A Rocky Grand trial

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Ash's POV

After what felt like eternity, it was finally the day of the Grand Trial for Serena. I awoke before both her and Lillie did, once again. I made my way into the kitchen and started cooking breakfast, making pancakes for them both. I started to think to myself about my Lycanroc, and how it seemed to be a one-of-a-kind. I must have been lost in my thoughts, as when I snapped out, I noticed I had burnt the pancakes. I sighed to myself and threw them into the bin.

Turning around, I noticed the girls had awoken and watched me completely ruin breakfast which we managed to laugh about, until Serena took over and worked her magic with cooking for the Pokémon. I sent out all of my Pokémon, with Rowlet being asleep in my bag still, and we fed them.

"Are you ready for today Sere?" I asked her. She had a beaming smile, and blushed once I called her my nickname for her.
"Yeah, Olivia is so cool, I don't know how I will beat her." She responded. "Time to train I think." 


Serena's POV

We finished eating and went outside to train,  mainly my Shiinotic, as Shiinotic was my only Pokémon that could do a lot of damage to Olivia's rock types. I did train my other Pokémon just in case I needed to use them but my main focus was to use my grass type. 

Whilst I was training against ash, footsteps came up behind me, making me jump.

"I'm ready for our battle whenever you are!" The voice spoke. I turned around, and Olivia was stood waiting for me. I smirked, and returned Shiinotic to his Pokeball.
"I'm ready!" I chirped. 

Olivia offered out her hand as I followed her to a rocky battlefield close by to temple of the Tapu. We both grabbed our first Pokeball ready to fight, as Ash and Lillie made their way to the stands. I noticed Ash let his Lycanroc outside his Pokeball, I presume so he could watch Olivia's Lycanroc and gain experience.

"This is a three on three Pokémon battle between Kahuna Olivia and Challenger Serena Yvonne. Only the challenger can make substitutions. Will you both send out your first Pokémon?" The announcer stated. I smiled, looking down at my first Pokeball.
"Go, Anorith!" Olivia stated, as the little bug monster landed on the ground and snapped his claws. I remember seeing this creature a few times whilst I was in Hoenn.
"Go Braixen!" I knew that I wanted to save Shiinotic for last so my best bet was to use Braixen now. 

"Let the Battle begin!"

"Okay, hidden power!" I shouted, as Braixen instantly waved her wand and a stream of light blue pixels flew towards the Anorith who tried to dodge but was knocked back by the attack.
"Bug Bite!" The Anorith flew towards Braixen and latched its mouth on to Braixen's arm. trying to shake the bug off, this hurt Braixen a lot.

"Time to end this quick. Fire Blast!" The fox created the shape of a star made out of fire, and sent it towards the Anorith, but the attack missed, and Anorith celebrated by holding its claws in the air. He responded by throwing a rock above Braixen, hitting her on the head and knocking her to the floor.

"Oh no! Braixen are you okay?" She nodded and stood back up, but clearly weakened. "Okay! lets try Fire Blast again." Braixen repeated the same movement and sent the fire star towards the Anorith, this time actually hitting and sending the bug into the ground, with swirls in his eyes.  

"Anorith is unable to battle! That means Braixen is the winner! Olivia, can you send out your next Pokémon?" Olivia nodded to herself and smirked, throwing out her next Pokémon. A Lileep.

"Okay, lets end this quickly. Lileep, use Brine." Olivia said calmly. The Lileep shot water out of its head, surrounding Braixen and knocking Braixen to the floor, unconscious.
"No!" I yelped, returning Braixen to her Pokeball. It was time for my wild card, as I stared at Crabrawler's Pokeball, pressing the button. "Time to shine, please listen to me?" I asked.

Crabrawler ignored me though and instantly hit Lileep with a Power-Up Punch. Lileep recoiled, causing Crabrawler to cheer, feeling the power rush through his body. In retaliation, the Lileep used Mega Drain at Olivia's command, healing itself back to full health, but Crabrawler was stronger and continued to use Power Up Punch. Olivia ordered her Lileep to use Ancient Power, dropping fossils on Crabrawler, whilst giving Lileep a power boost.

"Please! Listen to me?" I asked. "Use Dizzy Punch!" Crabrawler seemed to finally listen, and confused Lileep with a punch. The Lileep spun around in confusion, using Mega Drain, hitting itself and also Crabrawler. Crabrawler was starting to look tired, and swung for a final Power-Up Punch, to my frustration. The punch connected, sending the Lileep backwards, as Crabrawler collapsed.

"Both Pokémon have been knocked unconscious! Please send out your final Pokémon."

We both knew which Pokémon we were going to use, as I grabbed Shiinotic's Pokéball whilst Olivia grabbed Lycanroc's Pokéball, throwing both out at the same time.

"Lycanroc, I think its time. Continental Crush!" Olivia yelled. All calmness and coolness had left, and she was getting desperate. Olivia started to dance in formation with her Lycanroc, as a rock formation started to form above their head. The rock formation started to take shape into a country sized boulder, and Lycanroc threw the boulder towards Shiinotic, sending the Fungus Pokémon flying backwards.

This severely injured Shiinotic, but he was still surviving.
"Our turn now. Bloom Doom" I smiled, as me and Shiinotic started moving in sync.


Lillie's POV

Me and Ash watched from the stands as Serena and Shiinotic moved in unison, to form a large flower beneath Lycanroc, as it exploded the poor wolf into oblivion.

Lycanroc instantly crashed back down onto the battlefield, fainting, meaning Serena had won the battle. Ash dashed over to the battlefield, pulling Serena into the tightest hug possible, as Ash's Lycanroc stayed, looking adamant and determined after watching his idol perform. A light growl was released, as he bounded down to his trainer and Serena, licking them both in congratulations. I slowly walked over, congratulating the victor.

"Well done Serena, you deserved that. You are a much better trainer than you give yourself credit for!" Olivia stated. Serena blushed, and bowed in a thanks. Olivia held out her hand, passing her the Rock Z Crystal.

Suddenly a bright pink dash flew by, as Olivia smiled.

"I see Tapu Lele also agrees!" I flinched at the name, as my bag started to shake. I looked in my bag, as Nebby jumped out onto my head.


Yeah I know I've been gone a long time, but I keep coming back to this story and thinking about the potential it has that it can keep going until even Paldea now. So that's what I think I will do until I inevitably become bored again and leave it for a few years.

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