♕ 06. 𝘶𝘯𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘯

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Now that the monster was gone and the machinery room was emptied, an eerie silence took precedence over the station. Chloe walked behind Leon quietly with her gun at her side. She wasn't risking being unprepared for a sudden attack.

But she hated the quiet. Sure, it was necessary for certain scenarios, but she didn't want to feel a sense of looming danger. If she could do something to disrupt the silence, she would.

"So... Leon." Chloe began, "Since we almost died together, I think we should get to know each other better."

Leon scoffed. "You're telling me." He looked over, "Go ahead, fire anything you want at me. Except for a bullet."

She chuckled softly, "Funny." She reloaded her gun with a few extra bullets she found, "What... made you come in so late? You would've thought you would want to be asleep in a hotel or something at midnight..."

He shook his head. "You know, a normal person would think that. But not a hungover one."

"No way you were hungover."

"I was! Not for a good reason, but..." He sighed. "I was supposed to come in a week ago. I got that call I told you about to stay away, and I listened. When I heard nothing else for the next few days, I became suspicious and thought I should make the drive up here."

Chloe frowned, "That doesn't explain the hungover part."

Leon rolled his eyes. "I'm getting to that. You wanted to know how I got here, so I'm telling you." He continued, "Before I left... My girlfriend and I got into a fight, and she broke up with me. That led to me going to the local bar... taking a few too many shots with many people I couldn't even see straight... and then led me to a motel room."

Her eyes widened, "Broke up with you? Her loss..." She muttered the last part under her breath, clearing her throat. "Hold on- What do you mean, 'led you to a motel room'...?"

"What?" Leon had a confused expression before suddenly realizing what she meant. "Oh my god, no! Dirty-ass mind, wow!"

She raised her hands in fake surrender, "It was just a thought! Drinking and motels make a scary combination!"

"No! I passed out drunk in a motel room. When I woke up, it was around 11:30, and I decided to drive the rest of the way here."

Chloe shook her head. "You're stronger than me. I would've given up and stayed there."

Leon shrugged. "Hm, maybe it would've been a better idea to be lazy than proactive, I guess... Not my proudest moment, you know?"

"Yeah, I get it... I do, really. Breakups are tough. I'm sorry you had to deal with that... Actually, I feel even worse you have to deal with this." She gestured to the area around them.

"Mhm... But, hey! At least I got to meet you. Although I wish our paths would've crossed in... better circumstances..." He chuckled softly.

She smiled at those words. She felt her cheeks get warmer. "I like the optimism. Always look at the glass half full." She chuckled. "I'm glad to have met you."

He grinned cheekily, "Well... Now it's your turn. Tell me your story."

Chloe shrugged, "It's not interesting. And certainly not as eventful as yours."

Leon raised a brow. "Talk."

She chuckled and looked down, "Alright, alright. I have lived in Raccoon City my entire life but only recently joined the S.T.A.R.S. unit this past year. It's like an extension of the RPD into more serious matters. But we'd rarely be in town. Since I was new, I was put on more domestic matters in the city than outbound missions and trained to be a reconnaissance agent for infiltrating enemy territory. I hoped to join the scout team at some point, but then... this happened."

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