Chapter Sixty-Two

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Pain. The first thing Elmira noticed as she fluttered her eyes open, light streaming into the foreign room. For a brief moment the reality of the blonde's life had yet to set in. For a brief moment her best friend was still alive. For a brief moment her leg wasn't broken and the pain rushing through her chest wasn't debilitating.

That was all only for a moment, however. The ice fairy felt defeated as she slowly surveyed the room around here, feeling an incredible wave of relief rush through her mind as she realised she was only in Riven's room and not the suite she shared with her deceased best friend. Not bothering to move her head off of the pillow the blonde's eyes landed on that of her boyfriend who had clearly been awake for hours judging by the appearance of his rugged hair and training uniform. 

Elmira didn't say a word, not wanting the confirmation of the night before. All the blonde did was stare. She watched as Riven changed out of his training gear into something more comfortable, as he carefully tip-toed around the room in an attempt at not waking up his girlfriend - completely unaware she had already woken. 

A few minutes passed by before the ice fairy made her conscious state known, shifting lightly in the bed before letting out a groan of pain, biting her lip in an attempt at limiting the verbal pain from being expressed. "Princess? I didn't mean to wake you." Riven exclaimed, rushing to his girlfriend's side as he pulled down the t-shirt he'd just been putting on. "You didn't." 

The ice fairy's voice was raspy as she spoke, immediately searching for the water bottle that usually sat beside the bed - thankfully Riven had remembered to refill it as he handed it to her carefully. Silence filled the room as Elmira pulled her body up to sit against the headboard, her occasional moans of pain were the only noise the duo heard as she tried desperately to relive some form of agony from her chest and leg. As the blonde managed to sit up straight - with the help from Riven - her head began to spin causing her to momentarily lean forward in an attempt at relieving it. 

"Take it easy." Riven whispered as he walked to the opposite side of the room in order to fetch the medication Saul had assigned him for the ice fairy. Everyone was seemingly unsure when she would awake so she'd been moved from the hospital wing to Riven's room to ensure she was the most comfortable. "What day is it?". The blonde spoke as she willingly accepted the medication, analyzing it momentarily before deciding it couldn't possibly make her feel worse. 

"...It's Sunday... you've been out for three days." The third-year specialist confirmed, watching as the blonde's face seemingly shifted at the news. Deciding not to comment on it the ice fairy only nodded before taking another sip out of the water bottle. The cold water on her throat was soothing, somewhat helping lower the migraine she was experiencing before she decided to try and move her legs over the bed and stand up. 

Throwing the duvet off of her body the blonde looked down as she saw a rather large bandage now decorating her leg. Furrowing her eyebrows at the rather little support Elmira turned to her boyfriend for some kind of information. "I don't know how they did it, but the fairy's had managed to heal your leg with some kind of magic and potions. They told me it'd probably hurt like hell for the next few weeks, and you shouldn't partake in any kind of strenuous activity, but you'll be okay to walk."  

Riven's explanation made the blonde speechless, unsure how they managed to fix a bone she clearly heard snap in only a few days. Nonetheless the blonde didn't have the energy to question it, simply trying to move her feet onto the ground once more and with the help of her boyfriend she managed to stand up. 

One thing was certain in that moment, whoever had helped her leg definitely wasn't lying about the pain she would experience. It felt as though her entire body was on fire as she tried to balance on her broken leg beginning to make the ice fairy question whether or not they'd just lied to Riven in an attempt to calm his hysteria around his injured girlfriend. 

Elmira couldn't help it as she let out a rather large cry of pain, her body shaking as she tried to walk on both legs without support. "Hey, take it easy." Riven tried defending as his arms held a firm grip on the blonde's waist. "I'm fine." The ice fairy rejected, taking another step - this time trying her hardest to internalize the pain she felt as she continued moving around the room. 

With each step she felt agony flow through her body, but she pushed herself to keep walking, hating the idea of having to rely on someone else given her recent wave of grief and loss. After around five minutes of staggering around Riven's room, the blonde managed to bring herself to the point where she at least appeared physically okay. Hobbling into the bathroom Elmira sighed as she realised she'd probably need help from her boyfriend for a complete shower. 

"Riv?". Elmira called out lowly, sighing as she leant her weight against the sink and immediately released pressure from her still healing leg. "Yeah?" The specialist responded as he rushed into the room, a soft smile on his face as he did so. "Can you help me?". The blonde whispered, her voice cracking as she found herself beginning to cry. 

A mix of pain, grief and helplessness began to flow out of the ice fairy's body in the result of tears. Before she could even begin to stop it the blonde felt her guards crumble as a sob left her mouth, slumping slightly against the sink before Riven rushed to her side and held her in his arms immediately.

Being unable to stand much longer Elmira found herself sinking further to the ground, her boyfriend's arms keeping her from the immediate impact as the duo sat in silence. Riven whispered words of reassurance to his girlfriend as the blonde felt herself rocking back and forth, the tears were unstoppable as she continued to break. 

Realization hitting her once more that she would never just wake up and get to see her best friend again. She would never be able to call her and complain about annoying first year students who tried bugging her. She would never be able to find solace in the arms of Beatrix again, for the first time the ice fairy felt completely alone. 

Elmira was aware she had her boyfriend, and she was grateful to have her mums but that was it. The one person who had been in a constant in her life since she could remember. The one who she went too whether she was angry, upset, overwhelmed, happy or just simply wanted a cuddle was gone. 

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