☁ 04. 𝘴𝘢𝘥 𝘧𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭

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The third and highest floor of the RPD was off-limits to most officers and the general public. It was mostly used as a storage level for all excess and emergency resources, so there was never a need to go up there. However, in the early hours of the outbreak, people managed to crawl their way up there. They ransacked the place. Every last bit of supply was depleted within a few days. Now, it held truly useless objects. Except one.

Leon shined his flashlight over what seemed like jail cell bars guarding a certain section of the third floor. He wondered why they'd need a holding cell up here, but that wasn't what initially caught his eye.

Behind the bars stood a dark-colored, marbled maiden statue, similar in graceful pose and dedicated design to the grandeur goddess statue but much smaller in comparison. A shiny medallion was in a small circular mold on the base of the statue. The final one needed to get underground.

"Bingo." He whispered under his breath. He began to search for a way in, but the only one was a heavily boarded door. C4 was planted on the wooden planks, but no detonator was attached.

Leon groaned inwardly. "Alright, never mind." He sighed, reaching for the radio on his shoulder. "Chloe? You happen to find a... detonator anywhere?"

Chloe was on the second floor, just below Leon's feet. She glanced down at her radio, bringing it to her lips. "I found something that looks like a timer with many colorful wires. What do you need a detonator for?"

"I found the third medallion, but it's behind bars. Literally. There's a way in, but I kinda gotta... blow it up with C4."

Chloe's eyes widened. "Now, who the hell would rig that?!"

"Don't ask me! It's my first day!" Leon shrugged, pacing in front of the wooden door.

"Alright... You stay put. I'm on my way up with the timer, and we can figure things out. Any zombies up there?"

Leon shined his flashlight around, listening for the undead's endless groans. "A couple, but they're taken out. It's safe."

Chloe suddenly hushed him. "Shut up! Nothing in here is 'safe'."

Leon winced slightly at the harsh sound, "Sorry... I'll meet you up here."

Chloe let go of her radio and headed for the stairwell. Her boots squelched in puddles of crimson blood as she skipped steps to avoid bloodied, dismembered zombie corpses. She reached the third floor, almost slipping on grotesque zombie entrails before catching herself on the railing.

"My god..." She murmured, shining her flashlight to see where exactly she was stepping. Her entire outfit would be considered biohazardous now if it wasn't already.

She listened for the sounds of impending dangers but heard none. She took Leon's word for it and called down the corridor. "Leon!?"

It took a few seconds before a faint male voice yelled back, "Over here!"

Chloe glanced down at the floor, silently praying she wouldn't step in any more disgusting shit before jogging down one of the empty, ransacked corridors. Moonlight didn't help as the rain clouds blocked almost all of it from view. But slivers still managed to stream in through the windows, giving the minimal amount of light possible.

Leon saw the glint of her flashlight coming down the hallway. He couldn't suppress the grin that pulled at the corner of his lips, solely because he was relieved another person was with him. Chloe slowed down, appearing in front of Leon and bringing her flashlight down.

"Hey. The C4, where is it?" She asked.

He pointed toward the wooden barricade preventing him from going towards the maiden statue. "There."

𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 - 𝘙𝘌𝘚𝘐𝘋𝘌𝘕𝘛 𝘌𝘝𝘐𝘓 2 𝘙𝘌𝘔𝘈𝘒𝘌✓Where stories live. Discover now