The Vampire's Reluctant Bride: chapter-19

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For a moment, all Amelia could do was stare at him...stunned...trying to understand what he meant. Then, she slapped him...Hard...Right across those perfect planes of his cheeks.

She had honestly thought that the day could not get any worse...after all, it was her wedding day; but a cold fist closed around her heart as she realized that it just had- Lucius suspected she was involved with his brother.

Lucius scrunched his eyes tightly shut for a second, his face tilted to the side from the impact of the blow. And then, incredibly; he smiled.

He touched his face where her fingers had made contact and smiled at her.

He had his answer.

“Sorry,” she whispered, looking at him intently to check if she had made him angrier than before.

If only he could explain how confused he felt...

Lucius sighed, now was not the time...Or the place.

“Come,” he told her gruffly, taking her by the hand as he led her back to the party.

After talking briefly with his father, he turned to her again, “Everyone is waiting for us...they won’t leave till we do.”

She nodded.  She stared at the doors opening to the forest grounds uncertainly, and then glanced at Lucius. He forced a smile to his lips as he nodded at the guests who gathered to see them off and then hoisted Amelia to his arms without warning.

“They expect me to carry you.” He whispered at her startled expression and with a final bow acknowledging the cheers that greeted his move, stepped out.

He walked at a reasonably comfortable pace as long as they were in the crowds’ line of sight, and then broke into a run. Too exhausted by the events of the day, Amelia had wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes anyway, so when she felt the wind whipping her face she just smiled and burrowed more into his chest, knowing that she was safe in his arms.

She still had her eyes shut when crossed the threshold of his cottage, carrying her; muttering an un-intelligible protest when he set her down. But, Lucius was having none of it as he gently, but firmly extricated himself from her grasp; quickly turning on his heel and heading towards his drinks cabinet the moment he was free.

“We both know the truth behind this marriage, Cariño; stop pretending.”

She glanced around at the delicate changes that had been made in the entire house to welcome them after their wedding before turning to face Lucius again. The old Lucius had seemed to reappear briefly while on their ‘walk’ to the cottage, but she now realized that it had been her mind playing tricks.

“I’m not sure I understand.” She wanted; no, strike that- needed to find out exactly what was bothering him before she could try to set it right.

“I know I forced you into this- this marriage,” his voice twisted the word around until it sounded like something heinous; “You don’t have to pretend that you actually feel something for me.”

She stared at him, appalled. “You can’t really believe that?” her voice came out in a whisper.

He took another swig of the golden liquid, shrugging carelessly, “it’s the truth.”

She watched him, open-mouthed...Unable to believe what she was hearing.

He yanked out his tie with jerky movements, draping it over the arm of the chair carelessly before wrenching open the first two buttons of the shirt. He took another draught of his drink, undoing the buttons of his tuxedo, still facing away from her.

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