ıllı 13. 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯

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As Ada looked for a way through, Leon and Chloe searched for any valuable materials that could come in handy later. Chloe had found a few unopened boxes of ammo, while Leon had found a larger barrel for his W-870 shotgun.

Chloe pocketed her new earnings. She clipped her belt pocket shut, walking to the back of the store to find a way out. But as she went to take a step forward into the clearing, she felt the barrel of a shotgun pressed against her temple. Her eyes widened and quickly darted to the side.

"Don't move." A man warned, staring down the sight of the shotgun.

She held her breath, "Listen, I'm not gonna-"

"I said, DON'T MOVE!"

"I'm just passing through. Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to lower that weapon..." She looked down, her hand moving ever so slightly to show him the S.T.A.R.S badge attached to her hip.

The man glanced at the badge. But that seemed to piss him off further. "Like hell you are." He hissed. "You're gonna turn around and go right back out the way you came in."

She parted her lips to respond. But her gaze caught the silhouette of a young girl standing in the back doorway. She was breathing heavily, and her skin was gray. Her hair was matted. Her clothes were tattered and dirty. "Sir, I think your daughter needs help."

The man cocked the shotgun back, stepping closer. "Don't tell me how to deal with my daughter."

"Drop it." Ada's figure appeared out of the shadows, her pistol aimed at the man.

Leon wasn't far behind, creeping out of the darkness on Chloe's side and aiming his gun. The man seemed startled momentarily, his aim shifting between the three opponents. Chloe took the opportunity to draw her own weapon, pointing it at the man.

Leon glanced at her. "You alright?"

"Fine." She whispered. "Shh."

Ada started walking toward the young girl. The man stepped in front of her, protecting her with his body. "No! Wait!"

Ada narrowed her eyes. "Step aside. We need to terminate her before she turns."

Chloe's eyes widened. "Ada...-"

The man glared at her. "'Terminate'? That's my fucking daughter!"

Leon lowered his gun, gesturing for Chloe to do the same. "Ada... Just let them be."

Ada side-eyed the pair before lowering her pistol. The man kept aiming, though, taking slow steps back to his daughter. "Emma, sweetheart, I told you to stay put..."

The girl was in the dim light now. One of her eyes was all white, and the veins in her face had become discolored by the infection. She could hardly stand, her figure wavering ever so slightly like a leaf in the wind.

"Daddy...?" Emma whispered, her voice hoarse and strained.

Chloe's brows furrowed slightly as she watched the interaction. She pushed her gun into her holster, clipping it closed. Ada seemed to be indifferent toward the interaction. Leon's expression was unreadable.

The man quickly slung his shotgun over his shoulder, kneeling down beside his daughter. "Yeah, Emmie. Daddy's here. I'm right here, okay?"

He wrapped his arms around the girl. She seemed frail and stiff, not even moving an inch. Chloe's blood ran cold. She took a few steps forward, and Leon followed suit. Ada's glare was burning into the back of Chloe's neck.

"Those fuckin' things outside... Look what they did to us." The man whispered tearfully. He turned, looking between Chloe and Leon. "You guys are cops. You're supposed to know something-- how did this happen?! HUH?!"

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