Chapter Fifty-Two

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Elmira had spent the rest of the afternoon in her suite avoiding the world and the population of Alfea. Her mind raced as she flicked through the printed pages of the Blood Witch book she had handed over to Sky as she tried to figure out how to translate it. To the ice fairy all the book contained were random diagrams of specific rituals that seemingly made zero sense. 

The blonde had let her best friend go earlier, their sneaking seemingly being for nothing as the redhead revealed she had already informed Rosalind of them taking the book prior to it being done. The move was not one Elmira agreed with, hell she despised the fact the restored air-fairy was still trying to play both sides when she'd already gotten exactly what she wanted. 

Letting out a sigh the ice fairy pushed the pages off of the table as she ran her hands through her hair in frustration. A knock on the door seemingly pulled the blonde out of a moment of self-despair as she spun on her chair and narrowed her eyes behind her. Beatrix wouldn't have knocked as she had keys and to the blonde's knowledge Riven and her were still over. She hadn't been able to keep in contact with Dane when the four ended their situationship as it was seemingly too hard for him to be around both Riven and herself. With all of this she had no clue who would try and knock on her door in the early hours of the night.

Another knock caused the blonde to stand from her chair, adjusting her pink silk skirt and light pink jumper before she walked barefoot towards her suite door. Temporarily halting to listen for any obvious signs of who it could possibly be the ice fairy simply rolled her eyes and opened the doors, letting out a sigh as she lay her eyes on none other than Tahmina. Stepping to the side the blonde girl let the redhead in without saying a word, taking a quick glance she took note of the lack of guards out the front of her suite before stepping back inside and closing the door securely.

"I heard about you and Riven." Tahmina started, her voice soft and sympathetic as she stood awkwardly in the middle of the hallway, her feet rocking her body back and forth as she fiddled with her hands. "I'm pretty sure everyone did." The blonde's voice was stoic as she motioned her head towards the loungeroom, wanting to sit down as she doubted the visit would be short. "I'm sorry. I know it was more public than you would've wanted." The specialist replied, taking a seat on the edge of the three-seater the ice fairy had sat upon. 

"I didn't want it at all." Elmira snapped, taking a deep breath before mumbling an apology and continuing. "I have to respect his decision; I've been a shitty girlfriend this year. I've lied to him, kept things from him, let alone the lack of time I've managed to make for him." The blonde shrugged her shoulders, not having spoken about the breakup with anyone besides Beatrix and even that was limited, in saying that it had only been a couple of days since the split and the ice fairy was definitely still harboring doubt surrounding the topic. 

Tahmina moved her hand forward, resting it softly on the blonde girl's arm for a moment before she spoke. "You're many things El but you're not a shitty girlfriend, I can promise you that. I've been on the receiving end of your love and trust me the last thing you are is a shitty girlfriend. He knew who he was falling in love with, he knew your allegiances and your plan, and he pursued you anyway." The ice fairy couldn't help the small smile that appeared on her lips at the redhead's words, her own hand moving to rest on that of the specialist's as she smiled up towards her for a brief moment. 

"I know I've been a bitch to you, and I'm sorry for that. You coming here this year was definitely not what I expected would happen and despite the rollercoaster that has happened because of Rosalind, I'm glad she tried to ruin my life with you here." Tahmina couldn't help but laugh at the blonde's words, shaking her head as she moved her hand to hold that of the ice fairy before she spoke. "I'm glad she pulled me out of the perfectly respectable school I was at so I could be a part of your derailment." 

Breaking out into laughter the duo sat there for the remainder of the night, laughing, talking and spending time together without the pressures of an underlying plan, training or even sabotage. Elmira didn't want to admit the fact that she enjoyed the redhead's company, actively trying to reminder herself that the pair were best friends before they dated but even with that in mind the blonde couldn't help but to feel safe, unjudged and secure with the specialist. 

The duo had naturally moved closer across the last hour, so much so the redhead leant forward slightly and played with a small piece of Elmira's hair, their eyes locking in the process. Tahmina feared rejection once more, but she knew if she didn't make a move now, she'd continue to regret her opportunity, leaning forward the redhead moved her hand from the ice fairy's hair to her unnaturally cold skin. Stroking her skin slightly the redhead locked eyes with the blonde once more, almost asking for permission before the ice fairy simply nodded.

Elmira couldn't understand the hundreds of thoughts running through her brain as she felt herself move forward, the lips of the specialist mere centimeters from her own before the blonde moved her own hand behind Tahmina's head and connected their lips. A sense of familiarity coursed through the blonde's bones as she leant further into the kiss, her skin becoming even colder as their motions heated up - the specialist now hovering over the ice fairy as her hands rested on the blonde's waist. 

As the motions progressed Elmira found her mind beginning to clear, the thoughts, the stress, the doubts and the inevitable war was pushed to the back of her head as Tahmina's lips made their way down the blonde's neck, immediately finding her sweet spot causing a slight moan of satisfaction to leave her lips as a response. 

Sitting up slightly as the blonde moved her hands to the redhead's waist in an attempt to remove her fitted black shirt a loud bang coursed through the room. Jumping up with confusion the pair of women locked eyes before glancing towards the nearby window where the sound echoed, a large light streamed over the building of Alfea as well as out towards the forest as the blonde felt a chill down her spine. 

"That was the barrier. I have to go." Tahmina spoke in a hurry, rushing towards the lounge the redhead picked up her jacket and ran out the suite door without a second glance towards the blonde. Turning her attention back to the window the ice fairy spotted a group of specialists rushing towards the edge of the barrier in an attempt to find the source of the explosion, her eyes locking on Riven's figure caused the blonde to let out a sigh, a feeling of guilt beginning to brew at the mere glance. 

"Fuck." The ice fairy whispered to herself, turning her back in order not to watch the boy rush out to what could be potential danger as her mind began to race once more.

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