✕14. 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘳

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"It's not too late to turn back, Leon."

Ada's voice resonated through the sewer line as the trio continued their search for Annette. Leon sighed and shook his head. "Nope. You're stuck with me til' the end."

Chloe smirked a bit, "Brave."

He glanced at her, "If I've made it this far, I'm not sure how worse it's gonna get."

Ada shrugged. "You just jinxed yourself."

Chloe and Leon suddenly stopped. The grated catwalk abruptly ended. Below it was nothing but sewer water and debris. The two exchanged a mortified expression before turning to Ada.

Ada nodded her head. "Go."

"Hell, no-" Chloe whispered.

Leon looked at her. "Nuh-uh. If I'm going, you're coming with." He grabbed her forearm, not letting her escape his grasp and her inevitable clash with the disgusting shit of nature.

The pair jumped down together, landing in the waist-high water. Chloe shook her hands off and coughed, groaning as she felt her clothes soaking through. She winced. "Ugh, fuck..."

Leon shook the excess water off of him. He shivered and grimaced at the liquid. "Ditto..." He lifted his head, noticing Ada staring at them from above. She raised a brow.

"What?" She asked. "You thought I was going down there?"

Chloe's eyes widened, "You b-"

"You're kidding..." Leon breathed.

Ada gazed around. "You need to be down there anyway. There could be things we missed or perhaps be one of the places Annette is hiding." She explained. "I'm going to take another way around."

Chloe parted her lips to yell at Ada. Suddenly, a guttural roar echoed against the sewer walls. Some distant splashing could be heard, combined with the concrete ground vibrating with every movement. A monstrous creature's figure could be faintly made out in the darkness.

Leon and Chloe froze. Her hand tightened around the grip of her gun. He shifted, shining his flashlight down the sewer reluctantly. And what met them was pure nightmare fuel.

The colossal reptile they had seen just minutes prior.

She let out a shaky breath, staring at the reptile as it grew closer and closer. "Run." She whispered.

He nodded. "Good idea!" He turned away.

The pair started sprinting as fast as they could in the opposite direction. But the issue remained that a reptile was agile in water and slow on land, and vice versa for humans. Leon and Chloe were slowed by the water. Leon let out a frustrated groan, glancing over his shoulder to see the reptile much closer than it used to be.

His eyes widened. "Holy shit!"

Chloe looked back. "No way..." She shook her head. "Keep running!"

Their chances of being eaten alive? Pretty high.

Debris was scattered atop the gnarly sewer water, making it even more difficult to evade the creature. Chloe narrowly dodged a floating steel drum, the corner of it hitting her side. She staggered slightly, almost tripping as she forced herself to continue. Leon was beside her running past a floating rotten wooden board piled with god-knows-what.

The reptile was right on their ass now. Its footsteps alone were deafening. Disturbed water waves rose behind the duo, crashing down and splashing them. Leon held his arm up to block himself from getting hit.

The reptile opened its gaping jaw, lined with sharp blades for teeth. It roared vehemently, making Chloe cover her ears and wince out of spite. The creature chose its first target, shifting to Leon and threatening to swallow him whole as it approached rapidly.

𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 - 𝘙𝘌𝘚𝘐𝘋𝘌𝘕𝘛 𝘌𝘝𝘐𝘓 2 𝘙𝘌𝘔𝘈𝘒𝘌✓Where stories live. Discover now