though being a Romanowsky automatically entitled you to have groupies. She could hear the low rumble of Lucius' voice as he asked a question now and again, but  for the most part, he let her be. 

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