Chapter Fifty

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Elmira's white boots clicked along the halls of Alfea as she made her way towards the front entrance in search of her boyfriend.  As of late the blonde had continued to lie to the boy, so much so he had familiarized himself with her recent tells - the way she used physical intimacy as a means of distraction whenever she saw her boyfriend and if that failed it was the way she'd answer questions with another question in hopes of diverting the conversation. Hell, even the way she would avoid him and use training as an excuse when in reality he was well aware she hadn't attended a training session in over a week. 

The ice fairy's eyes narrowed in frustration as she spotted her boyfriend, it wasn't the fact Riven was training that had the blonde unnecessarily annoyed - it was the currently powerless mind fairy he was unashamedly flirting with at the same time. 

Adjusting her purple mini skirt to the desired length, the blonde pulled her purple tiger striped coat closer to her chest as the brisk air hit her body - she never did dress properly for the seasons. Ensuring her boots cracked against the pavement the ice fairy watched her boyfriend's eyes match her own, the look of jealousy etched across her features weren't hidden as she moved. Plastering a fake smile on her face she continued her motions until she reached the pair.

"Mia, isn't it?". Elmira spoke, a fake sense of kindness lacing the pure venom she was aiming towards the powerless fairy. "Musa." The fairy corrected, her hands fidgeting with one another before she sent one last look at Riven. "I'm gonna go meet Rosalind." Excusing herself from the couple in a hurry before she became an unnecessary target.

"Really Mira?". Riven questioned, annoyance laced in his tone as he spun his body towards his girlfriend, his arms crossed against his chest. "Really what?". The blonde questioned, trying her best to remain oblivious to the confrontation. "The mean girl act, you're still going with that?". The specialist questioned, scoffing as he rolled his eyes and began to walk off. "The only one in the wrong here is you for believing it's an act. I mean come on, you fell in love with me when I was working for the enemy for Christ's sake. What more could you expect?".

The words tumbled out of Elmira's mouth before she could put a hold on them, the harsh defense mechanism laced through her tone. The usual loving version of herself that she was around Riven was seemingly slipping through her fingers.

"You know what, I need to get back to training. Let me know when you find the girl I fell in love with. Until then, we're done." Riven turned his back this time, tired of the lies, tired of the broken promises and tired of the fighting. The ice fairy's heart crumbled at the words, they'd split up more times than she cared to admit over the last two years and yet for some reason something about this felt final. "You know you don't mean that Riv." The blonde-haired girl whispered, just loud enough for the boy to hear and stop in his step. 

Elmira's eyes became glossy as she spared a glance at the crowd seemingly beginning to surround them - the students apparently having nothing better to do with their time than watch the destruction of Alfea's IT couple. "I can't keep doing this Mira. I'm out." Riven whispered, not daring to turn around knowing that staring into her icy blue eyes would only have him change his mind. Tears began to spill down the girl's cheeks, her facade faltering in front of students she didn't even know the names of. 

Turning on her own heels the blonde made her way inside Alfea once more, her heart shattering with each step she took away from the man she'd do anything for. Stepping out of the line of vision from the ever-nosey students Elmira leant her back against the wall, refusing to cry further as she wiped her eyes and took a shaky deep breath. 

Every time Elmira and Riven had broken up over the last couple of years they had always made it up too each other - whether it be through presents, arguing or even make-up sex - whatever it had been they always came back too each other. All of this considered Elmira didn't know why but she felt like this time it was final. 

"Mira? Are you okay?". Beatrix enquired; her eyes soft as she noticed the puffiness under her best friend's eyes. "I'm fine. Let's get back to the suite." With a fake smile plastered on her face the ice fairy linked arms with her best friend, not making an effort to speak as the restored fairy began rambling on about the way Rosalind had been treating her - the headmistress unaware the air fairy had made a deal with the devil and gained her powers back in return. 

Stepping into the privacy of their own suite the blonde finally replied to her best friend. "Rosalind still has you on mail collecting duty. How is that anything of substance?". Elmira rolled her eyes as she spoke, heading straight for the pantry the pair used more as a hidden liquor stash. "You tell me, she keeps telling me I should be grateful to even be here still. It's hard not to fry her ass on the spot." 

The redhead began laughing as she envisioned the action, a smile appearing on her face as she watched her friend pour the both of them a drink. "What I would give to see that happen." Raising her glass in the air - now filled with straight liquor - the blonde spoke again. "To happier days." With a slight pause a smirk appeared on the girl's lips as she continued. "-and revenge on those who have wronged us."

"To revenge." Beatrix echoed, clinking her glass against her best friend's before downing the shot present. "We don't have to go to classes after this right?". The redhead spoke, laughing at the fact it was merely 2pm and the duo were already drinking. "I haven't been attending classes for weeks and I don't plan on starting now." The ice fairy confessed, having had all of her necessary work delivered to her suite over facing the nuisance of a class. 

"Oh what it must be like to be such a unique student." The air fairy teased, hinting towards the special treatment she was clearly receiving given her lineage and power. "I haven't seen Bloom in class for weeks and now you don't attend either. Maybe I need to master transformation magic too." Winking towards her friend the redhead simply laughed as she watched a smirk appear on her best friend's face. "Shut up." Elmira joked, filling both the glasses once again - this time though, she didn't bother to wait for the redhead's movements before finishing her own shot.

The ice fairy knew her coping mechanism wasn't healthy, but she never claimed otherwise. What she did know was that it was helping dull the sense of loss and pain she was experiencing at her changing relationship status and that's all she cared for at that moment. 

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